HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1945 1451 ~ __---- L ........ ~ ....... A - ......-114- ~"_.._44 _"'__-.&.alIf~._'___"_."'_'-'___'_' [ WITNESS my signature and ottioial seal at ~ort Pieroe in the County ot Saint Luoie and State ot Florida, the ~ and, year last aforesaid. Ethel ~helton Coohran Notary Pub11o. My Commission expires 3/12 1928. (Seal) I I I I Larg~'. I I I I I I i I i 1 I I i I ! Notary Publio tor the State of Florida at ~ C~muission expires Maroh 12, 1928. Filed and reoorded on this lJth ~ ot Nov.. 4.~. 1920 at 9:32 A. K. P. C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. c-.s\e~ ~ ~el~. ./CO'<lJ, 0% ~e f't/ By' f)~~ ~Q..NvVD.C. <\ . r i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mrs. R. C. Dobrusky TO Moses Phillips ( POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW J.LL YKli BY THESE PRESKNTS, That Mrs. R. C. Dobrusky ot the City and County of Denver in the State ot Colorado reposing speoial trust and oonfidenoe in Koses Phillips ot the City and County of Denver in the State ot Colorado have made, o)nstituted and apPoin-: ted, and by these presents do make, oonstitute and appoint the 3aid Koses Phillips true and lawful attorney tor me and in my name, plaoe and stead, tor my sole use and benefit to at&rt suit in my name to reoover any all lands looated in St. Luoie County, Florida, to bargain, sell and oonvey by quit-ola~ daed; to oom~romise c:a1ms ot other people olaiming title to the within desoribed lands. and to do eaoh and every aot neoessary to reoover or to sell, oonvey. mortgage or enoumber this prop~rty in any manner that the said Moses Phil- 111>11 seea tit. These lots are more partioularly desoribed as tollows: Lot Numbered Thirty-three (3~), Blook Three (3) Lot Numbered Thirty-three (33), Blook Four (4) Lot Numbered Thirty-three (33). Bl~ok Seventy (70) Lot Thirty-three (33), Blook One Hundred Thirty-three (133). all looated in lrawnwood Addition, Fort Pieroe. st. Luoie County. Hereby giving and granting unto my said attorney tull power and authority to do and pertorB all and every aot and thing whatsoever requisite and neoessary to be done in and about the premises, as tully to all intent& f',', purposes as I might or oould do if personal- ly present. with ~ull power ot substitution and revooatian,'heraby ratifying ~d oonfirming ! 611 that my said attorney or his substitutes shall lawfully do or oause to be done by virtuei i 1 hereot. IN WITh~SS WHEREOF. I have herBUnto set ~and and seal this 9th day ot November. A. D. ons thousand nine hundred and 'rwenty-tive. R. C. Dobrusky (Seal) :~;,:;'.: ~.l;i.;./'}r~~i~f - . ~ ~". .-?~ ~~ -. . - ...... ,.. . pO. _".f. s. -" ........ . . .: . !.- i~:.l,::/- .~';'. .\',~~'