HomeMy WebLinkAboutEASEMENT77777777T "J Work'Ordcr No. EASEMENT This: Instrurnani Prap'arod By Scc.'2119. Twv-3� S, Rac 39 E KI I . I I . wu Co. Name: .,SGANN Parcel'JI.D. # lay (M inw.Wby Address: , ft The Wdersignod, invonsidcration'of. the payment of $1.00 .and other good'andvaluata consideration,"the, adequacy and"recicipt of which,is Wdby acknowledg6d, grant d give Wi.Floridi'PoWcr & Light Company. its ficcrisc'es," agenis,.1 successors and Assigns, an casement forever for the constr6ctiori, operation:, and maintdbanc'c: of rbv0rhqadand. underground cicctric,udlityl, facilities, (including warns; Ipohss,tiys. cables, conduits and appurtenant equipiricrit)'to ,be installed I from te time; with, the. right to -reconstruct,* improve, add to, cniargc, change the vc Itaimge, as well as. the size of and remove such facilities or Any of them within an casement A0 fect,in width cicscribcd:as. follows: 21.96 feet; i Veal, 10.001 4,2 Wei .2.1 ,T 14" FAst, ,f 44'39", M itirth 62'44- TO, rnh trim Went, drider, IN WI in D Nbrthcag comer of Section 29, Township 36 South, Rapse 00'. PC 45" W M''Along the Fast lino of said,Sbcd6n Also i way of Cerlton Road) 2053.65:ird;kto' &P. oint.df tun WPointoftegul i 8.runWorth Ur 10%674c;�t 58.221oct; 51 350 Eam, 20.42 f4t: thenoo North 64* i4i:8" West, 16.00 Ze,115'31311 vvc3k 21.9 . ft414thence South 94- 51P. - 14"W'm North 18,44 ''tk them North 80; 05, 36" tence Sotiih-0954'30N, Wgatl 2136 &ct; thence South 94* 57' -%AbcnOSouth 05002 '46 - FAA 10.00 - font; I thence North 940 feet thence South 09' 54'306 West,,340.89 &6.4,thence South 17.10 , fat; thence South 27* 15',22' Emk I0.00 ,foM'dience list 439 52 fhaethencd,South 09P54­40" Wpm 345 M font; 'thence.Sou65 lr-.33"W W63% I 18530 11bence &Wii -*26 05'Zii� fwt feet. thewwNorth Bur%: I51033'551 ' ' ' ,I;P,93 fec4 tll� &*A'5r53! 401 M 21.53 thipco North 17 06'1201" gii% -10.60, foot' North W North West. 2 1. 1 5 8- fc6q thence North, W 54" 30* But, 351.66 %et- I No 6 38K'Hast, 22.41 feet; thence e North 27'15! 22- Wes� 10.01) fi��- d mo Sod 44`38% Wcs� 14.94.fcct; thence . North 05P 54'308 Bps% 3308 fbc� thotie: 84' 57 14- But, 826.07 feet; thince'Souill W 10-:61' East, 66.58 fed Wdu aforementioned East.Section line, thence North 00P64- 45, Ear, Alwis tbp S section line; 11.30 foci to the Point of Beginning_ '� An the above sitluate.in, St. Lucie County. Floridi and ocntsinia 0.77Aaw r with the right,Ao perm'it any, otnqr, person,. firm or corporation to attach, 'wires to any. faciiiiiii,hercunder,arid . lay cable gad within the: casement and to -operate the same for communications purposes;. the right of ingressand e#mis to said pixmi.sds at he t .right- to: c1car the. land and keep�O it. cleared of A trees,. uhde.rgrowth:an:d 6ther'obstnTcdons within't , he emment area;to cut and1ccip" tnimmed..and cut all dcad, weak, leaning or dangerous trees: or limbs outside of the easement area which might ' a the fincs or systcriw,, I loins or power transmission or distribution; and further grants oth fulfea i with' f upon . 4 of communications - or I u n t to gran a is undersigned has he power i if at all, the hercinabove granted on. the -land heretofore des0bed, overalon t ko �c roads, g ways id Across ad streets or, h adjoining or through said property.: N.ES$ WHEREOF,, the undersigned has signed alld scaled this. insirumcrit .on ScAled and 4clinred r"ce,of.- By. "q_lx) ranto S $18"Wre: n %Mi. Pri, 5 U! Miuless- wgnaturc) AS 61V I (Wltnq�) twitness- b1palure) Print ?k'amr -KkA�,i Py-% s, I<cr Awltn;a). STATE: YJ JVNI5. COUNTX, OF be of 19 fore -me his and MYC­ WonOmni (Type qf.ldentirloti9n). Print Address By: Print Name: Print Address: 44. 0 The; "fore joing instrument 'W" k1ch 1010d0d by , is(are) personally known to: me or has(hqq)'V.ro.duciA W. as identification, and -who did (did not), take an oadi.: S,t'1:! Not;ry Pkiblic, SIVRu.M, Print Na Or in 170011 3722-'kt$