HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1858 nIB CIft 1llVBSTImIIT 00,. I I B. D. PISHZR '- -. -r-----:~ 'flUS IlfDUmRI, )lade th18 29th 4aJ 0 f Ootober, A. D, 1926 BBTWEU 1111 te City I InveltlDllnt Compa~, a oorporatlon ex18t1~ un4er 1I1e 1._ ot 1I1e State of 'lorida, ha.ing I ite prlnoipal plaoe of bualn8le in the CountJ of St. Luoie and State of 'lor14a, party of ri~ ~...... ----.. -...._~-"......... TO WARBAI'l1 DEBD --------- ...--- the f1ret part, and B. D. fieher 0 t SteTeD.l Polnt ot the County of Portage an4 State 0 f W1eoon81n }artJ of the 810 ond part, WI'lBESS!'1'B, that the sa id party of/the first ~rt, for and In oonslderation ot the sum of One Bundred Do11are and other Talubel 0 ODelderatlon to I I it ln hand pald, the reoelpt whu60f 1e hereby aOknowledged, hee panted, bargained, so14, 1 ! aUened, remieed, released, oC/nveyed and oonfirmtd, aDd by these preeentll doth @2'ant, bar- i I . ~ part, and hie heir. and allJgne foreTer, all that oertain paroel ot land lying and belng ln' 1 i i ! gain, sell, allen, remise, release, oonvey and oontirm unto the sald party of the seoond the COUllty ot St. Luoie and State of 'lorlda. more partioularly deeoribed 8S follo..: Commenolng '1'hlrteen Bundred Seventy-elght one half (1378t) feet South at the lorthweet Inr) oorner of the Ea8t half lit) of the llorthwest Quarter(BWi) of Seotlon 'lwenty-el,ht (28), 'fown8hlp '1'hlrty-tour (34) South, aange 'ortl (40) Kaet, rUll fro. thence South Six Hundred lilnet7-8ix One Half (696t) teet; thenoe !alt Thirteen Bundred T.enty (1820) fee': thenoe North One Bundre' B1netJ-enen (197) feet to the right of way of the 'lorlda East Coast Ra1lway: ! . I ) thence lortherly along 8ald r1@ht of way 'lve B\U1dre' 'fhirty-....n (537) feet; thenoe I Weet Ilenn Hundred Twenty-fl.e (1126) feet to the point of beglnnln,. Contaln-~ i lng twen. (20) aores, more or less. ! i J" i I . ,- TOBB'rHBR with all the tenemente, heredltamenta and appurtenanoes, with e.er, prlvUege, r1ght, title, lnterest and estate, reverslon, remainder and 8&Bement thereto belonglD1 or ln anywise aT-pertaining; TO HA VB AlfD TO HOLD the ~Dl8 in tee 8imple lorne r. ABD the 881d party of the f1 rst part doth OOTenant with the a 1d party of the aecoM part that lt is lawfully seized of the aid premiBes; that they are free of all lnoumbranoe6. and that 1t hae good r1ght and lawful authority to sell the same; and the sald party of the flut part d088 hereby fully warrant the title to eald land, and ..111 de": feD4 the ean:e against the lawful olailll8 of all ~ona whol108oever. II WITll!SS WHERE01, tbe aid plr'y of the firet part haa oau8ed theee preeenta to be 8i,ned in 1ts name by ite Pres1dent, and 1ts oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by 1 te S.oretal7 the ,jay and year abo.e written. WHIm CITY OOBSl'JBB'l' C!\.'~l.T, .B1 IU.ltOIl BaOha~~ Pres e . Atteat: Charlotte L. ~raoh SeoretarJ. ( 1.) Signed SealBd and Dell'verecl in OUr Prec.noe: H. L. Goodwin, Gwendo17n Hall, STATE 0' ,tolU ill COOB'rY O. 3'l. LUCIB 1 HEREBY C3B'l'In That on this 29th deJ of Ootober, A. De 1926. before me par- "2.60 1. B. atamps Ceno'd. aouaU, appearet IU.Hon Baoharaoh and Charlotte L. _oharaoh, 1"8epooU"17 lTellclent and Seoret&r7 of IBUB CITY IIYE3T1m1f OOKPjJI, . oorporatloll under Ule lawe of the State of Plorlda, to me knOlrn \0 be the pereoDB deeorlbecJ 1n and wO> exeouted the forego lng con- Telanoe to B. D. 'ieher and _Tera1l7 acknowledged the ueouUon thereof to be their free .....: ;' :\. .->:; >:~) ~::; '~-;~i:~r . ,'. :.' '.:'~-)t-t;;\:~_~~'!~2:':':':