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II IfIERMIT # I ISSUE DATE I I X0q.0qC) f PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SCANNED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT By A41140/VAS ELE(-TQC� have agreed to be '(Company Name/Individual Name) the I E c,EC-1594 C AI— Sub -contractor for 617S M o 01 LC- Ad o D V L4X_ S EP-VICES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the.lproject located at 81$s C� L-_tON � • PORT ST• e-gCCE , FL• 3c! 09 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Count will be advised pursuant to the P J g � Y filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONT 'CTyYR SfNATUV (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Te ME PRINT NAME PRINT N NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNT VCERTIFICATION State of F orida, County of (LLS VWUC1 }'f— State of Florida, County of Y&Azrl The foregging instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1 day of i'G9P_IJ PJ 20 g by SEFi= (,J NE>Z 20L$ by FyYi n tips A is known has is wn has a VV0,LJ, pf�� who personally or produced a who personally _or produced � 5� as idend cation. as identificatio I ` STAMP STAMP Notary blic Signature of tary Public Signat "of AP i-VNNe /i.�QJL)M c SD �Q � at L►.w� -CGS 11-1 e of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Nar iO�Y'P`�G�.. APRIL LYNNE MONROE �ptN�y dps COrlene Edlund-Chen Notary Public - State of Florida oq �� NOTARY.PUBLIC . '1°oF�°•' Commission # GG 262286 0 —STATE OF FLORIDA My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2022 = Comm# GG011599 Revised 1 16/2016 ��'iCE I Expires 7/13/2020 IT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED Q� 9K Linos coum/ I Dhave agreed to be 1(Co pangg ame,.vidual Name) . the �- ' n Sub -contractor for ( pe of Trade) (Primary Contractor) 48, I C For th project located at ' J' ► ( ( oject; jeeM d'' rrc�'e slor Property Tax ID #) It is ut derstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned projec the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie oun will be advised pursuant to the filing a e of Sub -contractor notice. CTORSIGi�3 1.y ualifier S =GONT1ftA f©1tI N;'. IJRE_I(Qualfier.} PRINT ME PRINT NA 0 -Z 0 9) tllBtNT'�RTIFICATION NUMBER COCKTY CERTIFICATION NUM, IB1ERR t6� State of orida, County of % State of Florida, County of /b The fore oing instrument was si ed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 1. 20%%Z( by 20] by r who is p son 11 own r has produced a who is persona known or s pro ced a as i\ ti ication. i as dentification., STAMP STAMP Signatur of Notary Publ'" Signa ure of Nootiry P. is �(V -; SANDY CANNON 1 v PrintNa e of Notary P lic ? . Notary Public- State of Florida Print Name of Notary Pub ���� SANDY CANNON . `; _ ;, = Commission Notary public -State of Florida �Fcv � Fo�. My Comm. Expires Jan 27, 2021 `s,q '' �� Commission Y GG 36068 �® Qt My Comm. Expires Jan 27,2021 Revised /16/2016 1 I, ERMIT # ISSUE DATE sly PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES; Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT��� SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I . uC"v-a(. TLJ�� 10 have agreed to be 0 o pany Name/Individual Name) the ,e— Lf Y,4'C_aA Sub -contractor for . (Type of Trade) 0 � ( (Primary Contractor) For th project located at 3�� r r (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is ur erstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned advised pursuant to the the Building and Code Re ulatlon Division of St. Lucre County will be dv p project, g g filing f a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Z PRINT -:57v5h (') ()rn� ��b State of I orida, County of 1 f 'CAI1�� The fo ing instrument was =7hasu—ced "i(s �►�i day of 26 by��. who is pe sonally known _o as identif ation. STAMP Notary Print W ERIE ANN HIGH 11 MY c0MMISSION # FF 2MM -EXP—' d d Thru ratan POW POW ndmiters Revised 1 l�df%it� fon SUB-CONTRACTOR SIG TU 'F (Q a1N ifte PRINT NAME. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 1 State of Florida, County o ` D t1CJ k 'Y^1 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 20by —� 1^ 1 who is persona known or has produced a as id e t nation. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary PulNic �`�,OSY PU�•. SANDYCANNON ° ` Notary Public - State of Florida +Q Commission :GG36068 ••.�� ovFl ,,• My Comm. Expires Jan 27, 2021 i lib g'�S� OI `.- # I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division�� ` D i BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT r 77?_ have agreed to be (Co Na a/Individual Name) an the An Gd Sub -contractor for (Type of Trad) (Primary Contractor) For th project located at �j — 00 O 1 — 00 D (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is uderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned prejee , the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing Jf a Change of Sub -contractor notice. PRINT I q State of lorida, County of The for oing instrument was signed before me this �J_"ay of S � 20� by f S who is p ISsonaily known o� s produc d a as identification. / /// Print Na,Fie of Notary VALERIE ANN HIGGS COMMISSION # FF 222205 :XPIRES: April 20, 2019 id 7hru NotaryPublic Underwriters Revised 1 STAMP ( ualitier- : U Z�3a COUNTY CERTIFICATION ��NC�U��,MBB,�E1� R�� State of Florida, County of f��A q The foregoing instrument w s signed before me this day of ookD 20 3 who is person kno ) or has produced a as iden0cation. STAMP o"r1V°Ls�c i - SANDYCANNON Notary Public -State of Florida v . Commission # GG 36068 My Comm. Expires )an 27, 2021