HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE04-25--'19 14:27 FROM- 7728787656 T-405 P0001/0001 F-655 pll� RECR#ED Met, .9101a Ave APR I S 9n1P FOft'N"! - U 172 ' f - Permitting Departrfic-i- -4 62-4165 FOX 772-462 -6"3 St Ufdr (_01IM(NI SCANNED BY r se �Oe County Date: A2 PeM1tx0Mb,er- Q!, ftled Addrew, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELE=CAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DE�M,13ED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD'NOT T6 ED(C I?Ay�FOR THE ' EEp THIRTY (30) , P U".OS.E OFrTESMIG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN.PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPEtIT-CIN. INCONS16LPA17ONC)F-APPRO-VALOFTHE RBWrz$7 WE-HERMY AMOWLEME -AND AGPEE-A-S FOLLOWs; 1- This t&MOmrY Power r0ase IS-.63.queSte.0 for t mi., andihem jp tf no he above $tatL-d prpm. y W e 0QCU0an(-Y Of any PYPO,'6ther than tiat perMitted hy.cotMm.tUon . db.ring this tjme period. 2. As witness by.our $19naWpps, we hereby,aqt.ea tb abide by aU &s aftd conditions of this agreemerit, Inckidit BUIlding DIV14bn Policy, which is Inc6r.p6raW h6tin by reference. 3. AJI conditl6ns. and requirements listed* In the attkhw document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day Power for `Testing"h6va -bWn fb1flifed -ind the premise Is -ready for corn inspection. 4. Ali 'rd4ueM for Pn extension beyond 30 days must be: made in writing the rea�.qn* for the mqu to the• BiAlding Offidal sating may b6 Mmoved-Trom the site ano[b r a Stop Work Order issued If the finilf lnspectlon hai not been approved within 30 days. Afee Of$100.00,vdllbemq*u-irecltolift the Stbp Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD. HARMLESS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL VABILMS AND O-AIM S'.C)F ANY TYRE. of=' W. OR IN THE FUTURE OUT NATURE WHICH MAY APSE NO OF THE TRANSACTION, INCLUDIW ANy O�VIHICFT.-.MAY BENW ' I*RPE'D DUE TO tHE Disc6*k7ftoN op:EiECfMCAL POWEk IN THE EVEN -, OF WOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT, YATE IATE SIGNATIJU