HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2118 ~- I' 31~ .',- ....., M.~.".~.".".".". ........ "\\C~ o ~e{~op C~ <(.0. Q.. ~e ~. I ~~.".".".".".".".".".".".".n.".".".".".".".ft.".".~."....".".~.".".".~.".": ... .... ............... ....... ......... P. C;?ldred, Clerk Ci~u1' Court. B7,=A<:u(,t ?)(~4-t-f ;:')~("/L D.C. I I I f : , r PUed and 26th 487 ot .OY. 1926, a\ 2:26 P..... C. C. BRAS'YELL ET UX TO T. J. CRO~ ET UX 1fARRAlITY DED THIS IBDERTUR!, Ka4e thi8 19th t~ or Botember. ~. D. 192~, blSwsen C. C. graewell 1 aDd Rub7 Braawell. his wite. ot St. Lucie County, Florida, parties ot the tiret part, and T. J. Crow and Kae L. Crow. hi8 wite, ot St. Luoie OOUD\1, Florida, parties ot the 8eoond part, 'WITK~SmI, that the pi4 parUes ot lhe tint part tor and in oOl1aideration ot the SUla ot on DOLLA.R and o\her yaluable oonsiderations to thelll in hand paid b7 the said pa~tie8 ot the seoond part, the reoeipt whereot ie hereb7 aoknowledged, haye granted, bargained and sold to the ,ai4 partie8 ot the 8eoond part. their heirs and asaigns tareyer, the tOllowing de80ribed land, to-wit: Lot8 Eight.en (13) and Bineteen (19) in Blook Bine (9), ot Bil~or. Park. aooording to the plat of the 8aid Biltmore Park, ot reoord in the ottioe ot the Clerk ot the Ciroui t Court ot St. Luoie ) .ount7, Florida . In Plat Book 4, page 62, the 8ame being a reYi8ion ot a portion ot the northwest part ot Lawnwood Addition to ?ort Pieroe, Florida, and being looated in the Dorthwest portion ot Section 16, Tocship 3~ South, Range 40 Eaet, in St. Lao ie Cout7, Flor14a. FRonDED, lfEV~TKELESS. These presenta are :node 8ubJeot to all ot the tollowing ex- pre8sed oond1 t1ona, reatriot1ana and limitatim8. app17ing to the said pi"operty and .bloh are int.nded to be, and shall b. acoep\ed as OOY8nant. running with 8aid land, and w.ich shall be binding alike I1pon the heire, representatiyes and assigns of the 8a14 partie. ot the seooo4 ?artand on the partiee ot the tirst part, who, by aooeptance ot this inetrunent , agree to abide by, pertor~ and adhere to aai~ oondition8, restriotions and lilllitations, as ) , , · one ot the expresa oond1 tlons of these presen ts, but an17 tor tho pltI'iod ending January 18t. - 1 193b. 1. That no building shall be ereoted on the said land exoept tor priyate dwelling pur?~Se8, exoept usual and neoessar7 out-buildings and that the said dwelling house exolusly. ot the ol1t-bulldinga. shall 008t not leas than $2500, which prioe shall not inolude arohiteotural expenses ortsea, and shall not inolude an7 other olass ot illlprOyeMents saye and exoept tOe aotual material and oonstrllotion oost ot the said dwelling house. 2. !hat not more than one residenoe, together with usual and neoesaar7 out-buildings 8hall be ereoted on eaoh ot the sald 10t8. 3. That no unlaw1'1ll or illl:lloral use 8hall be made ot the Irellliee.-hereb7oomeTed, :nor shall the same be used for an.r oo:nmeroial pwopo,e; nor shall the 8aIM or all7 part there- ;ot, or an7 interest therein be 80ld, released or otherwise oonveyed to anT persons other than i ;~t the CallOu1an Race; prOy1ded that no thin<< herein oontained shall preYent the keeping and I }l8intaining I1S1.1.&l and neoe81ar7 8eM'&.Dts on the propert7 tor reasonable tam117 use. This .proyisiOn, how.yer, ehall not oause tor'eUurt WlleS. the holder ot the t.. i8 ahOWJl to be 1 at tault. I i , lte.t trCD the tront Une ot eaid 10 t, or either ot \hem. 4. That no building ahall be oon8truo\ed or ereoted at a lel8 d1Btanoe than twentT 6. 'fha, it add pe.rUee ot the ..oOlld part, ~e1r heir.. repruentat;1yu ar ..agn., ',~.~2 .;".>/~~; ::~}.:'- ;", ;:~ '~;~~,-~~l~:/~;r~ - J -~. ~ . ~~.-~:'~~~-~;-~'I';:_~;::;~._;~.. ~~: ." -.:-....", -. .......-..,:-:..f-!,~ rf~_._