HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENTIVov 18 09:20a The Bug Dr.?As+ Control 7??-344-7480 p.1 ( - ILE COPY _ - Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division SCANNED Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 BY 772-462-2172 rax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT IT # J $ t) 55 JOB ADDRESS: L4lO A r- )ER/CONTRACTOR: S har)-e 1Yiu,Mpw CONTROL CONTRACTOR: it r. CONTROL LICENSE #: 1-9 L4 F i- a the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for arranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. feet if area treated: 4 QQ S T- :ntage of solution: F 05016 Of Treatment: 1-" Treatment Re -Treat 1't Treatment Re -Treat ] Treatment Re -Treat Chemicals used: 1 Total gallons -used: 12 0 Time of Treatment: 3 = 3 ) ry 1 Slab � 1s'Treatment Re -Treat Pools 15'Treatment Re -Treat Perimeter for Final Inspection Signature of Exterminator Date Note#I There must be a completed form for each tequired beabnent Dire-beatment and this form must be on the job sfee h� q ed up by a irrspeeior at dine of each inspection or the scheduled inWcfion will fail and a re -inspection Fuc104.2.6 Cerdfrcate ofprotecbve Treatment for prevention of termites, A Heather shall , e provided to receive duplicate Treabnent Certi6Cates as each required protective abnent is mm g board prOwi:�IjBg a COPY for the person the pennrit is issued to and ariodierCOpyforthe buildin Certih'ate 9 pennrt fi/e The Treabment shall provide the product used, ides 'bty of the applicator , dme and date of Me baafterit, site location, area !rotted, [wrcentmncentradon and number Of gallons used, to establish a verifiable record of prate Viee &w 6eaused_ petment ffthe soil chemical ,barrier medioC/ for termite prevention is ego, final Wwor treatment' ,be cori pleted priorto finalbuilding approval. St Lurie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the e!��ctr"Cal panel box cover, rsting all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised,{2412014 RECEIVED Soil Nuclear Gauge Client: Project: GF� Report Date: 11/1/2018 Shane Mulvey 18-0075.00 Road i N 1 V 0 5 Z018 93 Test Method: ASTM D 6 8 4680 Jorgensen Road 9 4680 Jorgensen ,�aNaTONP Fort Pierce, Fl- 34981 Fort Pierce, Fl- ors St.Lual� ST, I ucls County, Permitting PECA#4930 07 NW Commodity Cove SL Lucle, FL 34986 one:772.924.3575IFax:772-924-3580 Test Results I Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe Min/Max Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture Dry Density Depth Percent Comp. 0 est # 1 Of Date 10/30/18 Proctor ID P-1 Method Classification WA % 10.5 pc 108.0 (% 10.7 (pe 106.1 in 12 Compaction 98 ( /a 95 / 105 Remark Pass 2 10/30/18 P-1 N/A 10.5 108.0 10.4 106.9 12 99 95 / 105 Pass 3 10/30/18 1 P-1 N/A 10.5 108.0 1 11.4 1 107.1 12 99 951105 Pass Test Information Gauge Test # Test Location Elevation Reference Make I Model I SN I Calibrated Field Technician 1 Above Stripped Surface: Pad, NE Comer 0-1' Humboldt / 5001 SD / 9086 / Keller, Marcus 2 Above Stripped Surface: Pad, SW Corner 0-11 Humboldt 15001 SD / 9086 / Keller, Marcus s Ahnve strinned Surface: Pad. Center area 0-1' Humboldt / 5001 SD / 9086 / Keller. Marcus Pass: Tests results comply with specifications Tests are "Direct Transmission" (Method A) unless probe depth is noted as I "Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Permit # 1808-0551 \�1111111lII//� No 6321 •,. s 11J 018 a kent6P.ET6oF f1l` Pre iona�l�'g�er•#�8 Stat6l r a,**** ' NAL Test Reports shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of GFA International Inc. _ _ __ _ - __ — e- - Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies.