HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFINGE weo �t�t� {'t1l7.Mikpta0.np, 1,°3tl,',. uaiitirYtrohS-CWsY`aGS'pBe. f Product Approval FILE COPY USER; PubUc User P_rg 1Oct iznro0FMenu > Product or ARplication Search > AgP fcalion List z Appiicaklon beiall FL.# FL17443-111. Application Type Revision Code�Verslon 2017-- Applicatioh -Status :Approved' CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMcFW8 Comments ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Archived CONTRACTOR OR RECORD, Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized: Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance :Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method _ RECEIVED `' 4 2018 5-P. LUci:, o::ntyr Permitting THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY B : NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPL WITH ALL. APPLICABLE CODES. A TAYLOR. ROOFING 302 EKCE •FL34 SCANNED Ff1PIERCE, FL34982 (772) A66-4040 kylewhlte228...@aoLcom. B if ry�j - de GOB Kyle'f aylor kylewhite228@aol.co Tc)- s ! / e, •� 10®�3 �f ce ��� ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING INN REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE _j/'i f iA_ DATE PLANS AND PER IT MUST BE KE O JOB RaoFng� SITE OR NO INSPECTIONS) LL MADE Metal' Roofing, Evaluation R'epor(from a Florida Registered Architect or Licensed Florida A.rofessional Engineer: :Evaluation. Report Rardcopy Received Florida Engineer or.Architect.,Namecwho developed,the1ocke Bowden Evaluation Report, Florida License PE745704 QualityAssurance Entity FRI Construction Materials -Technologies; LLC Quality.Assurance,Contract Expiration Date OS/23/2023 Validated By Zachary. R. Prlest, P.E ,Y+ Validation Checklist - Hardcop,y Received Certificate of. Independence .fL17443 R1 COI FL 17443 3 A Taylor 2017 Code' Eval Reogrt,pri h Details, B��pSlP: Referenced Standard and Year (pf`Standard) Standard Year TAS '125' 2003 UL 1897 2012.. UL580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified :By Sections from the Code 1% Pro4oc.t.,Approvall. Method MiihoO i3Opilon D Date. S,vbmilfteO, 01/24/2018; Date Validated. 02/14/201& Date Pending FBC-APproval 02/17/Z018 Date Approved 04/-1:0/20-i8 'Summary of Products FL # 1411601, Nufiliber�ar Name Description 17443A 5 V Cdrnp, 26GA 112" rib heightover 15/32" APA.- plywood Pmlts*o.f use Approved for'usetn HVHZ: No Approved for.use. outside HVHZ. Yes Impact Resistant. N/A Design. Pressure.; +N/Aj4Zq,Z5: Qth.er:.-129* 18 @-*61' ox. -6.9.25 0167 ox. margin ofsafety 2:11 witk.24` max.. coverage. Install. per, manufactureM,detall, 14.otfordse: In HVHZ. ;Installatlon Instructions: FU7443 R1 Al K 17443 1 A Taylor 201-7 Code Eval Rep=, With Qet0lWR5SS.W leo Py; Locke .Bowden;. F.E, 49704. Createdhy Independent Third Party: Yes I.Evaluation Reports 1 A 1, loi:,2017 Code Lyat keppA 1�� , Q�3443 Creatd.d.by Independent T*4 Party. Yes 17.441.2 VICiORIAN CRIMP SHINGLE -'16GA1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO PREVIOUS PANELS; OVER CDXjAPA 15/,32" PLY�W ,000- "Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No' Approved for., use q4tsidw H u . � Impact Reslistant—N/A. Design Pressure: +N /A V 405 6tfieir- -105PSF'Marjjfi3Of,.Saf0ty 9,1i jn%All per, .manufactweil..s details and In compliance With'FBC 2017,6th Not -for uses In HVHZ. .1ristaillationInstructions. _FLI7443 RI 11, FL 17443-3 A Taylor 2017 Coog Ev with Details RSS%pd Verified 13y: Locke:Bowdeni, RE. 49704 -Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports 'FL17443 R1 AE Fl `1� 3 A Taylor 2017 Cbd Xx&_1A14= mith betails RSSS: 6df Created 46V Ind6.peZelitlhltrd, Party: Yes 'Ek: EB 'ThwSta�fe of FloOda Is an.AA /eEO employer, ,�MKdght 1004dij� gate of Florida. ',- Prj"!;kStateme ­.:; Accessibility Statement ,: Refund Statement, Under florlda lao,'emall addresses are public (vords. If you.do not wantyour e-mail address released In.response to a pubilc-recordt request,ldo-pot sendelectronic6160 to this entity. Instead, contact,the,office by phone or by traditional mail; lfyou-have,,q�ny questions, please Contact'850.46.7.'j395. -Pu'rsua_nt to section October 1,:20iZ.'llcehkeijkensed under chapter455, F.S. must provide the Department With an email addIrewif they.hAve o4e,the email$ provided maybe usedforoffidbl communicadwAth the licensee. HoWeve . r'eqfall addresses,�Pre p6bl1cxecord;.1f Yo'U,do not wish'to supply a - personal address, please:proWde the Departmentwith anArnall addfes$_'wb)ch can bai ade ' m available to the.public. To deternalnelfyou are: a;licensee under Chapter 455, F !please dick baL. S.j Product Approval Acciipts.: Credit Card �gate TEST Ut �3. 4, S. 6. 7. report' Fort, Pi erce, FL 34962 1 (771). 466«4440 Florida Ptodbct,ApprdVatA6ie # 61G20-3 Assurance Pr6grarMi Pki CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Imp thru fastenedWAb-at eack_pane Uedge and Iftstener in the centerofthq panel, 241"',net.*coverage .;26CA M'rM_ 4!50, Ant, A* Olk'sUffilm over Nhe ISAr"Alck C-OkOlywood deck. Corrosion':Resistantfastener -*#g-19'14WH with g°'washdrs,:metal-to :wdod.connec6ons with fatto"Ot-4e o,'pek ate 5/101hr J Ou.bAt"te4. Fatten along Ahw-crown _"OthI t penetrate _u a rib inthe centerol'parieland: aJon the.16p.Firstfasteneribbe-wi I - it 3" of parse) .9 ring shank spaced 6" O.C:rerooflng, wlthIessAhan 19/321 plywood to;�be Used lhadcritio.n to ig, attachment: Deck:,Mope, Zi12 orSteater and shall.be compliant with TOC2017- Oted; Underlbvment.*.,See:FBC70i7.6nI Sec. 1507 TatAeI507.1.1 "Design.Presturz, [_:Spadng:. PSF -12914 PSF vvx, ri Resistant, - Fastener 4.16.x 1".1incipila AL te kseami 'Panels ap oc plied exposure; adjacet*sfiingles-insertedtito lo&searn of grevio4sth .,Jhgte;-Dkkslope1-Z ,24 or greater. and shall -be itwith; Mil 2017 04. ndOrlay;.nOqt,:See FBCZ017 TableASOZAA 6*edl Sec..1507 **Design Pressure: .Reference Data:. tLaboratbrVfTST-15271, 40224-0501'-06 TAS 1251;(UL on,Mbterials,TethnologiOs'(TST--S878): #FAW3-02-91: Q . k,,S$C-Q6/UL-.-1897-0_4-' .st standards.ore:eqvivalent'to Uk SS0-C6,:test 'sTqndd0s., test standords ore, eauivolerit, to UL 1897,42:,tesustandards.- Uriderjayment. to,be. compliance witkcurrentTlodda. Buildiog-Code (fl3t-)2O1T67", ed...see. Chart-,1501;1,j Unirnorn slope to,, be compliant with: Florlda;Building C - ode-2017 601-edandper with th Manufacturer's SM I , il .. T , ' Oe installation reference, Products are compliant. with.State offlorida product approval per Rule 0004 6mOrj6nc.e:Methbd,,.i-,o Eng,ineering.'analy-M& for "project specific approval by local, .4th it[ a whuelsdictiob: is "Itowed, by, other registered: _Os engineers.. Fire c1bofficatlon isliotipartdf this acceptance; Sheardiaphragm, values are outside4his report. Support -fran),ir!g',!#,,;cpmpli;3.nlc,'e w/FOC,2017 V, CC Chapter- 21,Steel,,,Chapter 28 Wood and -.Chapter 1_.6 Strucfural'Lo dift, does not Aywarran installation recommended product use outside ofthis report. of Independence:., h n Jen, P. ' does-not'have, otW!l!acqdj a-firianci4interestinah, ufacturin wo V company �pjjjqj u prod. evaluation. Ox den, 04 is not "DWOOO,,opetated.,,dt'controllbd',b.yany com,ponV,manufacturer, I or- 'S it of fdder,this 10' SVCn' .Crimp `Fastehet=- #9-15 corrosion resistant Wjs�. � , jli,nqWpOQrs 24- Fastener': #9 x 15. corrosion resi.stant with, sealhg washiars, in, Compliance with.201 7 Florida Building Code, Section 1507 Perimetbit fastimina::61b..c. M'a.ja Fleldfasteining12"o.c. Pan'[ Widlth:;2W Panel Coverage: 24"maxh,urb 26.GA.Architecturali Metal Roof: panel 1 CRIMP M1.NlIV1UW2;FA8T-ENER8' AT LOOK SEAM COT f/2.;SHILJE SHINGLE REATESTAGGERED ERN DRIAN CRIMP' GLES 9".EXPQSURE Fbstener.#10x1' Zinc- Plated'Ad. TO Pancake Head