HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2115 U:u:l .~_..........._------...;~~ .. .--.-...."......:,..,,;r ..,........-...... 1___ ___-___""-..f L aaid deed tree17 aDd .01unhr1l7. and wUhout aD,J oOllpulUon. oonstraint. apprlhenslon or tear ot or fro. h.r sald hU8band. WI'1'''~S rq hand and otrlolal ..al at Ft. Pleroe. Coun\7 of St. LUGl. and State ot Florida. this l,th daT ot Ootoblr. Ak D. 192~. II t 0 AdUlI Kolar" Publio, Statl ot Florida at tars.. ~ oolllllhaloo a:plrel Dlo. 19, 1928. 2~lh da7 ot Ko.. 192~. at 11:24 I:K. 'lct\~~<\ P. O. o/:'dred, Clerk 0.1~"}i' Oourt. ! Ot.Ot.Seal ~ec?1~\. .po B7.j~?JhL~,~l! 1:)t-'-<....~<- D.O. I ' 0.' .":M:":":ft:":":ft:":":~:":":":":":":":":~:":1:":d:":":":":":~:~:":":":":":":~, EDITH F. CHDft' n ALS '1'0 W.ARJWlTY DBD !HIS IlfDlRTtJRE, Kad, this thirt7 tirat da7 ot Ootober A. D. 1926, BftlED Edith F. R. J. OULLO r I , i ( Ohenl7, torller17 Edith F. S~te and Wallaoe S. Ohenl7, her husband ot the CountT ot Cook and State ot Illlnois and Dora S. Kegattln and Joseph K. Kegaftln her hUlband ot the Gount7 J- ot LaSall. and State ot Illlnois partle. ot the tlret part, and R. J. Cullen ot the Count7 ot Korehouse and State of Louisiana partT of the aloond part, WI~SEf.H, fhat the .ald parties ot the tiret part, tor aid In oon.ideration at the ~ ot ten dollar8 and other v/ .alQabl. oonaiderationl Dollars, to then in band pald, the reoeipt .hereot is hereb7 ao- ltnowl'\18ed. ha.. granted, bargained, sold and transtlrred, and b7 theal preslnts do' grant, !bargain, alll and transter unto the aaid part7 ot the 8eooo4 part, and hi. helrs and asslgna . I Itore.er, all that oertain paroel ot land ITing and being in the CountT ot st. LIlOh, and fstate ot Florida, more partloular17 deaoribed as tollowa: t Beg1l11li~ ata point t.hree hundred and th1rt;J (330) teet Borth ot the Southwest (SW) oorner ot the Bort~e.t ~uarter (BWt) ot the Southw..t Quart.r (swt) ot Seotion Fl.. (6), township Thlrt7-tour (34) South, Rang. FortT (40) Xaa\, traa thenoe run Borth parallel wi th Seotl0D line to South .. ----- boundr7 11ne ot propert7 deed to R. J. Cullen br George T. Baker and wite, I f t I I I TOOE'l"HEIl with all the ~ne:D8nh, beredl mments and appurteD8noe., .Uh e.erT pri.11ege, I I sald deed bearlng th. date ot June 16, 192~, and reGorded in Deed Book 64, page 4'1, thenoe run laat to the rlght-ot-wa7 ot the Florida Ea.t Coa8t Ra1lwa7's rlght-ot-wa7, thenoe tollo~ng said right-ot~"7 in a South.alterll dlreotion to a polnt dtreotlT Ea.t trQa the point of beginnlng. thenoe ~e.t to the point ot b8<<1nniD8. Ixoepting, howner, the right ot the Dlxle H1ghwal aoro.. Ai ti pro per \7 . right, title, intere.t and estate, dower and rlght. ot dower, re.eralon, r-.ainder and easelDent thereto belonging or in an71fis. ~pperta iniD<<: '1'0 RAn AlfD TO HOLD the lame in tee silDple tore.er. .And the Aid parties ot the tirst part do oo.cant wUh the eald part7 ot the S800M part tbat the7 are 1:Jwtul17 .eised ot the laid premisea, that theT are tree tros all iDOWlbl'Nlo,s aDd tbat thel ban good right and lawfU auV10rUT to eel1 the l8IIle; and the .aid parti.. ot the tlr.t part do herebr tlll17 warrant the t1 Ue to .ald land, a.nd w111 d,t.D4 the .... againat the lawful olai.s ot all person. .bouoe.ar. II WITWE3S WRIRIOF, the laid partie. of tbe tirst part have hereunto I" their handl ud ..ala, the daT and T.ar abcwe written. Slgn16. ..aled ud d.Uyered in our pre..noe: laoel Iron 141tb F. Oh.lle, (Seal) .a11&o. 3. Chelle, (3eal) ::;:~',7:r~'~, ;': :~~:~~! ~q~:::~J:j~i ~~-;~?~:: ~.; 11( -,---. - '-~ < " ". :-:~:~f~IT:/'~~~~/