HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2069 . ... . -l 269 f. .. ,- rl8b'. titl.. lntere.t .n4 ..t.'I. dowlr .nd right ot dower. r.vereion. remainder and ...e- ..nt ther.to belonging or in'anywie. Ipp.rtlinlng: TO Rl VB AlID If 0 HOLD the I8ml in t.. 11mpl1 torn'er. An4 thl al14 party of the tlret part do.. oovlnant with tlw .a14 party ot thl 8Ioood part that he 1. lawtal1y 8.1.ld ot the .a14 pr.miala. that tbey are trle from all inoum- br'ooel and that 1l. bea good right .nd law tal authority to Sill the a eme: ond the sai4 pert of the first part dO's hereby tully werrant the tltl1 to sald land. and will detlnd thl 8ame against 'h. lawtul olai~B of all persooa whoD8oe.'r. II ll!IESS WHERB01. thl sai4 part~ of the first part hae herlunto Sit his hand and .la1 the day and ~ear above wrltten. { } Joslph J. Hlim (Sial) Signld. slalld and dll1vered in our prt.lnol: Kathlrinl Rowan -' (.6.00 Doo. stemps oanollled) Eugenl Lovelaol 8!A!B 0' UISSOUHI State of Missouri the day end year last atoreaait. I I I i I i l I i AdOlph J. Keler , Sed) ! \J Notary Public within and for Baid Qtatei , y\. and County. 1 ~~ Uy oommission e~)ires Deoember 16. 1926~ '0.~ i 'iled and e~d this 20th daVf November A. D. 1926. at 1:4'1 P. 11. i C~~~~/, i~ .\V ~~' P. C. El4red. Clerk Circuit Court. _______~~________~______________::__~_~_~_~_:__~~~_~_~~~~?r~____:~_:~____l SSe COUlfTY 01 JACKSOn I HERBBY CRR!IPY. that on this Ninth day of Junl A. D. 1924. betore me persona11~ appeared Joslph J. HliM. a widower to me kno'.n to be thl persons deeol'ibld in and who IXloutld thl torlgoin~ oonv.yanol. and aoknowledged thl Ixeoutlon thereof to be his trel act and deed for thl uses and pnrposestherein mentioned. - '7IT~9S my signature and oftioial Sial at Xani~8s City in th~ Count~ of Jeokson end - ( (n. P. Se f) ( - S'OSKPH J. BRIll 'lO l'LORIDA 'URRAIlTY DEED WILLIAlf 1. SLADB 'HIS IBDKRTURB. Kade thia 28th da~ .of Septlmber A. D. 1926. ~B~~ Joseph J. Hlim a lingl1 mao. of the County ot Jaokson and Sfete of Ula.ouri party of thl tirst part. end Wi1111m ,. 81ede ot the County ot Cook a04 Sta'l of Il1inols party of the eloond part, ~I!NE9S~H. tbat th4 aaid ~artl of the tlrat part. for and in coneideration of thl Bum of Ten Doll.rs and othlr good .nd valuabl. coneideratione to him in hand paid . 'h. reolipt whir. of i8 h.r.b~ Inknowlfdgld. baa @Tauted. b&rgainld. aold and tranaflrrld. and b~ th.al prealnta aoe8 herlby grant. barpain. Bill ao4 transter unto thl aaid part~ of the tieoond pert In4 hil b.ira an4 .Ieigne tor.vlr. all ,bat o.rtain p.roll at 1ln4,lyin8 and b.tns tn the COUDt~ ot St. tuotl .n4 9\8te ot 11o~14a mort partioularly 411orlbl4 ae tallow.: W.I' bl1t of Sout~ls' q08r'lr ot thl Southl..t quarter (wi of swt ot SRi) ot Slo'lon two (8). ~OWD.hlp 'hirt1-tlve (36) 8outh. RanB' 'hirty-ninl (39) Bel'. oontainlns 1'.22 . .o~., .ore or 1.... : ~.~ -::~t~~ :~;'. ;-'\: ~";>:~~~>!~~:~': :~~ ~~;' :-'<~f . 'j(T . ..... I .._-~ -..;: t': I. . ",;";,:''-~~'~;~<:-':{,_:\,