HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1956 156 1 I I ,,-.. ............- d'......,..~..__--.. _...... ..... __ .c;-...J ----; S'rgPR!N ~. READE B'l' UX 'rO WARRANTY nEED 9. m. SutTH !RI8 INDENTURE. Vade thi8 l?th day of Ootober, A. D. 1926. BETWEEN Stephen P. Reede en4 Addie H. Reede. hie wit. of the County of Saint Luoie, in the Stute of Floride. partieF of the tirst part, and ~. K. Smith of the County ot Saint Luoie, in the ~tate of Plorlde, parties of the seoond part. ~TN!SSE!H. That the.8aid parties of the firet part, tor and In consideration ot the 8um ot Ten dollars and other valuable consideration to them'in hand paid by th$ party ot the 8eoond part, the receipt whereot i8 hereby aoknowledg~d, heve granted, barpained and 8014 to the 8aid party of the second part. his heir8 and assigne, forever. the followi~ des- i orib.d land. sltuate. lyin~ and being in the County of Saint Luci. and State of ~lorida, to-.it: Lot? In Dukett's re-subdlvls10n of Blook 2. ~ort Pieroe, ~lorida. as shown by the plat of said re-subdivision ot reoord in the offioe ot the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot Saint Lucie County. ~10ri4a Plst Book 3. page 33. Subjeot however, to a certain mortFage thereon executed by ~tephen P. Reade to Paul Uuller dated ~ep. 6, 1926 and filed tor reoord Oct. 13. 1925. whioh said mort@age sloures the pe~ent of 3 promissory notes ot even date there*lth tor $387.60 each. bearing interest at the rate ot ~ per annum and payable respectively one. two and three years after date. and whioh sald mortgage the second party aS8\10eS anti aFreea to pay as a part ot the oonsideration of and for these presents. ($3.00 Doc. staops cancelled) And the 8aid parties ot the tirst part do hereby fully warrant the title to said land. and will detend the same against the lawtul claitl8 of sll persona whotlBoever. IN ;nTBE~S ~EREO'. the 88id parties of the first part do hereunto Bet their hands ~ and seals the day and year above written. Slgn.d, sealed aDd del1 vend in ~resenoe ot U8: Stephen ~. 3eade Addie tJ. Reede (Seal) (Seal) ) 3thel Shelton Coohran ~alter u. 30~er8 ~. c. Bishop 'I. A. Simmons STATE O? GEORGIA COUNTY 01 'ULTOR I RE3ESY CERTIPV That on this day personally appeared before me. an otfioer duly author. ; iz.d to administer oaths and take aoknowledgments, Addie H. Reede to me well known to be the j ! person desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoin, deed. and aoknowledged before me that she. . 1 exeouted the 8sm. freely and voluntaril~ tor the purposee therein expressed. AND 1 'URTq!R CKRTIPY. That the said AdAie 3. Reade, kDown to be to be the wife of the ~ s8id Stephen P. ~eade on a separate and printe enoination taken and made b:r and before me, 1 ; ; separately and apart fran her 88id huaband. did aoknowled~e that she r.lOde hereeIt a party ; ! to H8id deed tot the pur90ae of renounoing. relinquishing end oonvering all her right, title ! end intereet, whether 60wer. ho~eBteed or of separate property, etatutor7 or equitable. 1n ; I ' i and to the lands desoribed therein, and that she exeouted the 8ald deed tr.ely end VOluntarilY i I : and without any oompulsion, oonstraint. apprehension or fear ot Dr trom her 8aid husband. I l1Trr3qg ~ bend end ottloial eeal at Atlanta County of ?ulton and Stat. ot Georgia. thi8 1 21st Aey of Ootobn A. D. 1925. I : .'~ .<:('-~;.::~~~~":.:)~~~:2,(~j;~~~:~.~~:'>;;~I~ · " ' .:.' ~:~( ~t!~~~~>~;~:~~.~:.~