HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1823 23 .~~- ... ." JI'-~""i I fa.l11 u.. 6. 10 out8Ue to11et ahall be permltted In any }art of sald 8l1bdl'Y181on but there eball be oonetruote4 by 881d seoond part)' In oonneotion with an)' resUenoe on aD)' of sa14 lanc1 a .p- tlo tank In aooordanoe wlth 8peolfloatlons appro~a b7 the party of the flret part In wrltln . i. 6. 10 bul1dlng oommonlY known as an apartment hou8e nor aeylum, nor hospital ~hall be ereot~a or used tor 8uoh purpo8es on 8aid land. exoept that d..l~nate4 for bU8iues8 property by party of the tint part. 7. 10 .igne or bl11b08rdo of a~ kinA or oharaoter 8hall be exhibitea. cU8playec1. 00ll8truo,- eel or maintalneel In 8ald subd1'Yi810n w1thout the wr Itten oon8en t of the party 0 f the first t 8. i ! \ 10 lot or lota In ea14 eubd1'Y1810n eball be 8ubdlT1dGd or resub41T1dea wlthout the writ1 pa rt. t ten oonsent and appro\"al of part)' of the first pu-t. I ! 9. !he priTl1ege a04 ea8ement 18 hereby foreTer ree.r'Yed to sald part,y ot the tiret part. i I 1t8 euooee80re and a881gne, to ereot and mal*taln polee, wire8 and other suitable equipment l i for eleotrlo 11ght, power. telegraph, telephone and suitable equipment tor any other utillti.. i and to'lay water maloe on or 1n tbe rear four feet ot the land herein oonTeyed. on or In the! I 3 foot etrip along the .Ue linea thereof, when neoeseaTY to gain aooee. to the tour toot atr ip re.erTed along the rear linea of eaid land tor utUlt,y purpose8 and tor suoh purpoee. a. well ae to repalr. remove or replaoe eald pole 8. equlpme nt and malne. the ea id flret party shall haTe the r1ght for ltaelf, 1t8 agent and employee. to enter upon eald prem18e. I in rea.onable manner and at reaaonable time.. 110. I holcier or holders of the pruperty hereby oonTeyed by Tlrtue ot auy JutJioial prooeediDge. Ilhall tau to oomply with any of the aboTe and foregoing reetrlotions. ooudit10ns or 11mitat+on. 1 w1thin 8Ixty daye after written notioe to the 8ald seoond party his he ire. repre8entative. o~ ...18M. or aD7 of them at J't. Pleroe. .14 or at theU' laat known addres8. by tbe eaid party. that It the 881d 8eoond party. hls he1re. p81'8onal repreeentatiVee or aselgOl. or aQY Of the flret part. ite 8ueoe88ore. peraonal repreeentatlve8 or aS81gne. or either of them. then the eaid aboTe deoorlbed am cOOTeyed property shall lDi1118d1ately revert to the sald party of the f.!.r8t part. Ite succe8eore or aes~oe. who shall be enUtled to immediatelY enter upon 8ald property wlthout notice. and take p08sesllon of the eame with full title 1n , fee 81mple. to~ether'ltt all Improvelll8ntl thereon. am no walTer of any ot these cond1tlon8~ limltatione or re8triotlone. exprese or Implled. or fallure for any length of time to en- foroe the eame. 8hall oonstitute a bar to euoh en:toroement at aJV tia. i 11. tbat the party of the fust part. Its euoo88eora or a881g08. 8hall han the right, from. tlme to t1m6. to releaee a~ ot the aboT. or foregOing re8tr1otions. oond1tions, or 11mlta- ' tlonl by eealed Instru-.nt dull ex. outed In aocordanQe wlth the laws of the State ot 'lorlda~ for the oOOTeyanc. of real .stab. III lHTUESS WHE!mOP. the 8a14 partl of the f!rat part baa o&uee4 the.. present. to be .ignea 10 1 t8 name bl ltl Presldent. and lta oorporate 8.al to be affixed. atteetect bl lta 8eoretary. the d~ and year aOOTt wrltten. Izeouh4 1!1 Duplicate. S1gne4. Slaled ancl Dellvered ln Preeeno. of R. B. Braa)'. IIlRAVILU PL~, 110., (11.00 1. B. It..p Oanol4) B7 z. 'f. Hoehn. Pre 8 ident . ~.. . ~'Y1c1 n1D.D, f _ ~ _~ \ l.oretal7. ~... 'j (Seal) I that 1. 8. 1aokaon. :; '::.{~>~~ i~,~ b ';.>. :'~~I . ...-' ..~.: ~.~:>~:"-~ ~7:-~ ;, .: · -' -'c~-, ..~." .\.' , . .' .~~: tJo :_:':-..! '.;::::_t.~_: :'..