HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2100 I ! 300 f ! ! , .qultabl., In and to the land. thereln d..orlbtd, and that she exeout.d 8ald deed fre.ly and yoluntarA17 , and wlthout &n1 oon.traint, fear, apprehen8ion or OOmpu18ion of or from her said hU8band. I of WITNESS ID7 8ignature and offiolal 8eal at Olone Park, in the Oount)' of b..1lI and ancS year la8t aforeeaid. . .xpirea Karoh 30th, 1927. Prank Edward Tl11y (Seal) Bota i}f Publio 3803 Queen8 County. N.Y. State I I I I No. 38022 State of Hew York. ) )sa. COUNTY OF QUREBS. ) I. ED1r~ W. COX. Clerk of the County of Qu.ene , anc! also Clerk of the County and SUpreme Court. of aa14 Oount)', the aalDl being Oourt. of Reoo nt, DO hEREBY CBRTIPY THAT Prank Bdward Tl1l)' the NOTARY PUBLIC betore whom tho within aoknowledgment or deposition was _ae, was at the time of '-king the same authorhtd by the laws of th. State of Hew York to take thlt 8ame ancS to take ao lmowle4gmen te and proof. of deeds or oonyeyanoes for lands, tenemente and her.ditamente sltuate, lying and belng in said Stat. of I.w York, and further. that I aa well aoquainted with the handariting of auoh Dotary, and yerlly belieye that the signature to sald oertifioate of proof. aCQ10wledgment or deposition la genuine. IN TESTIMOllY WHEREO'. I haye hereuhto set ~ hand and affixed the s.al of said County 1 ) and COUl"tl_ _his 13 day of Oot 1926. // '\t . .., \,.,;c\ dc,~. .A.t- Q."O \; ~.~-'. \ ~,.(" t~'~ "\ riled~ ed this 21~t day of November. A. D. 1926. Bdwarll W. Cox, Cl.rk. ...;(: II; 'II ,i. 1)1. 1'. C. nDRED, Clerk Cirouit Court. BY U~-a/ X a(~) D.C. I - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . j ) JOSBl'H J. HEDl TO W..1UWlTY DEBD CA.~LIllB O. DAWSON 1 This Indentur.. Made thie 7th day of Ootober A. D. 1926. BETWEEN JOSEPH J. HELM. a single man, of the County of Jaokson and State of Ki8eouri party of the first part, and CAROLIHB O. DAWSON of the Ooul1ty of Jaokson and St& t. of IUssouri party of the seoond part. 1 i WITHZSSETH. that the said party of the firat part, for and in oon8ideration ot the sum of l j i ten Dollars and other good and valuable oonsideratione. to him in hand paid, the receipt ; ! whereof 1s hereby aoknowledgecl, has granted, bargained. sold and transferred. and by these i 1 preeenta does i I j and her h.1rs end aasigns foreyer, nll that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the , i County of St. Lucie and State of Plorida, more part10ularly d..oribed as follows: i I i hereby grant, bargain, sell and transfer unto the aaid party of the 6eoond parl Borth Half of Northeast quarter ot Northeast quarter and North half of Northw.st quarter of B~rtheast quart.r (st of BEt of BEt ant Nt of BWt of BEt) of S.otion Sixte.n (16), Township thirty-six (36) South, Range Thirty-nin. (391 East. oon- 1] ta Ulloa 38.82 aor'e. mr. or 1.... SUBJECt HODVBR. to any and all tax... gen.ral, epeeial or dralrag., and to all as..ssmente or 1..1e. 8ubs.quent to Deoember 31, 1921, and allo .ubJ.ot to any d.auotionl for ri~hts of wa)' for publio highwaye or tor ditoh.s or rights of .., of thG Borth St. Luoie Biyer Drainage Di.trlot. jLSO, ,rantor ree'rYee for h1a..lf. hi. h.lr. anel &881@n., all 8landln, .<}~-'_::':.,-'<: ':,:~-.'~ :.:';:~:_'\? ;'~?~~:'/:~~~:!~ -' .' . :",' )~"~~~~~.~: ':: '; ':. .. ~ ~. .' . ."~ i ;