HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORKSHEETPEFiM8'9. NUMBER Address of home being Installed SMANNED P(E6E6lIi9T'lf4GORKSHEET �e,�2_1' St. Lucie COO Manufacturer . _..,��ength x width NOTE: if Horne le a single wide fill out one half of the bloctring+ plan �^ !f home is a triple or quad wide sketch In remainder of home I understand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new o used) where the sldewall ties exceed 6 ft 4 In. Installer's initials Typical pier spacing 2' 4 ►ntntnl *—f Show locations of Longitudinal and Lateral Systems ronalrudlnar . (use dark lines to show these locations) logo wall plain w11111a 21 or and or homa Home installed to the Manufacturer's Installation Manual Home Is Installed In accordance with Rule 15-0 Single wide (3 wind Zone II ['] Wind Zone III Double wide e Installation Decal li Triple/oued [3 Serial41 Roof System: TVpi¢al HInged PIER SPACING TA13LIE FOR USED IiOMES Load bearing F size alze 16n x 1 S1 181/Z' x 181/211 20" x 2011 221l x 22" 2489240 26" x 2611 ca aclly (sq In) (256) (342) (400) (484)• (878)' (67S ) 00 3' 4 6 8 41 li w 1 Be 2500 s s 6 g 8 I 8 300 s a 8 8 8 8 350 s 8 • Inln.... 1...4 6..... M. J- • en 8 8 PIER PAD SIZE9 / 4eam pier pad size Perimeter pier pad size � 9 �( Other pier pad sizes (required by themfg,) PO R PAD SIZES the approximate locatlons-of marriage wall openings 4 toot or greater, Use this x 2T 4li— Li t3 x 1; 44 _1Draw ,ac symbol to show the piers, - 1 x List all marriage wall openings greater than 4 foot 2BX25 and their pier pad sizes below, Opening ler pad sly AN ANQR9 /n t t �7'!�r r • r�vl 41t 6 ft 17Lz x 22 FRAM TIES within 2' of and of home spaced at 6' 411 co r TIEDOWNCOMPONEM•S i— OTHERTIES Longitudinal st bill 9' zzl1ppttqq��evlce (LSD) Manufacturer �`I E K Number 6idewall Longitudinal Longitudinal Stabll/ ! Debits w! Lateral Arms Manufacturer- 0--l- Marriage wall Shearwall FILE 6UPY P!~'► fll�Q'U f � ftifdf lr0? PERMIT - ►'nGf_{I=T-P_SfdEfiROMETE - T-8 The pocltel penetrometer tests are rounded down to or check here to declare 1000 lb. soil •- . • • . psf _..... without testing, Y. �L�YJ,i Y .=�:?ZD )( POCKET PENETROMETER TESTING METHOD I. Test the perimeter of the home at 6 locations. 2. Take the reading at the depth of the fooler. _ 3=lJsincF50alb. Increments, taste the lowest reading and round dorm to that increment. r .. PROt3E TI:9T The results of the torque probe test is L7 . here If you are declaring 5' anchors vrliltout teslin," Inch pounds or check showing 275 inch pounds, or less will require 5 foot anchors. A test Note: A state approved lateral arm system is being used and 4 A, anchors are allowed at the sldewall locations, I understand 5 ft anchors are required at all ce tsrline lie points where the torque test reading Is 275 or less and wire the mobile home manufacturer may requires anchors with 4000 J holdin ,bapaoily, Installer's Initials ALL TESTS liQU.$T-BE PER RUED S�Y &.IC LASED t6� TR,d R Installer Name IN —/,c' % %�L: L C-" Gt i Il dr, , � Date Tested `�, `S �✓ %'L.' r t:loctrical Connect olecirical conductors between multi -wide units, but not to the main power source. This includes the bonding wire between mull -wide units, Pg. """"--•--•-- Plumbin� Connect all sewer drains to an existing sewer tap or septic tank, Pg. Connect all ndependentPotable water supply systems.►pPq to an existing water meter, water tap, or ocher pp Yg----.__._._.... Debris and organic material removed _ Water drainage: Afatural Swalo ' ""p'od " ------------ ... �.....__ Other Floor: Type Fastener: Ls�C� Lent ``,,,, r ► (f� 5pacin Watts: Type Fastener. �;��_o Length : g' r Roof.' Type Fastener: �=s - Spacing: ._ Length: , �' Spacing: - For used homes a min, 30 gauge, 8" wide, 5talvanized m ' will be centered over the peals of The roof and fastened with gale P ^ roo9ing nails at 2" on centbr on-both-sldes,of the -centerline------- I understand a property installed gasket Is a requirement of all new and used homes and that condensation, mold, meldew and buckled marriage wails are, a result of a poorly Installedor no gasket being Installed..- I-underst 'of tape will not serve as a gasket. and a strip Installer's initials Type gasitet __. Installed: Pg. •.L.—_ _._..._ _ .�_ Between Floors es� Between Wells e�`- Bottom of ridgebeam� The bottomlyoard will be repaired and/or tapede Yves ) Siding on units is installed to manufacturer's sperm alions, `Ye Pg, _ Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow Intrusion of ralner� es Storting to be Installed, Yes_ Dryer vent installed outs to of sjdrting. NPes Range downtlow vent Installed outside opjipp;"' Drain lines supported at 4 foot int s, yes Electrical crossovers protected"' Y Other: verifies a01 in11l1avansQban alive" utril:h ghis iF9ermle is accurage ate lures b Jsepl on Alva installer signature Dat® � ,>< 1 , o o �a o o a • HOMESM,. Crr.BL•IL'ilE 1:.4�OY; ?Pf. 55D:5>. I ;!r71n, J I I OF'CISn�&5f �---1 I ,- BEDROOM;,k D1N1NG Gw W o +'•� x snw— BEDROOhI #3 + I �= — II ro=� x7r'-o r, wurTY 5 , AREA I 1 o vdvU.i-GVFJ ❑ I i 1 le ro Stli15•.<9 I .ICC+!EP:fE:c�c: o I FAMILYROONf 74' 6'X7d•-7' J 5ATH '2 BEDROOM #Z ' '� 73'•i'X70'•G' I i I I 'I I CiT. WPM MODEL 32764N 4 Bedroom o 2 Bath o 2,280 Square Feet Important: Because we continually update and modify our products, it is important for you to know that our brochures and literature are for illustrative purposes only. ILLUSTRATIONS MAY SHOW OPTIONAL FEATURES. All information contained herein may vary from the actual home we build. Dimensions are nominal length and width measurements are from exterior wall to exterior wall. We reserve the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in prices. colors, materials, specifications. features and models. Please chock with your retailer for :' r specific information about the home you select. �wx FOYER C Z 4I ENrRiL\'CE "' I I cii 1 1 OPTRELF55EP ENTRY -------- ---- --- ------ YA41A1' ----------1 I I 'rALK•�4 I i hfASTER BEDROOM I •ll, MASTER BATH .•"ill 070 K1, f japproved 4•ground is may be used in all ins except where manufacturers speci- ns for sidewatl straps excess or4,q 9lb..- locations requ'�re S it. Per Florida Code. �t 'r I - �T(ansverse arm I-beam ecror `t .rnTris •t_qj :t,! racm— '� IH Transverse arm j' Top (1.25-) /. / bottom (1.5) _ ` C = GROUND PAN D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR D - Ground F- :v- brace I-beam r U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE Pan connectors E = TELESCOPING V BRACE `transverse / TUBE ASSEMBLY W1 1.5 130T- -0nnectars .1- ground Pan TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE V Brackel INSERT F = "V•' BRACE I -BEAM CONNEC- TORS ASSEMBLY E-'V-13race Tub H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE Top (125') ARM ASSEMBLY Bottom (1.5-) I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM -era un6Pen CONNECTOR \ p J= V PAN BRACKET Lon 'itude dry l canZ ete bracket "XI Z' -� part 1101 D-CPGA = ;; Wet bracket part #?.•=z=r 110 1 W-CPCA not sho nr. :Iorfda approved 4' ground tnohor may be used in all DC3110 's except where home ' nanuf -tutors specifications or sid Nall straps are In •• access of 4.000 lbs. These oraGois require a 5' anchor. c 'er Flcnoa Code. / -Concrete U bracket transverse connectors E - IT Brace Tub/ Top (1.257 l/ Bottom (1.5-) ,; Model # 1101 "V" Hole for . Beam Flange Grade 5 -1l2- x 1" I Carriage Bolt $ Nut I page 3 revision 6/01 Model 1101 CVD A • A Model 110i CVW not shown r C = CONCRETE FOOTER/RUNNER D = CONCRETE U BRACKETTRANSVERSE CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 -11r x. 2 1/2—carriage bolt & nut) merle arm I beam :: jliit ola _�'• -1.; . ector E = TELESCOPING V BRACE <H - Trans —verse arm TUBE ASSEMBLY W1 1.5 BOT- Toe (1.25) TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE bottom (1.51 :I INSERT F = "V'• BRACE I -BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY (connects with grade 5 - 112" x 4" carriage bolt fe : V' brace I-beam ' if $ nut) ' Connectors H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM j t-Concrete `�� ASSEMBLY -W Bracket I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM CONNECTOR I (connects with grade 5 -112" x 2 1/2— carriage boll _ t .1= CONCRETE "V" BRACKET (connects wilh grade 5 - 112" x 4' carriage bolt & nut) ad Runner ` l Model # 1101 C "V" I OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-79&4555 1.800284-7437 Fax: 931-fW8811 www.crivertachnologilas.com ,ram W-TuA . eTb�4t U Ltd pagc 2 t- �QNGRIEfE w� Pty�Cw � s:�i� i �R [ovlsiOA G/07 16. concrete runner. WWI* orb mays be used in place of the steel ground pan. The concrete shall be minimum 2�00 psi mix b) A concrete runner may be elther7ingitudinal Ortransverse. and must be a minimum of 8" deep with a minimum width of 16 inches Longitudinally or 18 inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bait and the edge of the concrete (see below). c Footers must have minimum surfice area of 441 sq. in. r.e- 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" deep. dA If a full slab is used, the depth must be a4" miriimum _ Special inspection of the system bracket Installation isnot required.. Footers must allow for at least 4" from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete. NO : The bottom of all footings, pads slabs and runners must be per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL; (Model 1101 LC "V"): 17. When using Partit 1101-W .pr•A ( a sett- simply install the bracket in runnedfooter OR When installing in Cured concrete use Psrt # 101-D-CPCA (drvseft The 1101 (dr) set) CA bracket is attached to the concrete using (2) 518"x3" concrete wedge bolts (Simpson part 4 S11623001-1 518" X 3' or Powers equivalent). Place the CA bracket in desired location. Mark bolt hole locations, then using a 518" diameter rr asonry bit, drill a hole to a minimu depth of 3`_ Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the holes. Place wedge bolts into drilled h Les, then place 1101 (dry set) CA racket onto uvedge� bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts d wn by hitting the nut (making sure of to hit the top of threads on bolt)- l v we t or bololz= ti concrete Complete by tightening r uts. LATERAL: (Model 1101 TC "V") 18_ Far wet set (part* 1101-W-TACA) in 5tallation simply install the anchor bolt into runnerlfooter For dry set installation (part tb 1101-D-TACA) ark bolt hole locations, then using 5/8' diam. masonry bit, drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is I coown out of the hole- Place wedge Molts (Simpson part #8152300H 518" X 3" or Powers equivalent) into (D) concrete dry transverse nnector and into drilled hole. If nee led. take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down, by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit tije tap of threads on bolt), then remt}ve the nut. The sleeve of conrmto o"r 19. When usingt} a boil needs to be at or belnw the too of ortcrete part # i101 CVW (wetsa ) or 1101 CVD (dryset), install per steps 17 $ 18. 1. LEN TH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SiZE 2. ® AI R'PtATERNDFF�*AETELOCATION (needsb be ' wftl 18 oFcff4Erofg urKJ pal croxim!b) 3. gD=' DCATM OF LCNGITUDiN& BRACNG ONLY 4 TRANavEF .SE & LONGif UDIiV L LOCATfONS i ;'AND-LENGTHS-LJP-TO.52' __ .....__.....---- _—_... 0 • 4L WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF 6Systems for home lengths plH to and frame tie required • 0 ?ITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS up to 52' and 8 systems for homes over 52' and up 801. One stabilizer at each lateral; bracing system. ;'AND-LENGTHS-LJP-TO.52' __ .....__.....---- _—_... 0 • 4L WIDTHS; AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80' HOMES WITH 5112 ROOF 6Systems for home lengths plH to and frame tie required • 0 ?ITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS up to 52' and 8 systems for homes over 52' and up 801. One stabilizer at each lateral; bracing system. i page 1 • OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES. INC_ . revision 6/07 LORIDA.iNSTALLATION 1NSTRUGTIONS FOR THE MODE 1191 'T £zERiE3ALL STEEL FOUNDM9N SYSTEM MODEL 1101' V" (STEPS 1.15) LONG17tIDINAL ONLY: FOLLOW STEPS 1-9 FOR ADDING LATERAL ARM: Follow Steps 10-15 FOR CONCRETE APPLICARONS. Follow Steps 1&19 ENGINEERS STAMP ENGINEERS STlWP 1. 5)ECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If th following conditions occur - STOP! Conte& Oliver Technologies at 1-800-284-7437 : a) Pier height exceeds 48" b) Length of home exceeds 76' c) Roof eaves exceed 16" d) Sidewall height exceed 96" e) Location is within 1500 feet of 66st INSTALLATION OF GP-OMNP PAN 2. emove weeds and debris in an a iproximate Wo foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) . 3_;ace ground pan (C) directly belo chassis I-beam . Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush with or below soil. tECIAL MOTE: The longitudinal 'W" brace system serves as a pier under the home and should be loaded as any oler pier. It is recommended that after leveling'pjers„and one-third inch (113") before home is lowered completely on tc piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below thertremove jacks. INOTALLATt10jN OF LONGITUDINAL " V" BRACE SYSTEM t)TE: WKEN INSTALLING THE LONGITUDINAL SYS EP ON, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION IS REQUIRED. SOIL TEST PR 38E SHOULD BE USED TO DETERM NE CORRECTTYPEF iOANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION. IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 75 8 275 A 8 FOOT ANCHOR MUST BE USED. IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETINEEN 276 & 350 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR MAY BE USED. USE G � t)UND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL l?IIES AND STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5'4" . VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED IwiTH VERTICAL TIE; CONNECTION POINTS (PER FLORIDA REa) 4. ielect the correct square tube brabe (E) tengthfor set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always !bead as the bottom part of the longitudinal arm)_ Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled to length as long as a Qto 45 degree angle' is maintai''ed. PIER HEIGHT 1.20 ADJUSTABLE 1.50" ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) Tube Length Tube Length 7 3W' to 25" 22" 18" 24 3147 to 32 1/4" 32" 18" 33" to 41" ! 44" 18" 4()" to 48 54" 18" 5. �nstall (2) of the 1.50" square tut es (E {18" tube) )innto the "U" bracket (J), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment. 6. Place i-beam connector (F) loos aly on the bottom flange of the I-beam- 7. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.60" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut: 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. 9 Rer all bolts are tightened, secue 1.25" and 1.50" tubes usingfour(4) 114"-14 x 3!4" self -tapping () Aping screws in pre -drilled holes. MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL S LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR MOST STABILIZER PLATES & FRAME TIES. NOTE THE USE OF THIS SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 5'4". FOUR FOOT (4') GROUND' i NCHOR MAYBE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. install remaining vertical tie -do nchors to be sized according 000 lbs_ require a 5' anchor r 11. NOTE: Each system is required ;stabilizer plate needs to be loc 12. Select the correct square tube 3 r 72" lengths. (With the 1.50" 13. install the 1.50 transverse brat 14. Slide 1.25" transverse brace in i straps and 4' ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructions. NOTE: Centerline soil torque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for sidewall anchor loads in excess of Florida Code_ have a frame tie and stabilizer attached at each lateral arm stabilizing location. This frame tie 8 3d within 18" from,of center ground pan. ace (H) length for 'set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60' ie as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) (H) to the ground ,pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. the 1.50" brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector ( I ) with bolt and nut. .25" transverse arm usinn fnur Id\ 1!d" - I x 31d° anlf_}anninn errowc in nrn._rlrillna F.nlnc OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone, 931-796.4555 1.800 284-7437 Fax:931 786-8811 www.ofivertechnologies.com O'l"I CAP PlT'# ? 055 25 Modd PIS i45-S--P-4 model '5TACK PIP —P- t- Snstall 4,,BS base -ads or other aaistove Z. ceater not wind CMD ca tC peeripFlaced mt rail m� cubr to the I beano, .3. Place a model # OTI CBZ (a'bbed 4 I; a ga exist^s betwemthetop of the cambiitabon) and/or math par r 2411 TEc-HNO LOGMS, INC. ABD iNkTra��cTZOs CBS. DescriptLon-- O T ► Ca-P 3Qa d ".o ' 3'4la't CB2 Dcsc:dP-E0A — OTC- Cap BovdMX-16 foods per ma 111-acmret and a£ otlie=�S=houtg's ha a lcwg cr tiosL t of footsag -when a vier is -aced as an I beam. =po>•ctize � °a of r7�e C�ii? s7�a71 i>:zvhenitis used as ap r,�mE+tar pier install�he aff) Berth thelong &mensim?mftllel mthe e (Iowa) Or;4- KW6. :namiaai comae cap blocl ee u=& on iop of J'- C-i.I=�. �,L.r and main bed it array be ffied_miith additional cap boaxds (sacked tm-h4 is ay (OlWer'I'2clualojas,iar- -�BS'Cvedges) orequrca%atapproved wedges- DOuii' ST��CKPIER t- Tric n_1I ABS base pads ar other APA=a a fooBngS pa maanfacxcras aa3 os azhec orb one's 3iaving Iausdi vions course 2. noubll e s;acl �e open ceQed Cr4iU's o chat each coesse of the open relied 's is pecpendicvlac to the pre i_ 'The�I shall consist oc ova (2) U a s (riUbed;'4de down) or two (2) 4.8s? G notional coa¢zbe cagbiocks of other agp=avedmarr�ials . If a goo �'dst� Be`�t�eeu iht±ta my op of tlt pier and men. ?neap it mar be filed c .addinona? can boaz�is (siad�d high roiao!na t5u) sad/oE ith?aa=24�p (ormerTedmologies,Inc- NBA edgesj o�egom avedtved�aes. Yt01`F'- t. CIE is shall be manufactaed an con 3. OTI Cap Boaxds mag be used is coi S_ pins-, c cr mood mast always be as& 3iaglf snick OTI Cap Boards ate rat 5. 2 OTI Cap Boards installed side by 6- AU 6W6 URYS sh2abeznsrsllc4i _ ROrc lanly_ oDollllle Slack Diet( Chi r 2.tzentT)eucliug 81MGf E e71;AM kan V& Box 9 'ttlti 39462 tit- - - - ti z •, -ti ig fiSIIC�6i1'[SriUl vedvier�odnCs.:_:N` y��=4;—XT.-u;`SrV'�:�t�-. A for a. a,&UU13 . of S,oDo lbs. ide o£ iwwrlorked axe rated GPM COS rertic2L Ps must be capped-wi& 2-4-xg*X"i' or t=Bx3ssomirag blocks} _er-ised dam 21 17-Q4 Y�e?i7�.EI= DOUSI--E S i AC K PIERS .oIivertecbtxologies.com. PER�M�� r�i�RS Toa FF=1-000 Za4--74•J -more: Mi %-455 ram 931796-981 n _! e _ r�;Ts ,.., i_�5e1 �:-ti4-yam+ •i` " 51 - 7p Vt c Vic^ -::, t;^_•>3 : u�cr -= e h:•_i'LS'='�1.;s <..s=L'•!•$ u3= ✓1� �E:;i:6 �v.� _ .y 1. -...._ _- •. - _ _. -- - 'r� I .. emu: C:ilLiC �• su!il� -- v.7c� i2•_; t[r: L__ ::-� $tKt� _._._ _v�T. ' _ 4� a_gZsit�_^j FeZL 1L•_ T8 ���ii=_--06-tCGf7_ 1 1 - 1 ' _SE `_.OSLtlal�:dte't ,fit_:_• ,G :LLB s , _ __ �.s:_ � 1, _ - -'_ Sl ? = -: �'41: is ' �� �u_ ;_I_ ' --1 =pei_ iCi :LL 5�55_1'u :�1T-D:�1C�'• _ i - - '=: y� � Ct rtilaltrat¢ t i � ��:c==r=�,. �_ _—_ _=s:}.___ _ :• EL r$,ci-`'it)55-771A1TC6--Ufl�- �=q=C —'_` _ :ad ConFgutarion ;r �'r�i:Tl �C3L»?'s Z:tE3 1Gf�i Y.T=St ���vitl45c?G�i'.=G 4< s� �. �: .1-F81 i S1iLL i7`SS 1Gn'i= er=e =a�1 iu aE! ,�.catt - F=d -On ra:it; �. 2. I qif ' :{':c..s Mail CmIrlaixratlDr. is in oy 1,SinL i31 0" 5.5' A 3S PaT � �i�c = (s 5 b" :. ' a =iCz tf S'.� :r ;ti act riser in t" e. oppo s!jG i—,cjFoi. Lit !I)e �7 Alorn pads. R is - i a _ - Q3T .tnr BI Rads fJ'e 1—i i Y �� r. c-`_•� sie-- _r`.r'= !3.dEa and ^ - z LL-tti!�iti3t:_:: 'Cjfli t••e 'r-227it . a'Li:r_ 1 ? 1. o Dr -Jr--. i5 j=."rl :i-1 the tc- i_=!.tFizr•-'_ItS[': e~� ¢_= neraLR? ?' ^ _ t ! Fanned by iitiiii3 (3) 1 '.5" x 2-55- A35 Psds- =Race (=) i 1.�� :: = - _aL= =iCi{` �l �i=. ai.d 4, L ili- L' a- " Valr COi`. r-AUMG � 17 :,] .c K:r__ - Cn-d r':1 TOO-il:C-:S !$ai 7i7 •sSly r.'r05lIL- 2(t�Ci1�?il iL iii4-_''^.-tS^viib C' iW�. '! C'r P,, ;' I%'.:t .. - f1 a :."..•,t7-i : zi- n - ri=?yl not. �� ini'a!i;~t�.. i{i il':-. S1:3` ram'. Eti :ilk. CA \_ lac Sit tT?�ii •.t:a.ti? !'c 11;Q ! �s�_ T?- Ur,{ -SS £,r.Qi eEMr.c! aile. calculations fait pr.c-'-d--- v Jte .J • - : ai `I`_?. vtG'Sea Of -tc_ ::t:.c ='t ASS 7i3G3 dil , CI :ic-+ :itv:.. gun • t:J _8i: ;c{__... �- to n - �;g r "tM4c iCtsiTaii� sit y1-4ar.Ta.Ti;c c J S� •, t_s^6 1t t^ Tit__ ;�? :�?: ,•,ng� i! e�z RtrE � i:1�i3ie{:= !Ll iSTE C`ui:7 G: rci•Lir3a:;c;_ , id