HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2058 r. O. POPPELL 'to !!!.!!! E. A. BLEAKLEY - -- -1 . ~ I -_..~_.~ 1 2;-)8 V'. ., .... THIS LBASE, Med. this 1st d8Y ot Ootober. A. D. 1925 '!3~Am> BE'l"IfEEN F. C. Poppell her.in oell.d th. lessor, and E. A. Bl.akl.y her.in oalled the le8sel, 'U TN3SSETH , That in oonsideration ot the oovenants hel'e1n oontained, on the pert of th 8aid lesse~ to be kept snd performed. the said l.ssor does her.by lease to the Baid lesse..J' th'Fol1owing desoribed property: I 426 ATenue "An in the City of Pt. ~i.roe. Florida tog.ther with the turnishings. dishe , silTe~8r. and oth.r artioles therein belonging to s9id ~. C. Poppell. Said property leased being known ss the "Popp.ll Hom." and is also Lovs 8 and 9 of Blook V of Dittmar and UoCarty's Subdivision of th. City of Fort Pi.ro., Plorida. TO HAVE AnD HOLD the sam. for the term ot 10 months from the 1st day of October. A.D. I 1926. the 8aid l.ss.e. paying therefor the monthly rent of $150.00 Dollars. ! And the eaid lessee oovenants with the 8aid l.ssor to pay the s8id rent in 10 pa;rmentai of ~150.00 eaoh on the 1st day of eaoh and every'monthltor the said term. the first payment to be made on the 1st day of Ootobe:r, 1926. to make no unlawful. improper or offen8ive us. 11 '1 I 11 premis.s. I I I And the i , , said le8see herebl oovenants and agrees that if default shall be made in the pay~ent of thei I , ~ . rent as aforesaid. or if the 88id less88 shall violats any of the covenants of thi8 leBa., 1 , th.m 8ald less.e shall beoome tenant at sufferance. hereby waiving all ri~ht of notioe. and I I ! the les80r shall b. entitl.d immediately to re-enter and re-take possession of the demised I I ! ! I \ and to quit and deliver up said oremises at the end of said term in 08 good condition aB of the pr.misls; not to use said premises for anl other ryurpose than as a rooming house. ) they ar. now (ordinary wear and deoay and damage by the elements only exoepte.). WITNESS our hands and s.als this let dsy of Ootober, A. D. 1926, !. C. Popp.ll (Sea 1) ) Signed. s.aled and delivered In Pres.nce of: John H. Kolntosh E. A. Bleakley (s.al ) ? C. Eldr.d Stat., this 1st day of votob.r. A. D. 1926. i ! i j i I I i I the foregoing lea8e. and I purposes therein expre8sed.1 , I I I I I i STUB or nORIDA ST. LUCIE COUN?Y. I HEP-ZBY CERTIFY, That on this day per80nally appeared before me. sn offioer d1)1y authorized to administer oaths and taka acknowledmments, F. c. Poppell and E. A. Bleakley to me well known to be the pereon described in and who executed theI aoknowledged before me that they exeouted the e8me for the In 711TIlE8S iYH3REOP, I have hereunto set my hand ond affixed my off1c1al eeal at Ft. P. C. Bldred Clerk Cirouit Court. State of Plorida : I County of Saint Luoie ror and in oonsideration of the sum of one dollar, I he~.bl rel.Bs', s.ll. aS8ign and transf.r to the Indian RiT.r Abstraot & Guarantl Co., all my right. title and interest in and to the within 1.8s., subJ.ot to suoh r.servations and exo.ptions as art th.rein oOI:tcin o I j Wltn'.. ~ "nd aad 8.11. this 2nd .'Yo of Ootob.r 1926. ! ' '. ~;. r:"._:}.~::. .~::~~ ':~;-~..:-.': ~ ~.>~:'> ;J.t..;/~ 'I . "'"'--;---*-~ .,,:.- ,,~~ -;:-"- . . .' ~ - - . . \ ~ .'-t.. ~. i. '. '. ,;. - ;-. :.~.~... -'~;~~,~ ~.: \~.,-,. . \. --~ . ~ ~ - . -.-