HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2072 r ~:~72 I ! . " -" --- WITNESS3TH. that the 8aid party ot the firet part. tor and in oon8idtration ot tbl 8um ot I Ttn Dollars aM other good snd valuable oonsideration8 to him in baneS paid. tht reoelpt I I whereot is hertby aoknow1edged. baa granted. bargained. 801d and tran8terred. and by these i presents does hertby grant. bargain. sell and tran8ter unto the 8el d party ot the seoond I part and hie heirs and assigns torever. all that oertain !>8rotl ot lend lyi~~ and beintr in ! the Oounty ot St. Laoie and State ot Florida more partioularly desoribed as tol10ws: ~t8t Halt ot Northust Quarter ot 1l0rtht8st Quarter (wt ot lBi ot 1fEi) and Wtst halt ot Southeast Quarter ot llortheaut ~uarter (wi ot SBi ot BEl ot ,Seotion live (5). Townahip ~hirt,y-five (35) South. Range Thirty-nine (39) East. oontaining 40.97 aore8. more or 18ss; ; SUBJECT. HOWEVER. to .n1 and all taxes. general. apeoial or drainage. and to all aaseSB- ments or levits aubsequent to Deoember 31, 1924. and also subJtot to any deductions for rightu of way tor publ10 highwaya or for ditohes or righta ot way of the lIorth St. Luch River Drainage Dl8triot. TOG3TBER with all the tenements, her8ditament~ and appurtenanoea. with ev.ry privil'ge. I right. titl., interest and eatate. dower and right ot dower. reversion. remainder and ease- !ment thereto belonging or In anywise app.rtainin~: TO HAV3 AND TO HOLD the same in tee Simple forever. And the Bald party of the first part does oovenant with ,the said party ot th. aeoond ipart that h. i8 lawtully seiaed of the aaid preoiaes. that they are free from all inoum- , ) ; I branoes a 00 that he has good, right and lawful authority to 8e11 the eame: and the said party ~ j lot the tiret part does hereby t~lly warrant the title to sold land. and will defend the jsam. again8t the lawful olaims of all per80ns whoos08ver. ~ I "! IN ~IT~SS W1&RBOP. the 8aid party ot the tirst part has hereunto aet his hand and aeal 'the day and year abo1e written. Joseph J. He1c (Seal) ,Signed, sta1td and dtlivered in our pre8.nce: ) P. R. Clark '1. ~. Knox ($6.50 Doc. atam~a oanoe11ed) - ;STATE 01 ~ORIDl \ SSe OOUll'lY 01' ST. LUCIE I ~BY CRR!IPT, that on this 18th day of Septecber A. D. 1926. betore me personally aopear.d Joseph J. i.la, a single mand. to me knowo to be the persons desoribed in aod who exeouted the fortgoing 'oonv.yanoa. end aoknowledged the exeontion thereof to be his free act ~nd d..d tor the uaes and purposes thert 10 m.o\10he4. , WITRBSS ~ signature 80d ottioial 8eal at lort P1trot in 'he County ot st. Luoie and ~tate of 'lorid, the 411 and year last atore.ald. I ,11e4 I .argaret Cottet (Se.l) 10tarJ Pu '>110. St. Ll1o1 e County. Plor1da Ul oommission expire. Jan. 14. 1929. D. 1925. at 1:47 P. u. -1 P. C. Bldre.. Cleric CiJ'Qll1t Court. B.1~~~~.. Qa. 'L. . . r-D. C. :'~-:::' :,:~:':~,~'~ : ; ~-- '~>~::':'. ~-:~ :.<,. :,: ;:.~:~; .j)~:~ ,'" . " " ," :;:~~~~-...{;{ -.~y:~~: