HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1796 '6q&> ~-~. IDOn10Ul qpu of arohiteoture. &n4 the &toruai! amount .hall be eotuallJ apen4e4 on oon- .truotlon and ereot ion at 8uoh bulldlag and not for f..e 1n oonDlotIon ther.wUh. 2. 10 bu1l4108 8hall b. oonltruotea or .reote4 on aD7 of the Lot. of MaraYilla untU after tht plane, epeolf1oation8 and location of the eam 8mU haye be.n approv.d bl the part7 of the f1rlt part, its woon,ore, repreeentaU.e. or 1...18118. 3. !he oonetruot1on or ereotioD of a building 18 11l1tte4 to one r8114enoe build- i08 and one prh'ate garage on .aoh lot. 100 ~ 1110 fee' fronting on 3unrl.. Bouleyard. 4. that no '\lllawtul or ll11Doral use caU be Dade of the prelli8n hereby oonveyell nor ehall the 8&11. nor a~ part thereof. nor aQJ lnt.re.t therein. be lold, lee8ed or other wi.. oonYeyed to any perlon other than of the Cauoaeian raoe, proYided that nothing herein oontaioe4 ,hall prennt the keeping and lD8intalning of 8enante on the eaU property tor rea.onable fallily nee. tit 10 building oommonly known 1.8 an apartment house for oooupatlon of more than j one fami11. nor aeylum. nor hospital. eball be ereoted or us.d for suoh purpoe.e on any lot or lota in Maravilla, exo.pt that deeignated for bueineee property by party of fir.t part.o 6. that if eald 8eoond party hi, he ire. personal repreeentaUvea, or aeeigD8. I any holder or holdere of the property herebJ oonvlyed. by virtue ot any Judioial prooledin~ ehall fail to oo~ply with aD1 of the above and forlgoiQg reetriotions. oonditione or lillitai tione within .1xt;r d&J's alt.r written notioe to the ea14 seoond Jl8rty hie h.ire, pereonal I representatlye. or a..ignl, or aOJ of them, at Port Pieroe. ~lorida, or the1r laet known ad] dree.. by the said party of the f1r.~ part. ite euco~elorl. pereonal r.pree.ntatiy.e or al- e~ne. or eith.r of thea;, then the sa14 abon d.eorib.d and oonyeJed property eha U 1mmeUa e- I IJ r...rt to the said firet J8rty. ite eU0088lore or ae8~ne. who ehall b. entitled to im- I med1ate17 ent.r upon ea14 property without notioe. and take po88u8ion of the same wi th full title in fee limpl., tog.th.r w1th all impron~nte thereon. and no waiver ofa~ of theee oonditione, l1mitation8 or r'ltrictione. expre.. or implied, or failure for a~ length of I I I I right. from time to ti~., to r.lea.. any of the aboye or foregoing restrictioue. oonditionel I or limitatlone b;r eealed in8trument dulJ exeouted in aooordanc. with the laW8 ot the Stat. ! I I I I ! i f i 1. That the aboY. and forefloing re.triot1ona. llll1tat ionl and condit lone ehall : b. included in all d..da and agr..mente for deed in the 8a14 JlaravUla. exoept In that por-l ! tlon ..t apart tor bueineaa purpoe.s. 1 11 WrtDSS 1<IIEHIO'. tIlo sa14 pony of 'bo flr.' )lOrt baD 0..004 th..o pre.o.to '0 b.: elgn.4 In It. name b;r it. Presid.nt. and 1t. oorpora\. eeal to be .ffixed. att.eted by Ite I I i ~ time to enforae the ..." 8hall oonetitute a oar to suob .nforo....nt at a~ time. ,. That the party of the firat part, ita sucoe8eON Or a8s~ne. ehall haT' the ot 'lorida for the oonyelance of real eetat.. ABD THE SAID PJR'fY OP 1HB PIRS! P~~T. tor itaelf, ita euooeelOrl and a8signs. doe8 t . and a881i'~in hereby oovenant and agr.. with the eaid part: of the ..com J8rt, hie heire the folloFlng manner: ..0ret&rJ. the daJ and J.ar aboT' writt.n. Sl@U.1d. .ealt4 and deUnre4 1A preeeno. IIY3'fCIIB REAL! Y C <IIP.l1t of __ Paul G. KdM, Preeta.nt. (III- dO .!J: 'l' JtL4r~ ~) Att..t: L. W. Kalb., Seorekl'J' . 10 I Ii t . I I " " . , ... ':. ~-><.:~:J~ .i;.~~(~;~~ ~.::i.~.