HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLEPK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SA.INT,, -,,Ijr-,XE,' CQUNZY FILE # 44.11314 OR 1300K 4170. PAGE 1.8 '97t Raie6r-ded 08J17/20-18; -12:43:4.7 Pld SCAIIINED BY 15U, - county W or 1hotideraped Web th _t% ia•accordance" dZstaiutwjhr foI]awiAg:in&rrmat on is provided in the Nance n€ commencea:eiiG 1.`DRSMMONOF q_qtE Ty "t *Csion and stme-addrew) TAXF0t10NM&-S;AjA -"1-00:05 b.Address-8600 S--. USI, Su: d. Name aud:address of fee single 4deholddr Ofotber than pw ar 4. CO?qMCTOEVS NAMF, AD)MAS AND PHONE NxWmm: Wynne. Development Corporation 8000 Z. USI, Suite 401, PSI,, Pt 3.445.2 5,S'URVM,S:NAW9;AD!D1=S'A'?W,- PRO ' BOND AMOUNT: INRNVAUER AM 6. LENDER'S NAME, AD DRkSSAN D PHONE Ntii SkR. 7.Tecom within the State .ofFlorida ,designated by.,Owner upon whore notices 6rotherdoctimm''0 ' My: 'b dd 4; pmvided by scetion 713.33 (])(a) 7., Florida . &&d= ...... Brantley I S ver., Oak 7'Dr.,.',PSL,.. PL4.. mml� AIDDP.?'M. AND PEONIC 9;'Expkation,date of notice of echunwownent (thpexpiration datejpl you, fiota dwdatevFritordiug.uait.6s.a diffestmCft* it . ............... Owmr'sAuthorized OincerlDireatod?"er/Ma-or StAIA.0iFlOdda County The'foregoinginstrumenrwas acknowledged Matthew: L-yl:e Vy nne FiiatNa' APW WAkaWry% T1 WdOfPie MeaA, v! TL. for Winne" Suilding Corvorition - (Name of,panyonbehalf ofwhom ,itl�t*was:cx=ted) PiumnallyKmown-✓ .orproduced ibd:ronqwing.t'? te 2.'2020 (Pdntad.Name .ofNotary Public) (Signature Under penalties ofpe4ury. 14661a,m 9:Ll havt feed ft-fbMoiAt0d,thzrtha 6cts inIt 806 trut to ftbe-it ot.my 1016*4&�#nd bebeffsewon:92-w. Flarida,$tatqt0l). ., $19710*00) Of Oivrler(s) 017 a thy: P.m D&Wmftmwm