HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1801 1 I , -.' . .- "--'11I' -_.~ ~ - ~ .- ........~... .... ~~~311""" f' ~--- i l>oW.JM:I"'-"'-~-"'-~""""-"",,,--~'Wo___~ .._......_~........_____ ..~........-. ~. ~_ I PUlU. PUL'Z 0HAPlWI. e' a1 to WILLI~ 3U1t1J10LD W1RRlJfIY DIBJ> HIS IRImI!URI, Mad. thi. 18 dll7 of 1Ia7, A.]). 192&, b.tw.en Pearl Pulta Ohapman and B.J. Ohapman. her hUlband, of Windham Ohio, Oharl.. S. Jult.. 8ingl.. Vero, florlda, 8thel ,. faylor and Boward 'aylor, ber hu.band, fort 'iero.. 'lorida, Herbert fulta. singl.. th018 Oaoar fults, alngle, and J.... Olar.noe lUl'e, eingl.. all o~ Vero, J1orlda, parties ot . tbe firat part. and wmUll BUHHOLDSR ot the Oounty of , and state of ,- ~rty ot the 8eoond part, I'I!lBSSlI'm. that the .ald perUee of the firet part, for and In oonsideraUon of tbe ._ of ,a (110.00) and otber Yalueble oonsideration J)()LL1RS. w them in bend paid, the re- wber.o~ is hereby aoltnowleclged haye granted. bar@alned, 801d and transferred. and by pre.ents do grant, bargain, 8ell and transter unw tbe .ald party of tb. .eoond pert,! and h1a heira and assign8. forner. an tbat oerkin parcel of land lying and being in St. I ! ~ o.ipt thea. . Luo1e County and state ot Ilorida, more parUoularly 4.loribed 88 follower GOTernment Lot lour (.) In SeoUon 16. !oYl1sh1p 3'1 South BaD@. 40 laat. tltl., intere.t and estate. dow.r. and right of dower. reyeraion. remainder and easement , i ri8h\, i I ! H I ~ : (19.00 I.B. Stamp8 oano.) toG!!H!B wlth all tbe tenement8, hereditaments and appurtenanoe. with eyery priYilege, thereto belonglng or in anywlse apportalning: to BAV! j,BD TO HOLD tbe aame In fee 8imple tor eyer . And tbe 8ald parties ot the tlrlt part do oovenant with the 88id party of tho 8eoond l part tt.y are l6wtully 8ei.ed of the 8ald pramlael. that they are tree from all inoumbrenoes i and that tb.y haye @ood right and lawful authority to ooll the 8ame; and the lald partlea i ; of tbe flr8t pert do hereby ~ully 1BJ'rant tho U Ue to aald land. and w111 de.:6nd the -- ; against the lawful olailR8 ;)t 811 pereona wholl8oeyer. exoept taxee for 1926. I D Wl!lIlSS WHlmB~, the e814 partie. of the first part hay. hereunto set thoir baD" end ..ale the da1 and year aboye wri U.n. Signed. aealed and delivered in our presenoe ot: I.W. Ilerrlun - Pearl 1ultz Ohepman (SilL) , B.J. Ohapman (SIAL) Boward 'aylor (8&AL ) 'thel .. 'aylor (SBAL) ! Il.L. )(errlman ~s to Pearl Pu1 t8Chapman and hu.ban4. Pred Ie. lft~'fa 0' OHIO OOUB'fY or POR'UG3 (Sg\L) I ( SW.) J I E. I - Charle... lul b (SUL) ; i Herbert h1 ta (SUI,) I James Olaren.e lult.(S&lL)j , I ! I i A.)). Warner AI to itbel ~. '8110r and husband Buel G. Snrh_t h.d Ralph '!rioe....... A. \0 Charle. i. lulte, Berbert hl b, tho..a aDoar hI band Jame. Clarenoe fults. 'homee Oaoar hltz I bereby ouUf, that on thie 16 day of Ka7, ~.>>. 1926. p....onally peartPulb Ohapmao and B.J. OhaPai8D, her hU8band, to me known to b~ tba 10 and who exeouted the for.goi!l8 ooay.yanoe to appe ared before 13G. peraonD deaorlb.d ! i and 8everally aomowledgedt , the ex.oution tbereot to b. their trrJ .ot and de.4 ~or tbe UBea and purpo.e. tberein mln- ,/ 1;1011e4; l'Dd tbe .ald 1'8I,1 hl ta OhaplWl the wi te o~ tbe eal d B. J. QhaPll8D, on a 8'para h and prhate exulnaUon taken and _d. by and b.fore me, and eeparately and apart from hUt eald bu.band, did aoknowledg" ~ba' .be made hereelt 8 party to tbe .aid >>e.d for the pur-t po..' ,ot renounolna. r.l1nqulehina and OODYOliog all her rlRht, title and interee', .Whltbet ot do~.r or ot ..par.'e propert,. .tatutory. or equitable in and '0 the land. th.reln de- l :: '. : ::,:,:./. ~ .:: ,.?'L; .;:{ :.'~~ . ' . ,.. -'! . :::- .., ~: ~.::._~-:?:.~~' '~i~:: -"