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Abb DATE THIS JOB HAS T BEEN COMPLETED The following a itions or corrections shall be made before the job will be accepted Yf 1 u 1 B r''JVi3 lt,is'iturtlawful for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, or other persons, to +co�6errttgr .,Cause to be covered, any part of the work with flooring, loth, earth a.FaaMlV, ioteriol, until the proper inspector has had ample time to approve jafte initolldtion. :Aft�i<taddGions.or corrections have been made, call Building ,for n a n. Field Inspectors are in the office from Monday through Friday, PLUMBING ELEC. BLDG. PRESS HARD -USE BALL POINT PEN II .• ��� III �J�F ^����a��o�� NOTICE ADDITIONS or CORRECTIONS DO NOT REMOVE �' DATE THIS JOB H N T BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall -be . . made before the job will be accepted z w - ,a k It Is unlawful for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, or other persons; .to.' cover or cause to be covered, any port of the work with flooring, loth„ earth' . "or other material, until the proper inspector has hod ample time to approve:':'. the installation. After additions -or corrections have been made, call Building Department for an Inspection. Field Inspectors are in the offlee from to Monday through Friday. PLUMBING ELEC. BLDG. Ll e-4 PRESS HARD -USE BALL POINT PEN rG41:R .3 •-7" 1 .. /i-Iz iz/ 10 4 �• i, f� 00 � 1a iT 19M ; 5'i iDdEC I E RAL _'--J 7 ENGINEERING & TESTINC 1798 AGORA CIRCLE S.E. SUITE 5 �;'� "'' `"ri�1 �� 1300 N.W. 33RD STREEI {PALM BAY, FLORIDA 32909 a --POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA 3306d FIELD DENSITY TESTS OF COMPACTED SOILS AND PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST D'II TE: 12/9/93 ORDER NO. 93-2631 PERMIT NO. 93-06244 CLIENT: BEVILLE TRACTOR SERVICE Al 771 CAMPBELL ROAD; FT. PIERCE, FL 34945 PROJECT: PROPOSED PARKING LOT I4 ADDRESS: 1313 MIDWAY ROAD, WHITE CITY, FL C�NTRACTOR: BEVILLE TRACTOR SERVICE S IiIMPLED BY: ` W _—TESTED BY: ` W REPORTED TO: CLIOU LAIB NO. D- 1 7137 LOCATION: C/L OF DRIVE 20' S OF MIDWAY ROAD NO. D- l 11.jb LOCATION: U/L UP UKlVh 4U' J Ur MIDWAY KUAU NO. D- 3 7139 LOCATION: C L OF DRIVE 80 S OF MIDWAY ROAD FIELD DENSITY METHOD A.S.T.M. D-2922 L 'bORATORY NO. D- D- 2 D. 3 T ST NUMBER 1 2 3 DEPTH 8n 8n 8n DRY DENSITY P.C.F. IN THE FIELD 124.8 124.2 124.0 I OISTURE 6.9 5.8 7.1 % 8OMPACiION IN THE FIELD 99.2 98.7 98.5 11 • COMPACTION REQUIREMENT BY SPFCS 98% PROCTOR VALUE, P.C.F. 125.9 t LAIBORATORY NO. P- 1744 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 7.9 I1'I MATERIAL. •COQUINA ROCK W/TAN SILICA SAND _ R ALL TESTS RESULTS COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED WITH AN ASTERISK('). REPORTED BY: __JW CH CKED BY: WN_ As mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports areI ubmitted as the confidential property of clients, and authorization for ublication of statements, conclusions or extracts from or reg,r ding our reports is reserved pending our written approval. i 128 126 124 122 12C 118 PROCTOR T-180 A.A.S.H.T.O. METHOD C MOISTURE DRY DENSITY 5.0 123.1 7.4 125.8 9.8 123.9 10OOtgxrum Dry Density LL�� lbs./cu. ft. INN ■■■NINE■■■ ON10110100101101001 ■■E■■■■■M ■l■■EN■■E■0 ■ o ■■�■■► ."WINE■ N■ ■►IMENN■E■ ■■EE■E■f ME■E ■i'&MME■EWEE© ■NEEE■■■NEE© N■ ■E■■■EEE© N■C■■■■E■■■o ■■EEEE■E■E■9 NNE■■■■E■E■U N■■E■■■■■E■■ 00130BEEMM©■■ 4 6 8 10 12 GRADATION TEST %,Passing 3/4" Sieve 92 % C Respectfully ,ubmitted, WISSAM S. NAAMANI, P.E. FEDERAL ENGINEERING & TESTING h Mr. Charles McDermott Building Code Supervisor St:. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave., Room 21.1 Ft. Pierce, Fl 34982 i Dear Mr. McDermott: We have purchased a residence on 1313 Midway Road, now zoned commercial. Mr. Hatcher has inspected this property, telling us what we need to do to conform with certain regulations. (Note attached. worksheet) The following has been contracted and will be done as soon as Mrs. McVey moves: 1.. Matula Electric will do the electrical work to conform with regulations. 2. Linquist P.lumbingewill remodel and convert to a handicap restr.00m. j 3. Chief Santos will do the handicap ramp with rail, etc. He will replace the front door (solid) and widen the handicap restr.-oom door to 32". Mr. Hatcher measured the handicap restroom and says it conforms with the code. Also, all the remaining doors have the proper width of 32" or more. 4. Bottled drinking water will be used - we have the forms, We know to post the outlets. 5. We will have fire extinguishers. 6. 6" address numbers posted.. I P.O. BOX 12280 • FORT PIERCE • FLORIDA 34979-2280 m N-T HI b 7. Attached is a plot plan and floor plan. We were told that we had to have 3 parking spaces plus one handicap space. We have our office at present, in Ft. Pierce at the Virginia Ave. Plaza. This is a business and accounting office that will be moved to 1313 Midway Road. Trusting this meets with your early approval. WDB/DT:is Sincerely W. D. BARBIEUX President DAN S.TUTTLE Assistant Vice President ST LUCIE COUNTY ROAD IMPACT FEE•CALCULATION FORM Name of Feepayer Address Date Road Benefit and Collection Zone i ' lQ.tl7 lQ The impact fee calculated herein has been determined based on the fee schedule adopted in St_ Lucie County 'Ordinance 85-10, effective February L 1 r. p --------------------- IMPACT.FEE CALCULATIONS LAND USE FEE PER TOTAL TYPE UNIT IMPACT FEE # UNITS. # SQ FT (1000) �� �Q y 1360. 'r # PARKING SPACES # STUDENTS w -;NQ I ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUE'T [ ] PARCEL ID [3404-501-0428-000/3 ] 11/12/93 09:30 OMP COMPARABLE PROPERTIES OWNER NAME:MCVEY, HARLAN *EST* OMPA q ABLE ID.NO: DATE OF COMPARISON: 00/00/00 COMPARABLE INDEX: 0.000 SUBJECT PROP. LAST REVALUED ON 10/15/93 FOR REASESSMENT SUBJECT CURRENT ASSESSMENT IS: $159,260 COMPARABLE SOLD ON: * * *"I* * * * * * * * SUBJECT PROPERTY * * * COMPARABLE PROPERTY NEIGH IORHOOD 1800 LOCAT 'ION ZONIN LAND lcIZE SQ FT LIVIN AREA 2330 ADJUS,ED AREA 2330 QUALI ;Y HD+ NUMBEI OF BEDROOMS 3 NUMBER OF BATHS 3.0 YEAR BUILT 1949 GARAGI TYPE SWIMM NG POOL NO * THIINFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8 01 O FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 8103 NO COMPARABLES FOR THIS PROPERTY 1—LI Z--NA 3—NA 4—NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 10/25/;I�3 Mr. Ba'bie.ux tried again to re -submit but could not. His appliction for construction was still incomplete. Advised him the ftllow'ng is still required before he may submit. 1) Helth Dept. approval for existing septic. 2) StIrmwater Permit or exemption. I 3) Re-orded Warranty Deed. Note: 4 discussed the landscaping note on the plans by Paul Welch with J lia. The note states that all existing foliage exceeds the Land D:'v. Code requirement. Julia agreed that because he "sealed" the plan, we could accept the note. Also, he parking was brought up to code with the exception of a loadin�� area. Discussed this with Julia. Because 11.65 parking spaces are required and 12 are shown, we can change one to a loading area. The location where I noted it on the plan was approvod by Julia. 1 1 H:\WP\INLAND Doc 1 Pg 2 Ln 1" Pos 1" 0 OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO: Chuck McDermott FROM: Becky Padrick DATE: 10/12/93 SUBJECT: Inland Citrus JL�� CMG nftv COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR �ORIO OR MEMORANDUM e TERRY L. VIRTA, -AICP Mr. Barbieux came in to re -apply. I would not accept his application and turned him away. The following still has not been addressed as discussed in the 9/30/93 meeting. Advised Mr. Barbieux that he is still not in compliance and must do so. 1) Need Health Dept. approval for existing septic (change of use) 2) Plot Plan did not indicate type and quantity of existing trees and shrubs. Also, the residential use in rear (which -is part of this parcel) requires a 6' high buffer. Verified with DJM. Even though he owns entire parcel, the "commercial" portion must be _ screened from the residential, especially because there is an existing SFR. 3) Parking was never upgraded from existing 4 spaces to 5 sp/1000 sq. ft. 4) Setbacks for ramp need to be shown. 5) Driveway has not been brought into compliance. 6) Stormwater Permit has not been applied for. 7) Application was not filled out. CC: Growth Management Director Zoning Supervisor L. FENN. District No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPER District No. 2 e JACK KRIEGER. District No. 3 • R. DALE TREFELNER. District No. 4 • JIM MINIX. District No. 5 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Administrator: (407) 468-1590 • Growth Management: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 Property Acquisitions: (407) 468-1720 a Codes Compliance: (407) 468-1571 PORT 5T. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: BECKY PADRICK FROM: CHUCK McDERMOTT DATE: 9-30-93 SUBJECT: INLAND CITRUS (1313 MIDWAY) AS DISCUSSED IN THIS MORNINGS MEETING, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE TO BE ADDRESSED: 1. THREE (3) SETS OF SEALED DRAWINGS WHICH WILL INCLUDE; PLOT PLAN, FLOOR PLAN, ELECTRIC, PLUMBING, AIR CONDITIONING, HANDICAP FACILITIES (INCLUDING RAMP). 2. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL ITEMS ON THE CORRECTION NOTICE. (ATTACHED) 3. LETTER FROM SFWMD CONCERNING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. 4. PAYMENT OF IMPACT FEES. 5. CONTACT WITH ENGINEERING REGARDING SIZE OF DRIVEWAY. 6. PROVIDE A LOADING ZONE. 7. PROVIDE PARKING & LANDSCAPING (PARKING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PAVED). CC: GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR ' NOTICE - �3 AZI � THIS JOB H N T BEEN COMPLETED IfThe following additions or corrections shall -be made before the job will be accepted Jvh- . i 19pc P r ' � a /n ..o ■ti° I 'J � � / � r 4 a� THIS JOB HAS T BEEN COMPLETED The following additions or corrections shall be made before the job will be accepted teo�-1111 . •A G • ul il41dU1 i�a forbe wO Car V§1 nY , contractor, guilder, or other persons, to .l! i .-nknvhA for any Carpenter, Contractor, Builder, or other persons, toFuse ro vered, any port of the work with Flooring lath, Borth cover or cause to be covered• any port of the work with Flooring, loth, ea ,teworial, until the proper inspector has hod ample time to opprove or other material, until the proper inspector has had ample time to approve the installation. ttiorta•or corrections have been made, call Building itilftey additions•or an Icorrectioro have been made ` , call -'+-`"--7 building # farInspectiInspection. Field Inspectors in tha offita f nnr Dapwt n W for Fuld Inspectors are in the office ta�en t. Monday through Friday. PLUMetNG ro Monday through Friday. Rume,NG ELEC. ELEC. BIOG. 6LDG. r MESS HARD -USE BALL POINT PEN PRESS HARD -USE BALL POINT PEN �. 1 f, 1, � � I i V � � • , L VY �-may= �� 1d ' J ?'o �s n boa in �%ollw a �k j ra vac CQ �rier�s� wA�Lor? � � �• YAP �� _�SL°_ 1 ' .J r l ri I/eu CLC4 � I � moo. 'n 4 �0 eTn. - I Z02 S _ C? I Eu Oo4 LJQ3- m -C — 1wee-L6a &'s 4e-) er� �Ql}r�S l l � ' I� a , -- -- - �� -. i ..- I . I I i ._ .f - i t � � j ' -. � ' � � -. i 1 � I � ' J _v_ __ _ � � ` - �— .7 1• `8 i .J - I � ' I i ' �� _� i _ i _ -_�I \ .i -� � it i ' r I � � _ j � � _ I I i �, 7 j, to 7 } 1 _ I • 1 _. � _ � _� _ __ ' __ ��_ �_ I I I — .. — 11 _. - � 1 i i I it INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID (3404-501-0428-000/3, ] 09/29/93 16:05 COMP J1COMPARABLE PROPERTIES OWNER NAME:MCVEY, HARLAN *EST* COMPA ABLE ID.NO: DATE OF COMPARISON: 00/00/00 COMPA BLE INDEX: 0.000 SUBJECT PROP. LAST REVALUED ON �! 08/07/93 FOR REASESSMENT SUBJE iP CURRENT ASSESSMENT IS: $159,260 COMPARABLE SOLD ON: * * * * * * * SUBJECT PROPERTY * * * COMPARABLE PROPERTY * * * * * * * * NEIGH,ORHOOD 1800 LOCAT ',ON ZONIN LAND IIZE SQ FT LIVIN AREA 2330 ADJUSTED AREA 2330 QUALI ,Y HD+ NUMBE OF BEDROOMS 3 NUMBED OF BATHS 3.0 YEAR UILT 1949 GARAG' TYPE SWIMM NG POOL NO *'THI" INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & NOT WARRANTED. 8101 �0 FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE 8103 NO COMPARABLES FOR THIS PROPERTY i 1-LI -NA 3-NA 4-NA 2:10 PAGE FMT ON KBD v2.10 NCR 301 >\: 09/29', I Press 93 3:44 PM PUBA LGALDISP A-13 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N Parcel I.D.: 3404-501,-0428-000/3 Legal Desc.: WHITE CITY BLK 73 LOTS 11 TO 18 Legal Desc.: INC & N 10 FT VAC ALLEY ADJ ON S Legal Desc.: & LOTS 23 TO 27 INC & S 10 FT Legal Desc.: VAC ALLEY ADJ ON N & E 40 FT VAC Legal Desc.: PALMETTO AV ADJ ON W (1.52 AC) Legal Desc.: his Information Is Believed To Be Correct At This Time But It Is Subject To Change And Is Not Warranted. space bar to continue. V STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES October 25, 1993 Inland Fruit Co., W.D. Barbieux, Agt. P.O. Box 122.80 Fort Pierce, FL 34979 RE: 1313 Midway Rd. Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Lot 11-18 Blk 7.3 Sec 4 TWP 36S Range 40E Dear Mr. Barbieux: An inspection made on the above property on October 25, 1993, found the existing septic system appeared to be operating in. a satisfactory manner. Although, unable to measure septic tank due to burial under patio pavers and unable to measure drainfield due to papyrus -type palm overgrowth. No sanitary nuisance or sign of septic system failure or -stress was noted. This office has no objection to the proposed addition of an Accounting Office to the existing structure. Plans which are stamped, dated and initialed by the St. Lucie Health Department must accompany this approval. This approval does not guarantee the future performance of the septic system and is valid for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of this letter per James Anderson, OSDS Supervisor. If you have any questions, please contact this office at (407) 468-4058. Sincerely, Mildred Boucher Environmental Specialist I xc: file MB/cpb DISTRICT NINE ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT • ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION P.O. BOX 580 • 714 AVENUE "C" FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954 • (407) 468-4058 & 59. LAWTON CHILES, GOVERNOR e South. F l o3 isda �:; 3 a1 kanagement District \1�.. 5501 Gun Club Road S P.U. Box 2,1880 + Wust Palm Beach. FL 3,3 416-4680 • (407) 686-8800 • FL_WATS 1.800-452.20.4.5 CON 24-06 Regulation Department Application No.: 931025-5 November 8, 1993 Barbieux W D & Tuttle Dan PO Box 12280 Ft'Pierce, FL 34979 Dear Applicant: SUBJECT: WD Barbieux Office Building ST LUCIE COUNTY, S4/T36S/R40E District staff has reviewed the information submitted on October 25, 1993, regarding minor improvements to the existing structure. Based on the submitted information, it appears that a surface water management permit will not be required at this time for the proposed activity. Any off -site impacts, changes in land use and/or future modifications to the activities may require review by the District. This does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining all necessary Federal, State, Local, and special District authorizations prior to the start of any construction. If you have any questions, please contact this office.. Sincerely, Kenneth S. Todd, Jr., P.E Supervising Professional Surface Water Management Division CR/l d c St,Lucie County Engineer (Zverning Bo,mk V lerie Boyd. Chairman William Hammond Eugene K. Pettis Tilford C. Creel. Executive Director F 1"111 Williamson,,)r., Vice Chairman Betsv Krant Nathaniel P. Reed Thomas K. Mac Vicar, Deputy Executive Director An Betancourt Allan Milledtse Leah G. Schad n FORM0027 SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGLML'NT DISTRICT ' Rev. 2/64 P. O. BOX 'I" WEST PALM BEACH, FLOICIDA 33402-4238 Phone: (305) 686-8800, Toll Free 1-800-432-2045 - , -- FOR ISEkMIT EXEMPTION PURSUANT TU- - RULE 40E-4.053, FLORIDA ADN41NISTRATIVE CODE (SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT) NOTE. A reprint -of Rules 40E-4.052, 40E-4.053 and 40E-4.054 is included on the back of this f6rm and contains specific requirements to constitute a complete submittal. --- -- OWNER'S NAME: lW 0__ , AIIX. 1 iEUXi A,1P 19AIIJ %X_1 L_E ADDRESS: S iJ' ---- - (Street) _ , (City - - --- ------ !State) -- ---. ----(_p)--- - - ------ PROJECT ENGINEER: PAUL WELCH INC.. ADDRESS: 4913 Oleander Ave. Ft: Pier_ 'L— 3498� _ •. City) (State) PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION li�✓�if7i �=, G�!:% - _ C 01JNTY _ic SEC. TWP 3�5SRGE TO.TAL.PKOJECT ACREAGE: I, ..52____----_- TOTAL, IMPF_RVIOUS ACREAGE _• GGrii. -_ TYPE OF PROJECT: LG'� -1i t Gf' Gt 4_ : - ZONING: G� (Res►dential, AKricul:u;al, Etc.) ---- ------ - ---- --- PROFOSEC FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION: =`XI Yi _ _ — (NGVD) OPERATIONAL ENTITY: Owner Who will operate and maintain the drainage system?� _ In submitting this request for. permit exemption, 1 hereby certify that the conditions.for exemption pursuant to Rule 40E-4.053, F.A.C., have been or are proposed.to be met upon construction, including but not limited to that: 1. The total land area does not equal or exceed 10 acres; 2. The area of impervious surface will not equal or exceed 2 acres; 3. The activities will not be conducted in wetlands; - 4. The activities will not be conducted in existing water bodies; 5. The activities will not utilize pumps; 6. The activities will not utilize storm drainage facilities larger than a 24 inch diameter pipe, or its hydraulic equivalent; 7. The site is not included in more than 40 acres of contiguous potentially exempt lands; 8. Discharges from the site will meet State water quality standards, asset forth in Chapter 17-3; ' 9. The surface water management facilities are part of an approved Conservation Plan, 'if the facilities serve agricultural lands; ' 10. The proposed building floors will be above the 100 year flood elevation; 11. The activities can otherwise reasonably be expected to have acceptable or insignificant water resource impacts, and. 12. The surface water management system can be effectively maintained. ----------- OWNER'S SIGNATU[�/--..—-----•--DATE:--•----?� •'a-- I Vp'1'F.: This form must he signed bq:lie (k,•ncr and arrumpan u•d In. .1.1 I'ming,(::ading and I)rain.:gr Plans ' b.1 F.t idrnr r nl Lrn al (�nu•nuru•nl :\p;�:nt al .. r.:;1llirlatunfOt.•:urr,hilr..,rlrrl:nrtl " .. ... nn rctr•r,r+idrnl lhi.l.mu. or exceed 10 acres; 40E-4.052 Request for Exemption. 2.. The area of impervious surface .will (1) Requests for, an ,.exemption for not equal or exceed 2 acres;. projects less' than 1'0 acres. of total land 3. The activities will not be area should be filed with the District. -This, conducted in wetlands; request shall contain: 4. The activities will not be (a) Form PA-39. conducted in existing ;water bodies; ! (b) Thee paving and drainage plan of 5. The '.activities will not utilize ` the. area showing: pwnp5;- 1►' the total land area; 6: The activ,ities,. will, not utilize -•2. the 'total' area of , impervious storm drainage' facilities Iur.&r than a. 24. surface; inch diameter pipe, or its hydraulic 36 the location of, any on -site equivalent;' wetlands;' ' '7. The site is not included in more than the location -and details of the 40 acres of contiguous potentially exempt surface water management system lands; including but not- limited to any lakes, 8. Discharges from the site Will Meea cplverts, pipes, . exfiltration trench, State water quality standards, as set forth discharge structures,- pump and related in Chapter 17-3; facilities. 9. The surface water :management 5. The surface .water management facilities are part of an approved system, design plans must be signed 'and Conservation Plan, if the facilities serve sealed by a"Florida registered Professional agricultural°lands; Engineer, if required by chapter 471, 10. The proposed building'floors .will be f lorida. Statutes. above the 100 year .flood elevation; . . (c) , Evidence of • focal government 11. The . activities . Can otherwise approval of -the project. The applicant, or reasonably be expected to have acceptable . local•goverrlment may'_request non -binding' - "or insignificant water resource., impacts,; District .comments on. a_ .project, if and necessary" 'for the applicant to obtain !2. The surface water i;nanagement evidence of 1Qcal.governrnent approval.. system can be effectively maintained. (d)' of ownership of the Spec ific,Authority 3.73.044, 373.113'F S.' -Affidavit.. property which shall include: Law Implemented 373.40,6, 313.413 F.S. 1.. the legal description; History --New. 2. a statement that. the total contiguous property` owned or controlled by 40E-4.054 Modification of Exempt,j the applicant does not exceed 10 acres. Projects. Specific Authority° 373.044, 373.113, Any- modification of a surface water F.S. management system in a project. which. has L•aw. Implemented 373.406, 3.73.41,3 received a Notice of Exemption, must have. F.S. the prior written approval of theDistrict. History --New. A surface water management permit may be required for -substantial modifications of 40E-4.053 Conditions for Exemption., previously exempt projects. In order to obtain an exemption under Specific Authority 373.0.44, 373.113 F.S. this part, an applicant must give Law Implemented 373.406, 373.413 F.S. reasonable assurances that: History ---New.: , 1. ' The iota) land area does not equal D r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PR# (- 3W11sc:';L 11 VEGETATION SQUIRED DATE RECEIVED NOT REQUIRED ENVIRONMENTAL �� (✓j PLANNING/SITE PLAN CODE ENFORCEMENT USA TAf] 1 f] VI%AZTER SUPPLIER SEV1/ER SUPPLIER (] ( ] D R CERTIFICATION (] F ,l DNR •(CCCL) =L DOT XC STORMWATER PER MANGROVE ALT 4 � 1'�!A TURTLE PROT (� (] . REQUIRED FEES - BF. VALUE PL ANNS -REVIEW FEE ;.: C OF C FEE: - RADON FEE $ RCPT ;ROAD IMPACT FEE $ f Cc)7q Rngp IMPACT OISIRICT ,�, �✓ - 10 IMPACT CREDIT y� � � � NO '� IMPACT ZONE ERNATE OEV FEE ALT DEV_ FEE.ZONE IDOL IMPACT FEE SC!-i00L IMPACT CREDIT [OOL 80ARD APPROVED ExEMP770N yES j I NO j I O I ICE IMPACT FEEFIRE IMPACT FEE y N - SUB11 PERMITS REQUIRED GAS - NOT REQUIRED. �. AIR' COIVOfI70NiNG E I CTRIC Pl t BING E ENCL/FENCE ( I �', RF'� . {� QR EWAY (j ZONING CHECKS BBL LOT COVERAGE _EASEMENT — _LOT SPLITS 9 . - I GO] &Wrwo COY) BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA TELEPHONE 407-467-2312 FAX 407-467-2325 JURISDICTION: St. Lucie County PROJECT NAME: BARBIEUX & TUTTLE OFFICES CONTRACTOR: Barbieux & Tuttle ARCHITECT: Paul Welch OWNR: Barbieux & Tuttle LOCATION: 1313 Midway Rd. BUILDING SIZE: 2262 sq. ft. OCCIUPANCY TYPE: Business CONSTRUCTION TYPE: SBCCI. Existing IINFPA. PLAN NUMBER #6346 BUILDING DEPT. NO. 36152 PHONE NUMBER 465-9900 PHONE NUMBER 466-2722 DATE RECEIVED 11-15-93 - 11-15-93 NUMBER OF STORIES 1 ' BUILDING HEIGHT FIRE !PROTECTION: Automatic Sprinkler Yes No X I Occupancy Hazard N.F.P.A. #13 Requirements: 1. If air handler units are part of a plenum electrical equipment shall meet the requirements of NFPA #70, Article 300-22. 2. Combustible materials are not permitted in plenums. 3. Provide a 3A-40BC rated fire extingusiher for the kitchen and one (1) 2A-10Bc rated extinguisher for the office. 4. Exists are not permitted through kitchens. Other arrangements will be necessary. NFPA 101, 5-5.2.1 5. iir'handler unit shall be provided with automatic fan shut down according to the Standard iiechanical Code Chapter 515. .-d CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY BUREAU ON ALL INSPECTIONS 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS REVIEWED I DATE- -11-1 6'- F 3 Sheet No. / of lYl r, Do u lci �-LL�Y 1 be � Y�u�sr� rs z F�L• _ - o Q ExpST►N Oa Ks, I �x ►s-r, � g -films R�Prox• �" �(.S� ()aCa.0 i Spaces T"o rbe ��LLe� 1 tJ- 1� TI� FoL, a•Se To b e de-r'erM r pved X r S7 f}vE�uu2, ` I 0 d n t �x r * "r-/. 1A) �r - -- -- o-mom- - - — - - - --- -- V rl\ v a deed `bD K aG� L E No r� �{A,,d,ca� p.�d bah MI IN �.a�dscap�'N$ CO N S IST .O'f- paL m S) 00. KS) yna�al�aKa •'s, A''d A55drrCcl Schrubs as �8 e•ou�d co�e.rS 'T.f Q f3t1d_I_5_CorvsIdw �� pi ore .r.1 . s Sho��• (0 a _ - p w 11 �rQcJ J $ 4,r kah)AicappeJ :-- cone • - Ea►� Lip' ASP.fG�Lr .. , :� �,� � boa � � • I d�� I �¢�-• ay.s �. rr.4 �� �1 s - N I - p�JF A v 1�1p� So�rriy io .4,r a%tcr Sao ' ,moo. G!o ?7 1 . rti•.:. I :._j. FNI I /OD.D' N. �o • �p �' E; C�O.OD ' i, � EGYvE' Gf SyE't L,rYOC.� i • • / 81 STREET ��o •,�/<v) Mts� of Iots 23 thm 26, e &Xa h 10 feet of Vaaabed 73 cf Iiiin T-vn Cf W-lit e at,, CERTIFIED TO: tte 40 feet of Abeam m a!�.1� thereof as Robert Cotherman I& Bock 1, Page 21 of the S af, St. brie OaxtY.. Florida. (1 Were not-bsbzcbEd 1Adj► easai»ts ClE lnig COMMICSITION ig MON OILT TO ANOTO PAMgs Nut alig NOcum anion IIORmu at noggin brumoun tOom ,, �, ,� by �i,H D:roi� WOOD IOMM a. NO nno►ONAigiLITT a LisgiLITT to SUMMON M rot of 102M roe All MIN PURPOSE ti :aifcr C,icilations i.R.•iROM Roc Not f,iNtt10 Joe. Von or' A11RrgT /Ol gOgrsr AfrtoArif 23 thna 26 Flood 7a�e z.r..:>RON r:rs tlormil or To Any ernes ensm NO? RioTgo In Cal ABM oax=T or WAY �iTgnn oiRgcn,T a ilOilgCTbr. 1 ,:,nd East 40 feet of c. K. •ooMcaesss Ha rr !j ;:;a Al-fACH[D mum Of sOsY[T or inn lesson MCLAUGHLIN LAND SURVEYING INC. - imI -Ano 4VAHsct To Ties last of NT iVf1V CD UUM. Hf DIesCT ON. I ►UATNLI THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Courthouse Box #50 Chester B. Griffin, Esquire Neill Griffin Jeffries & Lloyd Chartered P. 0. Box 1270 Fort Pierce, FL 34954 Parcel I.D. No.: 3404-501-0428-000/3 'Grantees' Social Security Nos.: Mr. Barbieux: Mr. Tuttle: TRUSTEE'S DEED 0 o b THIS DEED, executed this a a n� day of September, 1993, by 0 09 SUN BANK/TREASURE COAST, N.A., as Trustee Under the Last Will and oln o ` Testament of Harlan C. McVey dated October 2, 1981, with full N authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey under 689.07, r+ Florida -Statutes, Grantor, to W. D. BARBIEUX and DAN S. TUTTLE, III, as tenants in common (,each as to ,an undivided one --half interest), as Grantees, whose mailing address is: 1313 Midway Road West, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982. a W I T N E S S E T H: S. The Grantor, in consideration of the premises and the sum of 4E4H $10.00, and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid, U 6 4J grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and 66 o confirms unto the Grantee, and to its heirs; successors and A A H assigns forever, that certain real property situate in St. Lucie * - i County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: l; Grantee's right, title and interest as Trustee in and to the following described property: Lots 11 through 18 and Lots 23 through 27, Block 73, (� WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for St. Lucie County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 1, page 21, said lands situate, lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida. U W TOGETHER WITH vacated and closed alley lying between c w Lots•11 through 18 and Lots 24 through 27, AND TOGETHER •rI WITH the South 10 feet of vacated and closed alley north and adjacent to Lot 23, all in Block 73, aforementioned; AND TOGETHER WITH that portion of 4A vacated and closed Palmetto Avenue lying between the 1 I co Saint Lucie River and the South line of said Block 73, as extended, as evidenced by resolution recorded in Deed Book 147, page 484, of the public records of St. � i Lucie County, Florida. i u O TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments 4J and appurtenances belonging to or in anywise appertaining to that 'H % real property. U .H TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the Grantee, and to its u w heirs, successors and assigns, that in all things preliminary to O' o and in and about this conveyance the laws of the State of Florida 44J o have been followed and complied with..in all respects. o N j IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed on the day and year first above written. r)N0) Signed, sealed and SUN BANK/TREASURE COAST, N.A., as o.; delivered in the Trustee under the Last Will and presence o Testament of Harlan C. McVey dated l� October 21, 1981 � c I x C Z b a z By :_ 4 1� i Carl H. Bentz 1° w ame : Caro e-rna ez NEILL GRIFFIN JEFFRIES 6, LLOYD CHARTERED P.O. BOX 1270. FORT 'PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954 - TELEPHONE (407) 464-8200 11 10 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County afore sa d �o take ackrnowledgm nts, perso ally appeared If Aid ..f Z , as 8,4,10,1- )rick, Y"zxr , of SUN BANK/TREASURE COAST, N.A., who is personally known to me to be the person described in and whglexecuted the foregoing Trustee's Deed or who produced II h as identification, and who acknowledged before me that he e� x�ed the same on behalf of SUN BANK/TREASURE COAST, N.A., Fort Pierce, Florida, having been authorized so to do. i WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County last aforesaid, this a a day of September, 1993. Notary Publi - Stat of Florida %0 T,q '• `�i� = Name: "P 6 Ll L /� G Q u -r /U 1 C7 ny 9`••1io My commission expires: 6/35- /9s- all P�OFFt• kR110 00 W rip NEILL GRIFFIN JEFFRIES & LLOYD CHARTERED P.O. BOX 1270, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34954 - TELEPHONE (407) 464-8200 i III �II�I IIII''ll�� IIIII ��II� II�II �II�1 III I��I OR BOOK ® 8 6 3 PAGE 0243 sr I II I I I