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Product Approval
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Product Aooroval Meng> -Product orAtloltcaton Search.> AgO1101109 Checklist>'Application Detail SCANNED
FL # FL25883 BY
Application Type New
2017 ��) ° fE= I`Cin 1� �N�i
Code Version
Application Status Approved
*Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by
the POC.and/or the Commission If necessary.
Product. Manufacturer
CGI Windows and Doors
25 Street
10100 NW
Miami, FL 33172
(305) 593-6590
S E P 0 4 2018
Authorized Signature
Jens Rosowski
S` . Lucie County, Permitting
Technical Representative
Robert Beaird
10100 NW 25th St
Miami, FL 33172
(305) 593-6590
,rbeaird@cgiwindows. com
Quality Assurance Representative
Robert Beaird
10100 NW 25th,St
Miami, FL 33172
(305) 59376590
Panel Walls
Compliance Method
Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency
Keystone Certifications; Inc.
Validated By
Steven M. Urich, PE
R Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received
Referenced, Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard. Year.
AAMA 501 2015
TAS 201; 202, 203 1994
.Equivalence of Product Staidards
Certified B
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A
Date Submitted ol/09/2018
Date Validated 01/09/20IR
Date Pending"FBC Approval
Date Approved 01/12/2018
FL #
Model, Number or Name
Storefront Window System
Limits ofLse
Certification Agency Certificate
C CAC SS-3520 Certification odf
Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes
Approved, for use outside. HVHZ: Yes
FL25883 R0
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant: Yes
Installation. Instructions
Design Pressure: N/A
other: Please see the encloseddocuments for product
FL25883 RO II 55-3520 odf
performance information, anchorage details; and anchor type,
Verified By: A. Lynn Miiler,.P.E. 58705
Created by Independent Third Party: No
size, and spacing information.
Evaluation Reports
'FI25883 RO AE Prod Eval-SS 3520 adf
Created by Independent Third Party: No.
Back, - Next -
Conti Us r: 2601 Blair Stone Road -Tallahassee FL 323MM.ne: 850-487-1824.
The State of Florida is an WEED employer. Couvriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida. ::.Privacy Statement::.Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement
Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. if you, do not want your email address released In response to a public -records. request, do not send electronic
mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you Have. any questions, please contact 850.487.1395: *Pursuant to Section. 455.275(1),
Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S.=must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails
provided may be used for official communicationyilth the Iicensee..However email addresses are publicrecord: If you do not wish to supply apersonal address, please
provide the Department with an email address wlilch can -be made available to the public. Todetermine if you are a licensee under chapter 4SS, FS., please click here .
Product Approval Accopts:
Credit Card
. ... .... ..�.F.,ri
Document We:
Structural Performance
Doc No: FRM B1-02-
Rev No: 7
Page: .1of �..
Authorization Re ort
Required. By: PRO B1-03 -
CAR & Product ID Number: 918 - 106:0
Issue Dater
Revision Date:
Expiration Date:
1 /9/2022
Company Code:
This Certification Authorization Report(GAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review,
and is, based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in
accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many
factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation.
This report indicates -the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels.
Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products; that those products are representative of the specimen
evaluated and documented for certification. authorization. Only products bearing, such a certification label shall be
considered certified. The. information in this report can.be verified at www.keystonecerts.com.
Licensee Information: I Product Information:
CGI Windows & Doors Inc.
10100 NW 25th St.
FL 33172
Model: SS-3520 Aluminum Storefront-0000
Operator Type: FIV
Config: No, GS-9/16" HS Lam! Mono or IG
Max Width:_ 241
Max Height: 144
Referenced Standard:.
Product Rating:
AAMA 501-15
Air @ 6.24 0.06, WTP =13.5, DP+t-60, 241A44
Qualifying Test Information:
Test Report No:
Test Report Expiration:
FTLA 7-7538
Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc..
Digitally signed by Jon Hill 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B
Date: 2018.01.0914:1-8:17 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
` ' 45—'60, Phone: 717-932-8500
Structural Performance.
a0C N0= FIRM 81.02
RegNo: T _
Page:' 1 OE
yq�ys 'ON
Authorization Report
Required By: PRO B1-03
CAR & Product ID 'Number:
918 - 105.0
Issue Date:
Revision Date:
Expiration Date:'
Company Code:
This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc...(KCI) after full validation review,
and is based on a standardized evaluation of the. product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in
accordance with: the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many
factors; including installation, condition of the wallfroof -substrate and the age of the product and installation
This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels.
Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that thoseproducts are .representative of the specimen
evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be
considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com.
f Licensee Information: Product-InfOrtnation:
CGI Windows & Doors Inc.
10100 NW 25th St.
Model: SS-3520 Aluminum -Storefront 0000
Operator Type: FW
Miami FL 33172 Config: No, GS416" HS Lami Mono or IG"
Max Width: 193
Max Height: 98
Referenced Standard: Product Rating;
PA/TAS '201/202/203 Large Missile, 'DP+70/-80, 193x98
Qualifying Test Information:
Test Report No:
Test Report.Expiration
Authorized Signature:: Keystone, Certifications, Lnc.
Digitally signed by Jon Hill 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 10013
Date: 2018:01.09 09:14:23 NeW Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
►�,..�.. U5'00` Phone:717-932-8500
x Fax: 717-9324501
Structural PerformancO
Doc NW. BI-02
pag'. 01
Authorization Report
Required By: PRO 13143
CAR &� Product. ID Nurnbera 918 -- 104.0
Issue Dat6* 1/912018-
ReVisioh Date. 1/9/2018
Expiration Qpta* 1/9120T22.
Corripany Code: 91.8
This Certification Authorization Report.(CAR.) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI),after full validation review,
and is- based oh- a standardized .eya;uatlon- of the. product. conducted ,by an independent accredited laboratory in
tu many
accordance h ; - -
pordance with t e. specIfied, referenced standard. Ac alfenestration pro'duct;performance. may vary bas�qO.on
rbduct and installafion
factors, including ins ligriori, contrition of � the wall/roof substrate. and;the:age of 'lhe. p
This re certification labels.
- port indicates the product is. eligible far application. !on of Keystone Certification. ProgramI
Licensee stipulates -in affixing'ceitifidation labels to products, that those products ar6tepres.enlative of the specimen
0 1 be
evaluated and. documented 'for certification authorlzalon.,_ -Only products bearing' such certification label shall
6ertif ati P. keystonecerts.com.
considered led The on.in this reportican. beveriftdatwww
Product information:
CGI Windows-& Doors] I M. Model: SSn3520 Aluminum Storefront 0000
101-00 NW. 25th'St. Operator Type: FW
Miarni, FL 33172 Cohfig: -AV, 0.8-9/16''HS.LE!miMcirio-or"IG
Max- Width: 193
Max Height., 120
Referenced Standard: Product Rating:
PA7AS, 261/202/20& Large Missile, DP+90/7120,193'.(120r
Qualifying Test lnfbftatiidn�
Test.,Roort No: 17TI-47J638
Test Report Expiration:_ 119/2022-
Ngito,ily, signed by Jon Hill
DaDate:201.801.090 9.1555,
I -05'00!
Keystone Certificatibrils'.1he.
-145 Limekiln Rd.:Suite.r 10013
NIOW Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
Ph6nei 717-932-Z500
Fax: 71,76932-8501
Document Title:
Structural Per-fdrmance
Doc No:, FRWBI-02
Rev No: 7
Page: of I
Authorization Repott
Required By: PRO B1 -03
-CAR & ProdUdt ID.Nurnber' 918 - 103.0
Issue Date: 119/2018
Revision Date: 1/9/20 .8
Expiration Date: 1/9/2022
company Codes 918
This Certification Authoftation Report (GAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review,
and is bd'§dd. on a' standardized evaluation of the, product conducted; by an independent accredited laboratory. in
accordance with the specified referenced standard,. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many
factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof . substrate and. the age of the product and installation
This report indicates, the product is el ' igible f6t the application of Keystone Certification Program- certification labels.
Licensee stipulates in affixing certification I ' albels to products, that those products ' are representative of the specimen
evaluated and. documented for: certification autlibrization. Only. products bearing such a certification label shall be
considered certified. The information in this report can be, verified at www.keystorie6erts.com.
Licensee Information: Product Information:
CGI WindoWt & Doors -Inc. -Modet SS-3520 Alumihurn Storefront-0/0-0001
10100 NW 26th' 8t. Operator Type: FW
Miami FL 33172- COnfig; AV; GS-:9/1V'-HS1ami Mono or IG
Max Width: 241
Max Height,: 120
Referenced Standard:
Product Rating:
PAfTAS 201/202/203
Large Missile, E)P+90/-100, 241x120
Qualifying Test Information'
Test Report No: FTL-1 7-7538
'L 0
Test Report Expiration: 1/9/2022
Authorized $19nature: Keystone Certifications, Inc.
Digitally signed by Jon Hill 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B
Now Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
Datie. 2018.01.09,0�. -9 Phone: 717 32-85Oor
Fax: 717'932- -8501
Structural Performance
Doc No: FRIM B1-02
Rev rJo: � �
Pege: 1 , or: 1
Authorization Report
Required BY: PRO 61-03
CAR & Product ID Number. -918 - 102.0
Issue Date: 1/9/2018
Revision Date: 1/9/2018
Expiration Date: 1/9/2022
Company Code: 918.
This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review,
and is based on a standarft6d evaluation of the product: conducted by an independent, accredited laboratory in
accordance.With the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration, product performance may vary based on many
factors,, including installation; condition of the, walftof substrate and the age of the product' and installation
This report indicates the product is. eligible for the application of Keystone Cert�cation Program certification labels.
Licensee stipulates In affixing certification labels to products,:that those products are representative of the specimen
evaluated: and documented for, certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be
considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com.
Licensee Information: f Product Information: I
CGI Windows & Doors Inc.
10100 NW 25th St.
I Miami
FL 33172
Model:SS-3520 Aluminum Storefront 0000
Operator Type: FW
Config: No, GS-9/16." HS Lami Mono or IG
Max Width:- 241
Max Height: 144
Referenced Standard: Product Rating:
PA/TAS 202 DP+/=60, 241x144
Qualifying.Test Information:
Test.Report No: FTL-17-7538
Test Report Expiration: 1"1912022
Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc.
Digitally signed by Jon Hill 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B
Date: 2018.01.09 09:17:53 New .Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070
W.....-0500, Phone: 717-932-8600
Fax: 7 J 7-932-8501
10100 N.W. 25th Street
Impact Resistant 10100
Windows & Doors Tel.305-593-6590
WE'RE STRONGER'" cgiwindows.com
Product Evaluation Report
Date: January 9, 2018
Product Description: Storefront Window System, Series 3520
Manufacturer: CGI Windows &. Doors
10100 N.W. 25th Street
Miami, FL33172
(305) 593-6590
Statement of Compliance: The product listed in this evaluation report, meets the requirements of the
Florida Product Approval Rule, 61G20-3. This product complies with the
requirements of the 6th Edition of the Florida Building Code, 2017.
Technical Documentation: Elevation, anchorage/installation drawings and Test Reports:
Drawing # : HVHZ-3520-LM
Test Report(s): FTL-17-7007 FTL-17=7538 FTL-7208
FTL-8717 FTL-7137
Anchor Calculations dated 05/02/2016 & 06/05/16
Installation: Units to be installed as per the attached installation drawings.
Limits of Use: 1. Maximum Design Pressures and sizes to be as listed in the test report,
unless attached documentation shows lower DP's or smaller sizes.
2. This product is Impact Resistant and does not require shutters in
windborne debris regions.
3. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current
Florida Building Code, including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ).
Certification of Independence: A. Lynn Miller,.P.E. is employed by PGT Industries, and therefore has a
financial interest in the company or any company manufacturing or
distributing products for which this report is being issued, but does not, nor
will aquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval
process of this product.
A. Lynn Miller, P.E.
P.E. # 58705.
FL Cert. of Auth. #29296
1070 Technology Dr.
N. Venice, FL 34275
�•`�0�`f tYNN /'�.
No. 58705
'�0• ISATE F
impact Resistant 10100 N.W. 25th Street
p Miami, FL 33172
Windows & Doors Tel.305-593-6590
WE'RE STRONGER` cgiwindows.com
Product Evaluation Report
Date: January 9, 2018
Product Description: Storefront Window System, Series 3520
Manufacturer: CGI Windows & Doors
10100 N.W. 25th Street
Miami, FL 33172
(305) 593-6590
Statement of Compliance: The product listed in this evaluation report, meets the requirements of the
Florida Product Approval Rule, 611320-3. This product complies with the
requirements of the 6th Edition of the Florida Building Code, 2017.
Technical Documentation: Elevation, anchorage/installation drawings and Test Reports:
Drawing # : HVHZ-3520-LM
Test Report(s): FTL-17-7007 FTL-17-7538 FTL-7208
FTL-8717 FTL-7137
Anchor Calculations dated 05/02/2016 & 06/05/16
Installation: Units to be installed as per the attached installation drawings.
Limits of Use: 1. Maximum Design Pressures and sizes to be as listed in the test report,
unless attached documentation shows lower DP's or smaller sizes.
2. This product is impact Resistant and does not require shutters in.
windborne debris regions.
3. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the current
Florida Building Code, including the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone" (HVHZ).
Certification of Independence: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. is employed by PGT Industries, and therefore has a
financial interest in the company or any company manufacturing or
distributing products for which this report is being issued, but does not, nor
will aquire a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval
process of this product.
A. Lynn Miller, P.E.
P.E. #58705
FL Cert. of Auth. #29296
1070Technology Dr.
N. Venice, FL 34275
��'t•,• ' �,4GENSF ����� i
* • No. 58705
0 S ATE'F (V40�