HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2064 264 1a--~-4''''~ therein &~...d. WITNESS my hand and offioial 8eal at ~ort 2ieroe. County of St. Luoie. and State of september. A. D. 1925. J. Walker Liddon Ilotary Publ1o. State of Florida lly oommi8aion expire8 2/9/27. (II Filed and reoorded thie 19th day of November A. D. 1925, at 3:46 P. H. . lJ~ .s,.. 1(- ~~~~. P. C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit Court. "OIIIj:-'I:> -I' By ~ no - '!l. """ ~ n., '- · · "rD. c. ---------------- ~------------------------------------------------------------------ C. C. BRASWELL ET UX TO TH09, U. COUL'TON &1 TH19 IIID311TllRll. U. d. Ohio 19< h do" o~ U OYemb... ... D. 1926. b. O...n C. C. Br. ...11 . nd I i ~uby Bra8~ell. his wife. of ~t; Luoie County. Plorida. parties of the first part, and Thos. I I I I l. I of the second part. thei r heirs and assigns forever. the following I I I ! I I I i I i I I i i I I I / I I I :URRAlITY DEED U. Couleton and ~illmer Coulston. hie wife. of -St. Lucie County. ?lorida parties of the Second part, '7ITll3S~&TH, Th8t the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the I su~ of Onp. Dollar and other valuable consideration to them in hand oaid b< the 8aid narties 10f the second part. the recei!)t whereof is hereb;r act:nowled,rsd, hav~ gran:ed. bar~Oi~ed and i I sold to the (\aid parties i I described land, to-wi t: I I Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Nine (9) of Biltmore cark. Bilt~ore cark. of record in the office of the Clerk o~ the Circuit Court of St. Lucie I I I I I I I i I according to the Plat of the ssid County, ?lorida, in Plat Book'4, papc 52, the S8~e beir.g a revision of a portion of the northwest part of Lawnwood Addition to ?ort ?ieroe, Florida, and beiLg located ifi the northwest portion of Section 16, TownShip 25 S0uth. Range 40 3ast. in st. Lucie County. 110 rUa. PROVIDED. NE~~RT3ZLE~S. These presents are made subJect to all of the follo~ing ex- pressed conditions. restrictions and li~ita~ions, apQ1ying to the said property and ~hich are intended to be, and shall be aooepted as covenants running with said land, and which shall be binding allte uoon the heirs, representatives and assigns of the said party or parties of the second part and on the parties of the first part, who, by acceptanoe of this instrument agree to abide by, perform and adhere to Baid conditions, restrictions and lim- itations, 98 one of the exoress oonditions of these presents. bnt only for the period ending, J9nuarl 1st. 1935. 1. That no building shall be erected on the soid land except for private dwelling pur- I poses, exoe?t ueual and nec8s38ry out-buildings, god that t~e said dwelling house 8xolusiv6 of the out-buildings, shall oost not less than $2500.00. whioh Jrioe shall not include arohitectural expenses or tees, and shall not inolud. any other class of improve~nts save and except the aotual material and oonstruotion cost ot the said dw.lling hous.. 2. That not mort than one resid.no., together with uBual and neoessary out-buildings, Bhall be ereoted on .Boh of Baid lots. 3. That no unl..ful or imaorel use shall be made of the pre~iaeB hereby oonveyed. nor shall the B8me b. uBed tor any oommeroial purpos.; nor Bhall the Barna or any part ther.ot, " or 8ny interelt th.re!n be 8014. rtlust4 or othn"lB~) oonvey.d to any perlons other than .~,? ~.~:: ;~~;;'~ .j~.<\ ~'~~~_.;~~~:~~i~~~:~;-?- _H --l UX ) . ) ;1 .. !, :' ,,~'," ~::?:~~i~-':~~:~~.:~~}