HomeMy WebLinkAboutKSM TESTING SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONKELLER; SCHLE,I.CHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING,- INC.. MARTIN.(772) 337.7755 PQ;. BOX 78-137.7,_ SEBASTIAN . FL 32978-1377. SEBASTIAN (772) 58.9-0712 .PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 wwwAsmengineering.net MELBOURNE_(321.) 768-.8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 . E-Mail: KSM@KSMENGINEERING.NET .ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C:A.:.5693 .FAX.(772) 589-6469 6600- N.. -Highway A1'A. -2r December_ 29, .201 Z Fort Pierce; :Florida. C. Site _Investigation: The site investigation . program consisted . of performing . a. total of three (3). Standard- . penetration test -'borings. in the proposed, construction area -.:,The:. borings were terminated at. depths ranging from.10 to 40 feet. below .grade. 'The .locations of the. borings are indicated-on.the.attached boring Location Plan: The SPT borings were complete_ d in accordance with procedures described in ASTM: D, . 1586. A standard 1.5 inch:I.D.; 2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler:is driven into the soil by successive blows of a 140 poundharmer freely falling 30 inches. The number of blows required. to drive the sampler foot, -:after: seating 6 :in.;, is designated --the. Penetration Resistance; or :'N":.value:At regular intervals'the `sampler is'extracted from the. ground .:and: opened to allow -visual. examination and classification. of :the. retained soil. sample. Also, the groundwater table was allowed..to'stab ilize.and the depth.of-the . groundwater elevation recordedfrom existing.g rade. r The records . of the soils 'encountered, the penetration :resistances and groundwater level are .shown. on the attached:logs:. . D::Engineering; Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this 'site investigation we. are pleased to.offer the.following evaluation; The subsuifoc0tonditions beneath.the.pIannod structure -area consist mostly of fine to . medium grained sand including . shell . -fragments: These. soils .are considered. satisfactory' for the ' proposed project. -Please refer to the soil ' boring logs for .specific. information -relative to the:soil-description. E.:Site Preparation: The proposed building area and areas. to be: paved;: plus.a.:minimu.m margin of .five. feet .beyond the: proposed construction shall be stripped and. grubbed of surface debris, including vegetation, roots -and organic _matter. -. Stumps -shall -be removed entirely. The - building area -should begraded level and. proofroiled..-Any soft: Yielding:areas.-shall.-be . excavated and replaced -with clean -compacted fill. Sufficient passes should be made during. the compaction operations to produce a density no less than 95 percent of- its. modified dry _Proctor value (ASTM D 1557).to.a. depth of two .feet. - Ronald . G. Keller, P.E.: 37293/ SI Lic.. No.: 860 / Julie E. Keller, P.E.::68366 IKELLER, $CHLEI:C.HER & MacWILLIAM ENGIN'EERI_NG AND TE:STING,. FNC: . MARTIN.(772) 33777755 M-BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN,:FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH._(561) 845-7445 MmBOURNE- 321 768-8488 www.ksmehgineerino.net ) FAX (561) 845-8876 E-Mail: KSM.@KS MENGINEERING.NET ST LUCIE (772) 229-9093 C.A.:.5693 FAX (772) 569-6469 660.0 N. Highway AIA. ` =3.- = December. 29,.2017. i Fort.Pier 'e,,Florida After the exposed surface has been proofrolled; the building. and pavement areas may be filled .to. the desired- grades. Additional fill material. shall consist of. clean- .granular sand containin Tess. than. l0% material passing the .U.S. Standard .No. 2.00 mesh sieve.. . g p . g- The contractor should review the Department of 'Environmental .Protection's: permit to. ensure their. fill: requirement °is satisfied: Structural -fill should be placed -in uniform loose -layers of 1.2* inches in. thickness and .compacted to .at least.95 .percent. of its modified_dry. Proctor value (ASTM D.1557):.. After excavating for:the:footings, the disturbed footing subgrade.should.be recompacted to-95 percent.(minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. This be best achieved by making. several passes :with a :relatively light -weight walk -'behind vibratory:sled or roller:. We. recommend field density tests. be performed .at appropriate.times during the. earth . work. operations: in. order to verify- :that, the' site Iias been -:properly constructed:.. F. Pile Foundation Based on our experience. with structures seaward of the CCCL, it has been our experience that auger cast piles .can be placed -more. economically' than driven_ pre= stressed_ concrete pilings.' . We recommend .Using 16 inch. minimum diameter auger -cast-in=place. piles (steel reinforced- to :resist the anticipated forces).:. Although we have not. been furnished with. estimated. structural. loads, . we. assume that, the. #ollowing . Capacities will be. sufficient to. support the. intended loading:: Pile; Plle Pile Allowable Lateral Diameter. Capacity Depth Uplift Load. (Inches) . (Kips) (Feet) (kips) .:(kips). .16 3.8 *15 10 6 .16` . 50 . ' *20 -1.8 .6. .16 62 *25 _ : 26- . g: 71 ' *28 . 32 6. .... * Below Scour Line . { Art,allowable bearing; capacity of 2,000 psf may be.used'for:any structure not. required to- be supported on pilings provided :that the site is properly prepared. Ronald G. Keller, P.E.: 372931 SI Lie. No.: 860. / Julie E. Keller, P.E.c:68366 KSM Engineering &: .. _g BORING NUMBER B.I. T 11 ij P.O. Box.78-1377; , S . .. 11U1►�1 Sebastian, FL,32978 PAGE 1 OF 2 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 I CLIENT : Schulke. Bittle, and. Stoddard LLC . PROJECT NAME. 6600 N. Highway A1A PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida DATE STARTED •12/2V17 COMPLETED '12/22/17 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR. GROUND WATER. LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD. Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING 6.67 ft LOGGED BY- MS/NV . CHECKED BY JEK AT -END OF DRILLING' --- NOTES See Attached' Location Plan AFTER DRILLING --- wa.A S_PT N VALUE A =c� 0. W. �m wo rn w 0ZJ W - Vic- 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL aaK" a p. .MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M >.C7 O w z �. (9 mZ U '. UZ } 4 w. �. O a it : ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑. . 0 20 40" 60 80 j Lightar'6wn Sand with Slight Traces of Shell Fragments - 6-7 8 I. (15) :.:.. •. SS:5-6-5 5 .:::... 3-4-4 .............................. SS 3._2-3 ,.. .... .. (5) - .. ... m 4-5-7 ... ,. ,.. -.Light Brown Sand -with Traces of Shell FragmentsLU SS. (2 4) _. �f 15 :.:..;. y .................. LU © a •;:::: Gray Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments �S 19-14-15 ' o S (29) Uft .20 W I n. 28 q..... Dark Gray Sand with Some Shell fragments 12-16-18 • t o: SS: (34) .... '- •.•.�+ SS 13=14-17 tltl30.. .. • .,.' (31) o:a: .............. ... .. W :... W �I 35 ::':. ' Gray Sand, Slightly Silty. with Traces of Shell Fragments . 18-17-22 (Continued Next Page) i j BORING- NUMBER B-1. KSM Engineering 8"lt -.ra Tj�M P.O. Box 78A 377: PAGE 2 OF 2 11 Sebastian, FL:32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax:(772)-589-6469 CLIENT . Schulke. Bittle, and. Stoddard LLC PROJECT NAME. 6600 N. Highway A1A" PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida W. o. Z tt ♦ SPT N VALUE. A Ci = c9: DESCRIPTION a [[ m W:o rn w z a �j 5. Z 20 40 ." 60 80 PL MC .. . LL a +K p'v p MATERIAL � g >.C7 O 0 D q m O z v. ' } g .' 20 40: 60 80 z.. Q W .p rr ❑ FINES: CONTENT (%) Elrr a. o . 35 A..20 - .40 60 80 Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Traces of SheII Fragments (continued). .............. ... it :.,... SS40 ...: ... :. :.i.................... . 23-27.34 • (61) Bottom of borehole at 40.0 feet. . ' a II . N W N y LLJ LL N W N 0 Of a N Z .. .. F- - W O I ill KSM Engineering & 1`, - -g BORINGNUMBER B-2. MP.O. Box 78=1377 Sebastian, FL:32978 PAGE 1 OF 2 Tel: (772)-589-0712 j. F.ax:.(772)-589-.6469 CLIENT Schulke,. Bittle, and Stoddard LLC PROJECT. NAME. 6600 N. Highway A1A !PROJECT NUMBER' 172665-1i PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida !DATE STARTED 12122/17' COMPLETED 12/22/17 GROUND ELEVATION -HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR, GROUNDWATER. LEVELS: �IDRILLING METHOD . SDlit Spoon Sample AT TIME -OF. DRILLING. 6.63 ft LOGGED BY MS/NV . CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING --- iw o z A SPT N VALUE A IH-..- _.. _ =C9 . W �- wO cn w z_j W d. . ~ 20 40: 60 80 PL MC Ll_ w � p. .MATERIAL DESCRIPTION m > d _ ) Q _19 W w z a (7 .:m O-> U z 20 .40 60 80 <z W a Q 0 FINES CONTENT 0 '. 0 20 40' 60 80 Light.Brown Sand With Slight Traces of Shell Fragments ::. SS 5 6-7 j. : (13) ,.. 4-5-3 ....... (8) 5 :,... .. - 3-4 2 (6) ... .. ....... . SS 3=4-4 m.................... SS 5-5-8 ' (13) .. .......................... Light -Brown Sandvuith Traces of Shell Fragments 7 _9_12. � o: S. S (2- ) . Y 115 .: : •' •' a.; Gray Sand with Traces of Shell Fragments :16A 7-19 uj 20 Lu 2 ;. Q:: .' R j 25 or:,. :' 14=13-14 .................. .. Dark Gray Sand with Some Shell Fragments . ::: SS'. (27) :. CD 3;.d.• ... ..., . o .10 SS _ 9 2-13 ( 25)_ z 30 ,.p:: ; , . oI ,.. ,. Co.. :;•` :: Gray' Sand; Slightly Silty with Traces of Shell Fragments :16-20-19 W :..:• :'• SS' (39) of 35 :•.. (Continued Next Page) . . BORING. NUMBER B-2 KSM Engineering 8� 1 __=:_g jjS ]� P.O. Box 78-1377 PAGE 2 OF 2 l� S bas ian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax (772)-589-6469 I LIENT :Schulke..Bittle, and Stoddard LLC . PROJECT NAME" 6660 N. HighwayAlk . �ROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION Fort Pierce, Florida W. o w ♦ SPT N VALUE.A - ci a (0 w .' 20 40 60... 80 . a o'v p MATERIAL DESCRIPTION p.> n- = p1 0 S ¢ 1M.0 > w x �- Z a .. t-�� .. 20 40 = 60 80 (� . <z WU? 0 0 ❑FINES:CONTENT•(%)❑, 35 20 40 60 .' 80 Gray Sand,'Slightly Silty with Traces of Shell Fragments (continued) 40 ., ; ':;. • .. SS ........ -3 26 32 0 (62). .' Bottom of. borehole at 40.0. feet., �I i " • w y Y N U. - W J - LL W - N G J d w Uj KSM Engineering & 1 -. g BORING NUMBER B-3. KS1Yl PAGE 1 OF 1 S bastian, FL 3 978 Tel:(772)-589-0712 Fax:(772)-589-6469 CLIENT Schulke, Bittle, and.Stoddard LLC PROJECT NAME. 6600 N. Highway A1A 'PROJECT NUMBER 172665-b PROJECT LOCATION - Fort Pierce, Florida ATE STARTED 12/22/17 -COMPLETED 12/22/17 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches (DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUNDWATER. LEVELS: . (DRILLING METHOD. Split Spoon Sample AT TIME OF DRILLING7.83 ft BY MS/NV . CHECKED BY JEK AT END OF DRILLING --- (LOGGED NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING -- a o: A SPT N VALUE A ~� UO'm wo �Z� w . o-� �' 20 40: 60 80 MC LL w a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION a >.CJ O 0 O¢ > " Z a " .PL 20 40 60 o Z m O ..Y U z U > .80 � a 0 :p FINES CONTENT(%) 0 20 40 60 80 Light.Brown Sand with Traces of.Shell.Fragments ..4-4-6.. 1 d:ri : •:: .. SS, 5-7-6 :... (13) ...................... :.. a:,:.• . SS. 5-3-4 a. 3-3-4 ..:..:.:...... .... Q SS 10 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. . W. y y Y_ rp w w C LLf W i F- ICI m g_ y W a m U O w w North •aa va i � era �}, B-3 5 ,� tiw �;; <.�. � „ I • � ' � \ 3. .i 1 1�,�-fit, .�..' � h "' �:;� r %� vmca� a'• a..,,"..,. , � •. e � , \ ��""�a\ . �},'t l•3�y l ._ ._ � 1 9•f u,1 C \ ` `+t � t _ +r 1 \, i j