HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITE, CLE, ;IOF THE CIRCUIT COURT —.SAINT SUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4471319 OR BOafC 4170 PAGE 1902, Recorded 08--,17/2018 12:43:47 PM CAS7�t�raisxs�rvedWrrmrrdit�lnta NOUCE QF W_m�=NCDWW jp � Tht,uodetsigacd henry given notice that impmvetttettt wiii be reads W cettaiA seal prOPerty. and in accordance with ChapGcr?13, V �' Florida estates the following infer n"on is provided in the Nodes bf Wit. 1.DESCRIPTIOejOFP-tO gatdcsaipdonandstreetaddress)TAXFOLYoNumBER1301—I11-0001-0a0-5 SClJfl1DT$14It]ri o.Vn ry T1aAC1� LOT•_ _ . L�iG UNIT p East o€ section l township34s an 33E 7,GENERALDESCMMONOF OVE END lying N&G� o Turnpike Feeder Road 3.OWMF.RINFORbtATION: ' a. Natrte _ b.A&hu 8000 S. IISl, Suite .4Q2r..kL, FL 34952 o.ir►terestiaprbptsty d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder Of other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRMAND PHONE NEWEL' Wynne Development CorAara ion 8000 S USI_, suite 402, PSL, PL 34952 172-878—! 5i 3 5. SURETY'S NAME. ADDRF.3S AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADViMS AND PHONE NMWEI 7. Pe ors within the State of Vadde dedgnate8 townerr on wbom notices or other doanaeats maybe served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(&)7..FloridaStatams: Joan. Brennan'• NAiV16,A0a8ESSANAPSONENIiN�ER: Pi rrp,FT 44952 772-4861553 8. Ia addition to M*wZ*rh=clf Owner dgsipatts the following to eeceive a cagy of the lied es Notice as provided in Seeti*t+ 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NtAbIX. ADDRESS AND PRONE N1RVID 9 gq*adon dam of notiee of coma umstaettt (the expiation date is 1 yeac from the date of iecordiug unless a different date is specified) =?A .s Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice-Pre-cdclent Signature*( Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Titk0iiice Owner's Aathoiized 08icer/Director/Parince/Mansger State ofMoride County of ^' . T.11 The fotegoing instrument was aelmowledged before me this / � day of �--�� sy Matthew L le Wynne (Name ofpetsoa) (Lype of auner. thotity...e:gt Ow. officer. tnutce• attorney rn fact} ForWynne Building! Corporation . j (Name of pasty on behalf of whom instrwntat was eXwtted) PetsonaUy Kaowa t! or jaodueed the following We oFID: r t4,'•: DOROTHYANN 3ASKIN MISSION 9GO030145 MY C010 fkP:RES:October 2,2020 (printed Name.afNotary Pabtie) (SigrtatureofNdt bIic) (Srat -;, gonae�'anrNourywDieunde'wrs Under penalties of perjury, I dislam that I nave read the foregoing and that the facts in it are. tote to"the best of my lmdwiedge and Ftorrda Ststutcs . lietief suction 92.5 . ) ( n I. • TAT gC0� ha 9i aced above. �a atrnt�e� g f trer s or'Owrier(s) Aythorsz � , � SignattiYe(s) on( () "v a, tr THIS IS TO CERTIFY TW THIS IS A B I; By, TRUE AID CQR F v � r G AL. H' SMIT C K - trey alnaanmtl�ar�} . 8y: gsputyclerk Date--- it