HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1833 i I i" -.....4 . 33 I RaIla' 40 "'., aooorUng to a plat of laic! .ub41vll1ora, l"eoorded Iu plat book 4, at page 68, of the St. Luole COwR7 noordl. SubJeot to tue. tor 1925 and thereafter. To haTe and to hold the .me ln te. 11.ple torenr; and the _14 party ot the tint I*rt cloth oovenant "lth the 8814 parQ of the ..0004 part, that lt 1e lawful17 lehed, of the 1814 prlllilu and that It hee good right and lawful authorlq to .ell the 8aIH, and . the .ald party of the f11'8t I*rt d081 hereb7 tullJ warrant the title to ea14 lanc! and w111 detend the eame a~lD1t the lawful 01a1llle ot all pereon. whom80eYer. I PROVIDED BEVERTUEL!SS, tbat theee pre..nte are mad. eubJeot to the tOl101rlng ex-I' prell oondltIon8, reetrlotloD8 and Ua1tationl, app171ng to the eaic! lfaraTUla, aooorUng ! i to the reoordec1 plat of ea14 MaraTUla, and wh1.ch oondltlone, reetrlotlone and 111lUationll I I are lntended to be and ehall be aooepted a. 00venant8 runnlng wlth the land and whloh ehal~ ! i I , I I I Bo re8idenoe ahall be ereoted or oonstruoted at a le81 ooet than '~.~'OO.(JO, and i bl blnding alne upon the heir8, personal representaUue and 88e1gne of the party of the eeoond part, who by hle aooeptanoe of thle lnstrument agreee to ablde by aD4 perform ea14 I reetrlot 1008, Ilmltatlone and oondlt1oDl ae one of the expreee ooneUeratlone of the.. pre eent8 . 1. all reeldencee ln ea14 IlaraTUla e18l1 be oonetruotet of ooral rook. oonorete. ItuooO, 0 orete blook, hollow tl1e, brlok or mixed oonetruotion, or Teneered 1I"1t.b ooral rook or br1o~ or fraDII Teneered w Ith atucoo, and ~all be alo~ Spanlah, Iloorlah, 'Venetlan or elmlla&" ha~ . . IlOnloue types of arohlteoture, and the aforeeaic! amount 8hall be aotu8117 expencle4 on oon- I I } i , 10 bullU~ ehall be oon8tructed or ereoted on aD)' of the lot. of lIaraTl11a un- ; I 8tructlon and ereotlon of suoh bulldi~ and not for fee8 ln oonneotlon therewith. 2. tll alter the plane. ep801floatlone and looation at. the same ehall haTe been apprond by . the party ot the f lret part. Its 8uoCeSeorEJ. repreeentathee or ae81gne. 3. The oonetruotion crr er6otlon of a bulldi~ 18 I1mlte4 to oue reeldeaoe and one private gare.ge 011 eaoh lot, 100 x 160 feet frontlng on Suurise BouleTard. 4. T'18t no unlawful or lll1110ral uee s1811 be made of the preDilEJea hereby oonveye4, i . , bu lld 1118 i ; ~ ; nor ahall the awue nor al\V part thereot, nor any lntereat therein, be eold lea8ed or othe~ i w18e conveye' to any per80n other than of the Cauoaelan race, provlded that nothing hereln ~ ; ! contaioe' ehall preTent the keepi,. and malntainlng ot 8ervante on the 881d property for i reaaonable faml1y use. 5. Bo bul1dl~ oo~onl~ kn~n a8 an apartment house for ocoupation of more than one faAily, nor a8ylum, nor hospltal, 8hall be ereoted or U8ed for euoh purposee on any lot or lote in KaraTilla, exoept that deligDbted for buelnee8 property by party of flr8t pert. I , 6. 'lhat it aald .eoond party, hle heire, pe r~D81 representativea, or aesigne, or ! i I aD)' holder or holden of the property hereby oonn)'ed, by virtue (ft allY Judlolal prooeedlng8 i ehall ftf,1l to co~ly with azv of the above and foregoing restriotions, oonditionl or l1ml- j i tatlone within eixty dayl after written not loe to the _ 1d ..oond party hl. helre, pereona~ i repre.entatlTeo or aeelgn8. or 81\V of the., at 'ort .Pleroe. Ilorida, or thelr laet kn~n I j addreel, l>y the eaid party of the f 1rat part. lte e\lOoeseo re, perS>D81 repreeentatbel or ! a.elgne. or either of them, then the 811.14 above de80rlbea and oonTeye4 properQ ehall 1>>- IIl8dlate17 renrt to the eald tlrlt partJ, it. I\lOOnlOre or aeeigne. who shall b, entlt1e4 I to l_d1ate17 enter upon eaic! property wlthout notioe, and &aka poeeee.lon of the.... Wlf full title in te. .1mple, together wl tal all lmprOTementl the:-BOn, and no wa lnr of aQ ot the.. oontilt1one, ll11itaUoDl or rutrkJtlOCle, expuII or laapl1ecJ. or !ailure for alQ' , .~ ..~~~i..>..~.:. (:'-_~j~~I~},.; >;...;~~:;i.:X;~~:. . '. ", :',c~:_~?~~~~~::,:.:/<?>.' . ... -'. - .