HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETHALOSOURCE eanusacturer's Name: carp®rate Address: ianufacturer's Telephone: nmergency Telephone (24 Hours): aterial/Trade/Product Name: nical Name: nical Formula: No.: Registration: uct Use: CAS NO. Material Safety Data Sheet AquaPell. SolarPill Date: 1/10/2011 Revision: 00 SCANNED BY St. Ludp rnourr HaloSource, Inc. 1631 220u' St. SE, Suite 100, Bothell, DNA 98021 (425) 881-6464 (Monday -Friday, 8AM-5PM PDT) 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC (Domestic, North America) 703-527-3887 CHEMTREC (International, collect calls accepted) AquaPill: SolarPill None Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Reduces heat and chemical loss by preventing water evaporation. COMPONENT rade Secret Trade Secret All other components are either minimus ouanntiac See Section 8 for permissible exposure limits. % OSHA HAZARDOUS? Trade Secret YES or below de NO EMERO@oNCY ®�ER�'lEL1d Yellow liquid with a slight fatty/waxy odor. May be mildly irritating to eyes. Not likely to be hazardous to skin, respiratory tract, or by ingestion, EYE: May be mildly irritating to eyes. SKIN: Not likely to be hazardous to skin. INHALATION: Not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. %AA!P72P/4/— 611 62817 90123 1 °' ell •C' ° e o s s s Far use in swimadng pools amy The majority of daily heat loss Is due to evaporation. Solo rPill minimizes heat loss by farming an ultra -thin, invisible barrier on the surface of the water to reduce evaporation. its patented Pre -measure release dalweay system gradually releases the formula into the filtration system to allow for optimum coverage, One capsule treats a 30,000 gallon pool for one month. Replace when necessary to maintain water temperature. SolarPill can he used with all types of soniticers and is compatible with all pool chemistry, for best results, angle the retums downward to decrease water surface movement, as Salc rPill is most effective in still water. Uneven distrihutkn or use in water below 65°F may produce residues which should disappear In afew days. DIREcnONS FOR USE I. Wadi blue plordng tool from wbae pushpin, �\ Y. Wait btae piercing tool Into large center hole. 1� Prau fumy against hard surface until OQWC is pumhed through. 3. Turn p[l] ever and pierce two holes on both ddas of logo using white prahplo. / 4.Withpump ronnlugdiaardblue tool and plow pit[ lam up in skimmer NA-6 hours, W NOT place chlorlao tablets into st3mmerat this time, Run the panic for at leost 0 haws logy. one pill treols up to 30,0H gallons. CAUTION: MILD EYE IRRITANT Avoid canted with eyes. Do not swallow. Wadi hands thoroughly after handling. Use only In a well-vemilated area. Keep container sealed. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHIIDR'EN. FIRST AID: In aro Coll of sfdn canted: Wash w0h soap and woleC If asists are fabaled Supply fresh air. If In eyes: Remove camodlenses lfwom, — and rimo opened eye for several minutes under running water Seek medical attention for persistent or serioussympte m, Ifswal{owed: Rinse out moo01 and than drink plenty of water. Cenci a doctor or Poison Control i mediat4 DO NOT iNDUICIE VOdl4T IMIG. Contains water hemdecarml, and propykinaglycaL I' Mamfodured byanBlortop. NC Brands LB `1 40 Richards Ave. Norwalk, Cr 06B54 B00.753•1233 wwwruic"IfLmm 0201611C haands LP, 90123101601 v Net Contents:14.3 ox r ,