HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1852 ....2 ;) lo---._~ <blIo....4>. ..-.a ...~..-_....'_""_. _. _........ '11e4 thle 31et 4al of Ootob.r, 1926, at 9, ~6 a.m. P.O. B~l e4, 0 ark Oirouit Oourt, Se . . .a. By ~~~ D.C. --_.._._.._---_._--_._----_._------~----------------~~~--------------- to 'fHg PUBL 10 !ll!~!Y!! I. ) STAT8 or N3W YORK ) >> ~ ~ 5keerrtt~~ ~~~. Pereonally appeared before me this day SylTan )(~ Baar, !reasurer ot White Oity In~est-ll ment Company, who being first duly sworn, .ay8 that ten per oent, of the oApital stook of COllITY OF N ~1'f YORlC laid oorporation has been eubsorlbed and paid In. Sylvan ),I. Baar. .......o.. ..... ............... Sworn to and subsoribed before me. this the 26th day of Ootob.r, 1926. Pred S. Ree4, ,...... .......... ............ ...... ... N.P. .Seal. lotary Pub110 lings County. Certifioate filed in New York Oounty. j I I r I j i I I , i I I I j I I , . I 'iled ond reoorded this 31st day,of Ootober 1925. 9:5~ am. P.C. Hldred, Olerk Oirouit Court. I .'1 ' ,-,,/: ' i By ;'d(U.' /. ~ (., :-1, , J Ct. at. Seal. , ) : D.C. JACK D. SOHR03R3. '1'0 PL03IDA 'RAR1WI'l'Y D:~3D J.S. JACKSOll THIS HID!UlTUR3, liode this let day of July, A. D. 1926, B3'lWB!l1 Jaok D. Sohroerl, a '" .ir~le man. of the County of Oity of lew York, and State of Bew York, party of the first part, and J.S. Jaokson, SIngle, of the County of St. Luoie and State of Plorlda party of the 8eoond part, WITN~SS~'1'H, that the sald party of the tirst part, for and in oonelderation of the BUll of 'fen ])oBara and other good and Tal:J8ble oonsideration. to iill in hand pa~d, the re- ; oelpt whereof i. herebJ.aoknowledged, ba8 granted. bargalned, Bold and tranoferred, and by the8e presents doe8 grant, borgdn, sell and transfer unto the eaid part1 of the 8800nd part and-----he1ra and aS84lna, toreTer all that oertain parcel of 18114 lying and being in ; the County of St. Luole and State ot llorida, more partloularly deeoribed 08 followa: The Borthea3t quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Borthea.t quarter and the &eat Half of the Borthwest quarter of the Borth- weat quarter of the Northea.t quarter (N3! of uwt of H8~ and 3t of HWt of BW~ of ll&t) of Seotion 3i~ht (0) Townehip '1'hlrty-flTe (36) South, Range 'orty (40) asst, oontelning Fifteen (16) aorea, more or le88. SUBi!C'f HOWSYRR to anI ar.d all taxes, general, ap80ial or dralnage, and to all aSle.8ment.: or levies suba.quent \0 Deoember 31, 1924, and also eubjeot to ani deduotlona for rights of waJ tor pUblio highwaya or tor dltohee or rights of waJ of the Morth st. Luoie Rlv.r Drainage Di8triot_ ~ TOG~T.H3R wlth all the tenement., hereditmente and appurtenanoee. with eTery prlvilege: ~ rlght, tltle, intereat and estate,dower and right of dow.r, revereion, remainder and ea.8-! lIlBnt thereto b.loD8lng or ln _r-iee apperta1nlng: to HAVI AID 'fa HOLD the eame in fee 8iaple foreTar. j,Dd the eaid partJ of the tlret ~rt doe8 ooyenent with the saId partl of th. B eoond part that h8 1. lawtal17 lelzed of the laid pr.mi..., that they are free fro. all ino~ brono.. and that he bel 8004 rlght and 1awtal author!t, to eell the ....: and the said .. , ' .' '.: ;,-:~ ,.: ~:~~~~'~+~~\~~'~~':~.\