HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. -SMITH, CLEAZ TER CIRCUIT COURT —;SA±NT VIE COUNTY' FILE # 4471317 OR BOOK 4170 PAGE 1900, -RetQraed 08/17/2018 112;43.,47 PM, PERMITNUMM M'6)= is remL7val rur''rmrdtv Into VW NoInCE OF C"a" 'Ibtuc'da*edhddy.giveanotice 0*iiupmvemmtwiabematte ta�cmW th akibm peay* and is 2c6dftnm1Wi11 713. Florida SON'= i.-piovidcd in thC2468c'e0roommenceamt, 'j..DE'8CR1P'k1Ojj OF.4LZO 1301 ;?EWr.y —11:1?4001-0 ,3}E I GENERAL DESCMnON br 3. ONytilM WOPI"TION. d. Name Anct address Of The sithp1r, titleholddf.ff 01W 4, CONTRACrORS N"MADD9= AND PHONE NUhMER: WRnne DeVelogmgnt Cormo-ratiolp 8000 S., USI.s Su to 402. PSt, FT, 34.7720-1178—!i5l A 4 $UR=rS NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AM BOND AMOUNT ZLENDERIS NANZ�ADDRESS AND: 'PHONE NtW=.-, 7. Perood %jWndse Stmof Florida dcjipatrA by 0wnSupoftwhom nc6cavor other dovarmts may be,amved W.Praiided by $C?q6qn.7i3A1(1)(q)7, Florida Stanlms:. J6TIn. IFE—ennan-1, NAW; ADDUSSAND PHONE NUMIX.- 1 Las 6'slAcAm" pie, c_.P' Ef; 1 951 17�'- 6645,53 B. 1nmWdonrtDhlrrtsWor.hc= Pates .X-Owner thi: following to receive a -copy offt Uquez'S.Natict uprovidaditvSacdm 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Stmutm: NAMADDIMSA" PHQM NUMSM 9, Expiration date of iw6ce of ommenconW (the expimdon dates I yearfrom the date of raicordingunlass.a different dai_is 3pCqfiCd). Signalwe ofOwner.or Owner's Aiilliorized OMcerAD1rector1P2rt-rftA-iWr Matthew zid'Prov MOIF Titit/Offi0i PriaNsma QC 9"�4 sWe offloxida Comty of L-at,-Lum i e - 'the foreSping,inswument was zcknovAedged WOa mothis daY - - - - - - Personally.Known—.0r Produced timfollovA. a 0 ID YAWNbAsm :MY d0tdm1SS10N#G jkkOES. 00bef ?- 202Q 10 AC6TK-v' Avm *V ka4lo-A IJT4 lU '(Printed Nalm of Notary Public) (Sipature oftaryNbUt) Under penalties, of pw)ur Y declare that I,have read tt a foregoing,and Lhk thefacts'ill true to -of my')at0Wi0S& And theT best betii:f (section 92525 Florida Statutes). SizhaWrt(s) of Owner(s)..or 0-ner(s)' Authortzed By: