HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2093 ... J -------- -- ---------- l 293 I .._"-'_.,^-~--""--_-"-----------.-,-,,,,, ---_..-...-.-_.__..."""_...~_._.< -,. ~ ~ - l-- r I ,/ other ae.eeemente that l18y be l....ld or imp.eed upon e81.d lan4 lub.equent to the year ----- date--1- and reaeonable attorney'e fee. oooaeioned by default hereunder, an4 further agree. to keep the buildin<<1 upon aid preo;1.a Insured in some OOIllJl8 '" eat18faotor1 to the party of the firat part, in a 80m not loal than ----reasonable yalue---- Doliare during the term of thie agreement. I'r IS lIJ'fUALLY AGREED That these presente are made .ubJeot to the following expree. ( i oond it1ons. reatriotiona and 11m1 ta t1one, whioh ooo4it10n.. restrlotion8 and limitation. tare intended to be and .hall be aooepted as ooyenanta ruuning with the land herein oon- II 'YeY14 and whioh shall be bincHng alike upon the heir., personal representative a ana assigns I of the party of the seoond part, who by her acoeptanoe of th1. instrument agrees to abide by ~ f and perform said restriotlou8, limUat10nl and ooncUtlous aa one of the e%press oonsidera- I I tlona of these presenta: I 1. Ho realdeuoe ahall be ereoted or 0'.)nstruote4 on sald laneS of a less oo.t that , f .3.600.00 on lot. fronting on Sourlse BoulnareS, and 12.600.00 on all other lote. and all I ; ; residemes In said Sub41'Y1e10n shall be oOO8truoteeS of ooral rook, oonorete, atuooo, .onorete I ! bloOk. hollow tl1e. brlok or mixed OOl18truotion, or yenured with ooral rook or briok. or ! ! frame veneered with stuooo. and ahall be along Spanieh, Woor18h, Venetian or slmilar har- ! , i monioue types pt arohiteoture, and the aforesaid amount shall be aotuallY expended on construo. l tlon and ereotion of auoh building and not for feee in oonnection therewith. 2. No bul1ding shall be construoted or ereoted on any of said land until after the I plans, speolfioatione and looation of the same shall ha'Y' been approYe4 by the plrty of the flret part~ its suooessors. representatives or ass1gne. ,( 3. No bu1ldings other than one residenoe building and oue pr1yate garage ahall be ! ereoted on alG' one lot. without the n1tten consent of party of the first part and no bu1ld- , I ; ~ ing shall be erected at a lesa d1stanoe than 30 feet from the frout Une of any lot in said t Subdivlsion, or from apy street. or at a lese cHstanoe than three feet from the .ide line ! of any lot. or at a less distanoe tban flve feet from the rear line. ". That no unlawful or ilIJllOral use shall be DBd. of the prerr.ioos hereby oonveyed. nor ! shall the same nor any part thereof. n'lr allY interest therein, be sold. leased or otheniBe ; ! con'Yeyed to any person other than of the Cauoas1an raoe, proyide4 that nothing herein oon- i i tained shall prevent the keeping and maintaining of servants on the said property for I ! reasonable familY Ulile. 6. 110 outside toilet 8hall be permitted in atlY part of said subd 1'Y1e ion. but there shall be construoted by said second party in oonneotion with al~ residenoe on aD7 of 0&14 i --' ! land a septio tant of suffioient she and kind to meet the approval of the State Board of ~ i Health 6. No building oommonly known as an asylum nor hospital shall be erected or uaed for ! suoh purpose on sald land, exoept that deaigned for business property by party of the fint j ! part. ';' i ! ! lstruoted or c:aintained in said subdivi6ion without the written ooneent of the party ,f the i first part, I i I , i part, its 7. No s1gna or billboards of any kind or oharaoter ehall be exhibited. displayed. oon- 8, The privilege and eaaement 18 hereby forever reserved to sai6 party of the firat I j equipment for electrlo light, power. telegra~h telephone and eultable equipment for auy oth.~ suooessors and aS81gDl, to ereot and maintain poles. wirea and other sulta ble , ut1111oie. ! ! in the three foot strip alOIl@ the slue 11n.. thereof, I fin foot 8trip r..ened aloll4! the rear 11ne8 of saU , and to la1 water mains ~n or in the rear fiye feet of the land hue in oOllTl,.4~ on ,or . I when neollAr)' to 881n 800... to \he I land for util1t,r purpo..e and for .uoht ;'?)<'_~~~'~'" ~~;,:;.~~~ '::t~/:~~ ~':~: }:':~~::.:~ . ,_ . ,n.,~: " ", ,: :~:':~~~"-~~ -~>;,< <:,