HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1786 :- 8~~ dlU .'-..-..: ....P.v-...~ rI "l'UI", JLa...<b-.A-. , ................. --A~A-1U v-..........~.~..........~_-_......_'-; , . .. _ .: .. :..<. ~~~:-o/-;~~ j:~~~>i'. Wlmsa ., .1patun &DC1 otf1olal ..al at 't. P1ero. 1a the Oount7 ot 8t. Llloh ana State of 'lor14a, the 4q an4 ,ear la.t &tor..a M. J. 8. JaoAon, 10t&r7 Pa)lio. Stat. of 'lorlda at Large. I I I 28th da7 ot Oo~ber, 1926 .t 2116 P. M. I .\\~ ~ 1~ P. O~B dred. Ol..~rt Oirouit Oourt, I - cO{<} (Ill, ":' - " .:-:.J I I .~e It~ Y B7 -/ /::1<. - L-. L:- D. C. I . " . " . " tAt . .. . II . " . ". II . ". ". " .". " . ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". .. " . ". ... ". ". " . " . " . " . ". ". ". I .!.-J' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . , I I i KlRlVILLI. PLAU. DC.. a oorporat1on esillting under tM 1.. ot lb.. St.te ot 'lorUa, hD-! i Inl 1t. pr1Dolpal plaoe ot bu.ine.. in the aount, ot St. Luole, Ita'. ot 'lorid.~ part,y otl the tir.t part. an4 Z. f. Hoehn ot the COUDt7 (;t :!t. Luoie. Stat. ot .'lorida. part, of the i I i 8'oon4 part. I WIDES8ftH: !bat the said }art, of the fir.t part for an4 1n ooneld.rat Ion . ot the .um ot "0 Dollar. aocl other 800d .nd ..luable oould.rat 100 Dollar., to it io ban 4 I pall '7 the parQ ot tlw ..oon4 part, the ao'lp' whereof 1. hUlb, aomowll41.d. hat gran~ l ., oom21.eloo .xpire. Sept. " 1928. '11.4 &Il4 IlARAVILI..l PLAU, DC., '0 I, ,. Ho.u lA!.!AI!! !!!1! !HIS IIDDfURI, lla4e thi. 27th 4~ of Ootober. A. D. 1926. b7 an4 b.twe.n .a, bargaine4. '014, all.n.d, reai..d, r.l....4, oonye,ed &Il4 ooDflr.,t. an4 b, the.e i i , pre..nte doth grant, bargalo. .ell, .li.n. relli.e. rele.... oOnY.,.nd ooDfira unto the _1;4 i part, of the .eoon4 part. hie h.ir. and ."'18M torenr. all th.t oerta in portion of land I ; I j I I . 1710g .nd being 1n the Oount7 ot St. Luoie .nd State ot 'lorld., to-wit: Lot. 5, 10. 11. 12 aD4 13 noot 1'. 1a IWUVILU PUlA. a .ubdh1810n in SeoUoll 21, !owneh1p 36 South, Raq. 40 keto aooorUag to a plat of 8.id .u"D41Y1e100 re- oor4.d 10 plat boot 6 at Pa" 44, ot the Saint Luol. Count7 reoord.. '0 !UVB .lID TO HOLD the ... in f.. 8imple forenr; an4 the .a14 part7 ot the fir.t :part 40th ooyeDant with the ..1d part7 of the 8000D4 part. that it 18 lawtul17 8eiz.4 of the ..14 pr.llle.e an4 that it he. good right .n4 la.ful .uthurlt7 to ..11 the .alll8, and the .a14 part, of the flr.t part 408. hereb~. ful17 w.rraat the title to 8.14 lan~ I . i PBOVIDID, HEnRTHRLESS, That tbu. pr...at. are DBde subJeot to tbe tollolliD8 l espr.e. OOndltlone. re.trlotiona .nd limitation.. whlCb oondltlonl. r..trlotlon8. .nd 11ml~ tat Ion. .re intend'4 to be and .hall be aooepte4 .. ooy.nants runnlng with the land herelo I ! i oony.,ed .n4 ~h1~h shall b. bindlng alike upon the h.ir.. personal repre..ntatiTes and 88- . ancl will hfend the ..me .,a1nlt the lawful olall118 of all persone whomeoey.r. .igne of the part, of the ..oond part, who b, his .ooeptanoe of this 1nltrument .gre.. to ab14. b, an4 perfora s.ld re.tr1otloD8, limitatlons .od oondltiona a. ona of the expre.. oon.l4.ratlone of tbe.. pr..ent.: 1. .0 rutt.noe ,hall be enotea or oon.truote4 on ..i4 1&04 of ale.. oOlt tba.. , '8,600.00 on lot. froL~lag oa "..1.. Bouley.r4. an4 13.000.00 on all other lot. an4 all re.ld.noes 10 ..1d .ub41yi.loo .hall be oon.truot.4 of ooral rook. oonor.t., .tuooo, oon- I or.t. b~oot, hollow tl1e. brlok or m1s.a oonetflatlon. or yene.r.4 with ooral root or ~rio~. ; or f,.. Yeu.r.d with stuooo. an4 8hall be &lona Spanlah, lIoorl8h, '.utlan or 81a1lar I I hanonloue t7)le' of arohiteotur.. an4 the .tor...U aaount sball b. aohall)' .xpeocle. 00 " oon.truot1on and .reotlon of .uoh buildl.., all.4 rut' fe.. III oonn.ottoll th.re.it... . ' I 10 buildlDB .hall be oODII'ruoted or ,"ot" 00 au,r ot ..U laD4 util aner J !~ 3,:: , .~...;y(~~t~ · ,\~,i:F~~~\: ~ ~ ,- . Il'f :.... . I I t t I I