HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLER,,` F THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT 'IIE COUNTY FILE j 4471315 OR 3306—z: 4170 PAGE 18913, Recorded Ors .1/2018 12:43:47 PM ' •r SC N Eli) St. f udeCo�urty - eats 81mce is „rsirmd f«r rmxdw6, Wo — J NOTICE OF COM114ENCEMEP3T The undtssigaed hereby given notice that bWovemeat will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutas the following infof natirm is provided in the Notice of commencement 1. DESCRi'PRT N OF PXtOP1 itTy ugal dpaiplion a4d strett ad(ress) TAX FOLIO NLMBERs 3 4 l 4 —g;O 1.-? .7 01— 0 0 09. Y l _ Y e�i T•��\l9 _. 2.Mi RaIDESC MONOFEMOVEMENT: gingle-lamM rirbrid'ence 3.-OWNERINFORMATTON:•• a J - b.Addsess 8000 S. US11 e.interest in property d.13'ame and address of The simple titleholder (if other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADIDPMSAMPHONE NUMEM- Wynne Development Corporation 8000 S. USJs Suite 402, i?SL, FL 3495 :Z]2--878-.5513 5. SURMVS NAME, ADDRESS AM PHONE NIIMSER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAMli, ADDRESS AND PHONE iW1418ER: 7. persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served .as provided by Section 713.13 (Ixa) 7., Florida Statutes: _ NAlVFg.ADD1iSSSArmPilorll:3VUM8EIt:Doug .Brantley I SilVer• Oak. Dr:--€'SL, FL. 20=g S. In atmit'um to himself or ht cW. Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienoes Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes - NAM ADDRESS AND PHONE N[7ASBEIi: 9. Expitation date of notice of commencement Qbe expiration date is 1 year from the dam of reeord%Z unless a dif cent date is sptxifiedi - - � Signature of Owner or owner's Authorized 0ffeer/Direct6r/PaZt=/1V 2WWer Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice—preSiAent Print Name and Provide Signatory's TItldoffiee State of Florida County of St- 1,11 1 e - The foregoing instmmmt was acknowledged before me this day of V PR o ErrT gy Matthew' Lyle Wynne , as l g� E. (Type of authority ... e.g: Owner, officer, trustee, attorney 1 tact) (Name of person) PorWynne Building Corporation Knowtt 'Jor be following type of ID: (Name ofparty on belslf of whom instrument was executed) Personally produced � - Q O�i=O ' A tICt� y Aid' ,a: A �w •, CUROTHY Akt4 3AS030 _ j'' .1i,' � �. r,, a4tA{SS:f3N � GO 030145 " 11' £TP'RES:t)ctoCer2,2020 f (psktW Name of Notary public) (Signature of racy Public) '�.; ' 8r Cea I'm man pudr UndarWr7es i! Under penalties of perjury. I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to -the best of my knowledge and brlief(aecdon 92.s2s, Plorida Srat=4. SIAIE OF FLORIDA Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(;)' Authorized Of6ar/Directo - L � T f A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE - By. By ORIGI�IA — p as T , ERK Rec a811al2oat(Acmtd'mp1 By: Qep 1 rk Hate: