HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1844 44 .....-, T -.r:.tI ~I .a...-1It ....._.-.....,.,. Oreek, runnlna South 610 tee', ~henoe W..t 41!O teeti 'hlnot Borth to 'fa;rlorte Oreek, fol- lOWlog the lII&D4erlDaI ot _14 oreek to the point ot beg1nn1ng. j.1I0 exoepting theretrom I I Oreek ana runnlng tro. South Bank of 8&ld Creek .~ ro'l South, thellOe .e.' 161 rod', thence Borth to _14 'fa:rlor'. Oreek, thenoe along 8&14 f&710r'o creek to~ the point of blg1nnlng, oontalalna, le81 the er:oeptione note4 aboft, 81 aorl..! ! in SeotloQ ., tow..hlp 36 South, Range 40 Kalt, I 'fOGB'rHER with all tanelZlltnw, heredltamente, appurtlnanall belonging or ln any .1.e apperta_- I lng. TO IUVB AlID TO BOLD the same, the abon d..orlbe4 and hereby grant.,4 prellia.. with tht \ i appurtenano.. unto the ea 14 party of the eeo Jn4 part and to its euooe..ore and ae'181l1 tor-; , I i i 11 3 aorel eo14 to W. B. Barbin 6eloribe4 a. followl: OOllllMnoing wben thl Seotlon Unl between SeotloDl S aDc! 4 noe.e. 'fa71or'. enr. to lte own proper benetit, and behoof forner, ana the aid party of the fl1"1t part doe. hereb7 oOTenant that he wl11 exeoute 8uoh other and turther oonTeyanoe8 88 he aaJ be a4T1ee4 1. necee8ar;r to oomey tbl aboTe deeor1bed propertJ unto the eeoon4 part7. II WITBESS YiBER1lO. the f iret ~rtJ ha. hereunto set hle hand and .eal on t h11 thl 15th day of Juna A. D. 1925. Signed, Sealed an' Del1vered in tbe presence of: u , -) Walker L1Uon, hed J'ee, Rutue Il. Robbine. (Seal) Aa ~%eout or of the eetate of the Lah George K. Robblns, cSeoeaeed, I I I COUfty or PAD( BEACH l.- I I I I I I I I i I I I i j I J SfATI ~ PLORI III Before 1ZIlt, an offioer authorlud to take aoknowledgmen te, per80nal17 appeare4 Butu K. Robbine, well known to me and known to me ae the lD4 hldual deeorlbed in end who enoutea the tongoing deed of oOIlTeyance. and aokm.ledge4 the t hi exeoute6 the foregoing ) deed, ae Exeoutor of the Eetate of the late George Il. RObbiD8, deoeaeect. and ind1Tidua1l7 I ' ae hlir of .aid e.tate, aton8a14, lOr the purpoee. therein eJq)r8.8ed. Wltnee. ., han4 and offl01al eeal thl. ~O day ot Ju17 A. D. 1925, (10 B. P. ~eal) J're4 'ee, 10ta17 Publio, ~tate of 'lorlda, MY Commleelon Explree ---------- 11lad and reoorde4 on thll 30th d8J of Ootober, 1925 at 8:30 A. M. P. C. Eldred, Clerk Clroult Court, \ .\\e~ , ~t\ .o{~ .~ .f~ \te\.. D_~ f}1\~ D. C. I~ 1 1&_Lt- B7 ':~:.:-:.:.z-:". . rf . ". ". .... " . " . ". .. . ". ". ... ". .. . " . " . ... . ". ". ". ". "'. " . ,.. ,.. " . .. . I! . .. . ". ". " . It . ". ": ................................... ~ . ! 'j 1 :t ~;:;~':~:i}V' .:r;;t}:~;;~' - .' -.. r~ ~.Y ~ ~... '=- - -:,.. ~ , ., ,':.: _:", _~:<i;~<~-::~~\(>