HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1970 i I of Kay A. D. 1913. I , f I ~AT1l O. J'LORlDA I S9. I COON'rY OP ST. LUCI! t This instrument ot writing wus filed tor reoord in the offioe ot th6 Clerk ot the I Cirouit Court on this let day of July, A. D. 1913 and the 880e hes bun duly reoorded in ; Deed Book 16 at pafl'e 112. , I i I I I .1 I I I ! Piled I I ! 170 y . . -'-', -~"i ~... r , appeared !rlan K. UoOarty, to me known to be the Preaident of the oompany desoribed in the foregoing d.ed; who de01ared and aoknowled,ed that the seal aftixed thereto ie thl oorporate eul of tho Boulnarei De..lopment OOllpeny, the E ame ..s by hill aftixed to esld dud under authority of the Board of Dlreotors ot the 88id Corporation. and that he eubsoribed hie name thereto as ?reeident of said Corporation by like authority. IN ~ITN3SS ~ERBOP. I have hereunto atflxed ~ hand end seal of offi~e, thie 8th d8y t 1 Ella C. ~t.nf(lrd notary Publio. Uy oommission expir.8 1/20/11 ~ltnes8 ~ hand and the .eal of the Cirouit Court thi8 let day of July A. D. 1913. J. !. Pults. Clerk Circuit Court. . ) ~.oord Verit1ed. 6695 By Jmmaroe J!. Stanford ~eputy Clerk. 9th da7 of Deoember A. D. 1925, at 3:16 P. It. ? C. Eldr.d. Cl.rk Cirouit Court. '\'\"~ . n .... \.\ ,.c S~, \{c(.o! ~:-\ G- . e... By G ~~GJ Q..........)..... dL-D. C. 1 i _________________ 1 i 'ALB~T MOO~& &T ALS ------------------------------------------------.----------------------- TO ~. DI. REYNOLDS ",AR?Alf'lY DEED ) i ~HlS IlIDRR'l'tJRE. Uade this 9th da;, ot Ootober, A. D. 1925. BE'r.fEEN Albert Hoore and }.fae b. Yoore, his wife, and ~red A. Barrett & llorenoe Barrett. hie wife of the Count;, of Browsrd: . lin the State of 'lorida parties of the firet part. aDd P. D. Reynolds of the County of ~t. i ~uoie In the State of Plorida part__ ot the second part. j ] ~ITNESS!TH. That the 88id parties of the first part. lof One Dollar and other good and T8luable oonsiderations to them in hand paid by the said t I party of the eecond part, the receipt whereot is hereby ackhowledged. have granted, bargained t and sold to the ssid party of the seoond part. his heirs and assigns forever an undivided i for and in oonsidera~ion ot the sum live-Bights (5/8) intereet in and to the following dese~ibed land, situate. lyin~ and being f .in \ I I t ! i I I the County of St. Luoie, State of florida, to-wit: To looate the point of beginning. oommence on the ~e8t Bank of the Indian River at 8 atate, marking the Bortheest oorner of the South one-third of Lot 1 of Seotion 33. Township 34 South, Range 40 ~ast; trom thic stake run due South Two (2) ohains and nine (9) links and set. stake; run thence west parallel with the lend line to the ~eat line of the Dixie qifl'hway eo-oa11ed. whioh is the point of be,inninF ot the tr.ct herein desorlbed; thence oontinue on eaid line from the point ot beginning to a point whioh Is twenty-two (22) chai~8 and fifty (60) links west of the s.oond stake mentioned in this desoription; run theno. north Two (2) ohains nine (9) links to 8 stake; run thence ~e8t to the eUbdlY1,lanllne between the Best .nd ~e8t balTe. ot Seotion 33; run theDe./RfBd~ said eUbdlT18ion 11ne to ] : ~ <: ~~t~..,:.!i:.\./:~t:.\~.{ - --- "'--...- --- '~_ -,...~ ~ 'd:-~", - , : .... : --..:'.'~ ~:~:~,~:::'~~.~~~~>:~.::;. . -