HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1856 W" ,.. t~ au .... . ' .._..._. ~ I ............Ab...............~~...._..... ~ ~~_-.~~.-...-..-...... OBA~!8 C. BRASWBLL E'f UX TO !!!!!!!! R!!~ THIS IBDBNTUIB, Made U11e 28th dQ 0 f Ootober, A. 1>. 1925, bet.een Charla. C. Br....ll an4 Ruby ara...ll, hi. .1te, ot St. Luoie OountJ, 'lorld., partle. of the tlret part, and R. B. Goitre7 of st. Luoie Count" 'lor14a, parv of the .eoood )art, Wl!.HESSBD. '!bat the _ld parUe. ot th. t lnt part tor aDll in oone14eraUon of the eUID ot on DOLLAR and other Tsluable oonsideration to 1hem in hand pala b7 the 8ait partJ ot the eeoon' part, the reoe lpt whereof i8 berebJ .okno.ledge4, haTe granted, bar- galned and 801d to the sald party \4 the .eoond part, hi. helre and a..lgns forner, the following duo~lb8d land, to-wit: i Lot 'l'WantJ-.1x (26) in Blook Six (6) of Tuoll:er Terraoe, being a SubdiTlelon of: 1 the Southes.t Quarter (sEt) of the South.e.t Quarter (Sit) of Seotion Bln. (9) 1 ln '1'o.neh1p 'fhirtJ-f1Te (36) South, Bange 'ortJ (40) Bait, a. eho.n by Plat reoarded in Plat Book 4, page 54 , St. Luoie COUlltJ. Ilorlda reoord.. R. B. OOD'RBY t } 1 I ! I I i I iUll expreeeed oonditione, reetriotione and limltatlon8, applying to the eaid property aD4 I .hloh are lntended to be. and shall be aooepted a. OOTenantl runnlng wl th sald land, and I I whloh .hall be binding alill:e upon the heirs, repreeentatlvee and assign. of the eaid part;y f , ! ! PROVIDED, UlNERTBKI.3SS, Thee. pa..n~ are made .ubjeot to all of the follow- : I ) or partle. of the seoond pert and on the partie8 of the first part, who, by aooeptanoe of thls lnetrument agreo. to abide by, perform and adhere to 8ald oon4itions, restrlotlons and ' llmltatione, aa one of the expree. oondition. of these presents. but only for the petiOd endlng Januar,v 1st, 1935. 1. '!hat no bu.lldlng shall be ereoted on the said land exoept for prhate d.elling purpo.el, exoept usual and neoe8sary out-bul1dlngs, and that the sald dwelliag house exolue~ ive of the out-bul1dinge, shall cost not le.s than $3000.00. which prioe shall not lnolud. arohlteotural e~enees or fee., and shall not inolude any other olass ot lmpro~ments saT. and exoept the aotual material and oonstruotlon ooat of the eald d.elling house. ) 2. That not more than one r~.ldenoe, togetbtr wl th usual and neceseary out-bulld- iogs, shall be ereoted on eaoh of sald 10 tI. 3. That no unla.ful or immoral uee shall be made ot the premise. hereby oonveyed. : nor shall the same be used for aoy oOllllll8roial purpose; nor shall the same or a~ part there'; of. or aoy intereet thereln be sold. releaeed or otherwlse oonveyed to a~ persons other the Cauoae1an raoe; provided that nothlng hereln oontained shall preT8nt the keeplnll an4 maintaining u8ual and neoessary 8ervante on the property for reasonable family U8e. Thi8 prov18ion, howeTer. shall not cause fcrfelture unle8. the holder ot the fe. is 8hown to be .t fault. j 4. That no bulldl~ 8hall be oonstructed or ereoted at a less distanoe than tweot1 ! ! teet froll the tront line of said lot, or either ot the... i i 6. 'fhat it said }:arty of the seoond }:art. his he ire , representative. or a.81gne, , I or any holder of the property hereby oooTeyed by Tirtue of any Judioial prooeedings. shall i I taU to oomply with any of the aboTe and foregolag restriotlons, conditione or 1_1JD1tatione fl' .1thln .uty day. after written notioe by mail to the ..id party of the seoond part. hls he ire, per80nal repre.entatlve. Or a8S J8ne. or aD7 ot them, at the last kno.n addre.I, by I the 8& ld partiee of the fir8t }:art. their 8uooeiflO reo T'er'lonal representativee or a98 !gn8. ._ ~./.~ :~~~:::~,~,;~~~..:,':~->; ~-, .~~ ,~:~,~~: :~;.>t:~F~'::~~;>; ","" ... -.. -"o. . or either of them, then the Bald above desoribed aud oonn,e4 proper\y &hall immediate:q i i reTert to the said partiee ot the t lret pert. theIr 8UO0t880J1I or 8s.igne. 1lho shall be i > I entitled to lmmeUately enter upon 8aid property.ithout notioo, and taD poeaeeelon of thei " ., . >. . , ,:- ":>>~:~;~::;:}~~~~~~:fi;;:,