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Rhvac Residential Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, lnc. Southern nterpnses. KKnckResidence_. Fort P�erc� FL 34946;, . _ 'Pa e 1 Proje'' t Report GeneralTroject Information: - Project I itle: Krick Residence Designe! By: Tammy Project Date: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Client Nime: American Comps', y Name: Southern Enterprises SCANNED Compar y Representative: Tammy BY Compa I y Address: 4994 Deanna Ln, ����� ����� Comps I y City: Ft Pierce FI 34946 Compaq Phone: 772-467-9225 Compa y Fax: 461-2775 -Design Data Referer Oe City: Fort Pierce, Florida Daily T, perature Range: Medium Latitude) 27 Degrees Elevation: 25 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.999 Elevatio Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevatio) t Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevatio i Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter:' 42 0 30 72 3 SUMME 90 78 50 75 61 Check"Fi tires - Total B',ilding Supply CFM: 1,465 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.729 Square) . of Room Area: 2,009 Square ft. Per Ton: 561 Volum ell (ft) of Cond. Space: 18,021 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 4.9 Buildinf Oads Total H ating Required With Outside Air: 40,098 Btuh 40.098 MBH Total S0 nsibie Gain: 32,203 Btuh 88 % Total I-Atent Gain: 4,316 Btuh 12 % Total Citioling Required With Outside Air: 36,519 Btuh 3.04 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 3.58 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) 11'Not6s talculalions are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All com uteri results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure 'to i select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Rhvac - esidential & LightCoinmercia4HVAC Loads =°", ::°_ v: :•',Elite software.Development; lnc: Entsrpnses Southern - Knck Residence Fort Fier�e `FL" 34946 Fa e 2 -Mi$C 'llaneous' Report` System Outdoor :. ._ =Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains:' I,n ut D to . - .. - : J Bulb l7i�et'Bulb :" Rel:Hum" . .- •. D=: Bulb, • ::.. -Difference, Winter:!, 42 0 30 72 3.44 Summ '' : 90 78 50 75 61.09 Duct -'Si ;;iia inputs. Main Trunk Runouts Calcula e: Yes Yes Use Sc edule: Yes Yes Rough ss Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressu Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./l00 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimu' i Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximui'I Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maxim Height: 0 in. 0 in. Outside Air Data- _. Winter Summer 'Infiltrati4 n: 0.490 AC/hr 0.250 AC/hr Above rade Volume: X 18,021 CuR X 18,021 Cu.ft. 8,830 Cu.ft./hr 4,505 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total B''ilding Infiltration: 147 CFM 75 CFM Total B" ilding Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM —Sys em 1— Infiltratil n & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 16.49 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 15.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltrati n & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: , 41.50 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 61.09 Grains Difference) Infiltrati' ii 'i n & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 32.97 = (1.10 X 0.999 X 30.00 Winter Temp. Difference) i i i i i i I Rhvac Southern esidential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads rtterpnses :>' EIRe SoftwareDevelo ment,7nim P Knck Residence" Fort Pier a FL 34946 Pa e"3 Load Preview- 1 Sens w 'La Net , . ." Sens Win. , Sum Sys- Duct 'Scope -'Area.-..' .Gaut . Gain :_ .. -,Gain - . Loss `CFM , .= CFM :-, CFM : Size Build n .3,0.4 Net Tons,. 3;58 Recommended Tons, .561-ft`2Ifon, ' 4QAQMBPI Pleating°: Building 2,009 32,203 4,316 36,519 40,098 521 1,465 1,465 S tem,1 3.04-I tet Tons " 3r58;Recommencted Tans, "561>:ft?Il`ori; : 40,10 MBH Fieatin System 1 2,009 32,203 4,316 36,519 40,098 521 1,465 1,465 16x16 Zone 1 ! . .. .. . 2,009 32,203 ' 4,316 36,519 40,098 521 1,465 1,465 1-Bedf om 3 208 3,410 776 4,186 4,652 60 155 155 1-7 2-Bat, 2 54 881 74 955 1,011 13 40 40 1-4 3-Bed, Dom 2 182 2,518 776 3,294 3,520 46 115 115 1-6 4-Fary ly Room 266 7,277 459 7,736 6,742 88 331 331 3-6 5-Mor ing 112 220 0 220 1,061 14 10 10 1-4 6-Lau' dry Room 63 1,588 118 1,706 961 12 72 72 1-5 7-Kitcl 'en 112 3,618 132 3,750 2,014 26 165 165 1-8 8-Entr 96 656 111 767 1,272 17 30 30 1-4 - 9-Livi !j Room 216 2,914 258 3,172 4,290 56 133 133 1-7 10-Di }ng Room 121 1,043 146 1,189 1,926 25 47 47 1-4 11-Cabana Bath 57 1,039 216 1,255 2,391 31 47 47 1-4 12-M ' ter Bedroom 252 3,723 651 4,374 .3,474 45 169 169 2-5 13-Ma - ter Bath i j I i i I II I I i 270 3,316 599 3,915 6,784 88 151 151 1-7 I Rhvac Southern esidential=, Light,Comtnercidi HVACloads .. ,$ nterpnses; - ' ' Elite Sotiware:Development, Inc;: IZncK Residence I?oitPie FL 34946 ... .. pa' e 4' Totals; crlding. Surri►riary Loads :`: Compo ent Area ..: " Sen, Lat Sep Total �escr+ `oez Quan;Loss . " ..< .:. Gain Gain . Gain:; 1A-cm-'' Glazing -Single pane, operable window, clear, 168.8 6,433 0 9,137 9,137 met 111 frame no break, u-value 1.27 IA-cm Glazing-Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 54.4 2,073 0 4,960 4,960 met I I frame no break, u-value 1.27 11 N: Do r-Polystyrene Core 38.2 401 0 347 347 13AB-0'; b: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 1578.7 12,887 0 7,469 7,469 ope li: ' core, brick finish 12E-Ob Wall -Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 174.5 356 0 136 136 no b and insulation, brick finish, wood studs 160-19:11Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 2008.3 2,954 0 3,937 3,937 Attu' No Radiant Barrier, White or Light Color Shinnlies, Any Wood Shake, Light Metal, Tar and Grael or Membrane, R-19 insulation 22A-ph:l loor-Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 249 10,143 0 0 0 insu,I 3tion below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy moi" soil .......... ._.._.., -I. Subtotal's --I --------------------------............ - .. -- - - ------------- .......... for structure: ..... -........ .... ........... --.._...__.._..---- 35,247 -__... -- .... 0 25,986 _.-........ 25,986 People 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipm nt: 0 3,600 3,600 Lighting; 0 0 0 Ductwo'k: 0 0 0 0 Infiltrath n: Winter CFM:147, Summer CFM: 75 4,851 3,116 1,237 4,353 Ventila n: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM 0 0 0 0 0 Total B', ilding Load Totals: 40,098 4,316 32,203 36,519 [Check i tlreS '. Total B' ilding Supply CFM: 1,465 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.729 Square' . of Room Area: 2,009 Square ft. Per Ton: 561 Volum (fP) of Cond. Space: 18,021 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 4.9 Buildin Loads,--,',, Total H ating Required With Outside Air: 40,098 Btuh 40.098 MBH Total S nsible Gain: 32,203 Btuh 88 % Total L�� entGain: 4,316 Btuh 12 % Total C' i oling Required With Outside Air: 36,519 Btuh 3.04 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 3.58 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes Calculi ions are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All comp' uted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. I i I I i I i I I i i Rhvac -Residential &LightComme[cral HVAC Loads Enterp Elite 'Software Development; Inc. Keck Residence -Southemi nses' Fort -Pier ; FL 34946. Page 5 7" . SU/71l17cii�/. LO�CiS - Cornpopent Area Sen Lat Sen Total Quan -Loss Gain - ;Gain Gain 1 A -cm- Glazing -Single pane, operable window, clear, 168.8 6,433 0 9,137 9,137 met; I frame no break, u-value 1.27 1 A-cni Glazing -Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 54.4 2,073 0 4,960 4,960 met I frame no break, u-value 1.27 11 N: Do�Qr-Polystyrene Core 38.2 401 0 347 347 13AB-0di b: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 1578.7 12,887 0 7,469 7,469 ope core, brick finish 12E-Ob '� : Wall -Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 174.5 356 0 136 136 no bard insulation, brick finish, wood studs 160-19:�Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 2008.3 2,954 0 3,937 3,937 Attic' No Radiant Barrier, White or Light Color Shine les, Any Wood Shake, Light Metal, Tar and Gra h ll or Membrane, R-19 insulation 22A-ph:!'-Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 249 10,143 0 0 0 insujation moist below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy soil . T - - - - __..._... - - - s -._...._.... _..--------- ---- -- _.._.....__..._..-- - ..... __......._... _...__... __.__._.__..._.._...._.. Subtota for structure: 35,247 0 25,986 25,986 People; 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 EquipmI nt:' 0 3,600 3,600 Lighting 0 0 0 Ductwo 0 0 0 0 Infiltrafi n: Winter CFM:147, Summer CFM: 75 4,851 3,116 1,237 4,353 Ventila n: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 _....._.._.__.____ _ .-..__..... __ _ ..._.:_.._ .. _._ . _.._ ........_._._. 0 ._._.._._... ..... _.._ 0 .. .... . _ 0 ._._....__ ._._ ,...._ 0 _._... .. ..._.. System Load Totals: 40,098 4,316 32,203 36,519 Check Figure _ Supply FM: 1,465 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.729 Square �jljt . of Room Area: 2,009 Square ft. Per Ton: 561 Volumeft3) of Cond. Space: 18,021 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 4.9 System Loads Total H ating Required With Outside Air: 40,098 Btuh 40.098 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 32,203 Btuh 88 % Total UJ ent Gain: 4,316 Btuh 12 % Total C'Required With Outside Air: 36,519 Btuh 3.04 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 3.58 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes :771 Calculal ions are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. .All comp uteri results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure' I o select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. i Rhvac '-Residential & Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Southern Enterprises :. Krick Residence ForfPiercf , FL '34946 .. . -. . - `; , . ° '..:. .. Page 6` Sysf uil 1; Zone 1 'Sum" matt'- Loads (Average Load Procedure for Rooms) :. Component Area Sen Lat Sen Total Descri'ion - Quan =' - Loss . Gain Gain Gain IA -cm- Glazing -Single pane, operable window, clear, 168.8 6,433 0 9,137 9,137 met I frame no break, u-value 1.27 1A-cm-(ilGlazing-Single pane, sliding glass door, clear, 54.4 2,073 0 4,960 4,960 met' frame no break, u-value 1.27 11 N: Door -Polystyrene Core 38.2 401 0 347 347 13AB-Oc%'' b: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 1578.7 12,887 0 7,469 7,469 opej�core, brick finish 12E-Obi Wall -Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, 174.5 356 0 136 136 no board insulation, brick finish, wood studs 16C-19:�Roof/Ceiling-Under attic or knee wall, Vented 2008.3 2,954 0 3,937 3,937 Attic No Radiant Barrier, White or Light Color Shin, pies, Any Wood Shake, Light Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-19 insulation 22A-ph:,Floor-Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no insu ation below floor, 249 10,143 0 0 0 any floor cover, passive, heavy moist soil ...... .............:.._.. - -.._.. - -- - -- - .... - -- -- ..-...._..... -- ... - - - - ..._.._....._. Subtota s for structure: 35,247 0 25,986 25,986 People: 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equipm nt: 0 3,600 3,600 Lighting 0 0 0 Ductwo��C: 0 0 0 0 Infiltrati n: Winter CFM: 147, Summer CFM: 75 _ __....... . __.. _. _..._ ........_ . 4 851 .... _................ _ 3116 ...... 1 237 - ._...._...... 4,353 - - System'' , Zone 1 Load Totals: 40,098 4,316 32,203 36,519 Check 1 ures Supply I 11 D FM: 1,465 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.729 Square of Room Area: 2,009 Square ft. Per Ton: 561 Volume(fP) of Cond. Space: 18,021 Air Turnover Rate (per hour): 4.9 Zone Leads - - Total Heating Required: 40,098 Btuh 40.098 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 32,203 Btuh 88 % Total L 1�ent Gain: 4,316 Btuh 12 % Total C h oling Required: 36,519 Btuh 3.04 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 3.58 Tons (Based On 75% Sensible Capacity) Notes h Calcula 'ons are based on 8th edition of ACCA Manual J. All com uted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. . Be sure l, o select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. i Rhvac esidential &Light Comme[ci11 HVAC Loads Elite Software Development, Inc. Souther 'Enterprises Krick Residence Tort Pier. e'FL 34946 .. . Pa e'T. Syst rn Room: Load7sam, C1 Htgl Htg -Run Run Cig ` Cig- .... Cig. Air Room -Area" Sens-,- -Nom .':.,-. Duct Duct Sens • --Lat, . Nom _Sys No . me - = SF:. Btuh ;: CFM- ' ` :j Size . Vel ." . Btuh _ `.;" ., Btuii :. CFM....'CFM: -Zon ',1-- 1 B droom 3 208 4,652 60 1-7 581 3,410 776 155 155 2 Beath 2 54 1,011 13 1-4 459 881 74 40 40 3 Bedroom 2 182 3,520 46 1-6 583 2,518 776 115 115 4 F ily Room 266 6,742 88 3-6 562 7,277 459 331 331 5 ning 112 1,061 14 1-4 115 220 0 10 10 6 Liiundry Room 63 961 12 1-5 530 1,588 118 72 72 7 Kichen 112 2,014 26 1-8 472 3,618 132 165 165 8 Eiitry 96 1,272 17 1-4 342 656 111 30 30 9 Li fing Room 216 4,290 56 1-7 496 2,914 258 133 133 10 E ning Room 121 1,926 25 1-4 544 1,043 146 47 47 11 d bana Bath 57 2,391 31 1-4 542 1,039 216 47 47 12 N4aster Bedroom 252 3,474 45 2-5 621 3,723 651 169 169 13 aster Bath 270 6,784 88 1 7 565 3, S tem 1 total 2,009 40,098 521 .... - _.. _ 32,203 4,316 1,465 1,465 System!, Main Trunk Size: 16x16 in. Veloci ' 878 ft./min Loss pe -100 ft.: 0.084 in.wg -Coos fig'S stem Summary_ Gaoling Sensible/Laterit:.:- Sensible Latent = Total Torts; Slit.": ..... Btuh Btuh .:.. Bfuh: Net Re uired: 3.04 88% / 12% 32,203 4,316 36,519 Recom' ended: 3.58 75% / 25% 32,203 10,734 42,937 Actual: 3.67 75% / 25% 33,000 11,000 44,000 E ui m' nt Data . Heating System Cooling System Type: Standard Air Conditioner Model:', CRT48-1 *ARPT049-00*-1 * Brand: Janitrol, GMC, Franklin, Goodman, Amana, EverStar, Descrip, on: Standard Air Conditioner Efficien'y: 13 SEER Sound: 0 bels Capac' : 44,000 Btuh Sensibl ' ��,apacity: Capacity: n/a 33,000 Btuh Latent I. i j n/a 11,000 Btuh - nco�u Project;Vitle: Designed by: Project, ate: Project) omme Client name: Client address: Client ci�: Client p II one: Client fi I Client cipmmer Light commercial HVAc Loads Krick Residence Tammy Tuesday, September 06, 2005 American Company name: Southern Enterprises Company representative: Tammy Compa, y address: 4994 Deanna Ln Compa y city: Ft Pierce FI 34946 Compa, y phone: 772-467-9225 .Compa y fax: 461-2775 Company comment: Elite Software Development, Inc. Krick Residerice Page 8 HVAC E�uipment .., . Systern 1 Air Han' ler Name Cooling Description Standard Air Conditioner Cooling Model Type Standard Air Conditioner Cooling[Model Number CRT48-1*ARPT049-00*-1' Cooling' iCapacity 44,000 Btuh Cooling' fficiency 13 SEER Heating escription Heating' Model Type Heating,Model Number Heating"apacity Heatin fficienc