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Rubin Custom Homes, LLC RECEIVED
4253 SW High Meadows Ave SEP 17 2010
Palm City, FL.,34990 Permitting Department
St. Lucie &unty
Permit# 1809-0003
1548 NW SweetBay Circle
Palm City, FL 34990
Permit Comments being addressed dated 9/5/18 and 9/6/18 are as follows
1) Description of exterior wall infill information detailed on revised plans
2) Wind load compliance form attached with comment package
3) Detail to raise existing porch flush with the house is detailed on revised sheets
4) Windows are on separate permit that has already been approved please reference Permit#
1808-0680. French door and fixed windows on each side of French door is all that is included on
the lani enclosure permit.
Please let me know if you have any question
�t y Ooley v
Rubin Custom Homes
772-283-0553 Ext #2