HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2127 39'" >J , meander said right ot wa7 to the North Une ot ... J4 Lot 2, thenol rWl West 21.'8 ohalns 1101" or lea, to the liorth..s\ oorner ot aald Lot 2; thenoe I'UD South 600 teet W point ot beglnnlng: oontainlng 23 aores 1I0re or lese. The laDd desol'ibed belng 'he Borth 6~0 tee' West ot the Rallw~ ot ,ald Goyernm.nt Lot 2. II The land oonye7ed in thia deed being 3.06 aores lIore or les,. (t-l.OO I.R.S\8IIlp, oan.) TO HAVE UD TO HOLD the aame. together with l'11 the tenemen ts, he I'ed 1t amem sand ap- purtenanoe. thel'.unto belonglng or 1D a~.. 9- 9per\alning. in tee simple tornlr. AID the aald parU 88 ot the t1rst PaI't do o~yenant .1 th the eai d part7 ot the seoond part that they are lawtul17 seized of the said premlee'i that eald premiseu are tl'ee ot ill inoWllbrames; and that the7 haye good rlgh' and lawful authol'H7 to sell the came; and that said parties ot the tlrst part do he:reb1 tully warrant the t1 tie to aaid land, and w111 detend the lame against the lawtul olaims ot all persons whauo.fer. IN WITNESS WHER1!XF. the sald parties ot the t1rat part have hereunto set their hand. and eeals the da7 aDd Tear tiret aboye 1Irltten. S18ned, sealed and deliyel'ed 1D the pl'esenoe ot: w. R. Il1ltoJ'd C. Bernard Gate8 (Seal) .(Seal) (Seal) (Seal) ( Sea 1) Clara L. Gates Osoar H. Cra~ ~~iet H. Oatea Kahl O. Criokard B. II. AllIn Roy H. Pierson )(nson Crio~aJ'd STATE OF "tEST VIROINU COUllTY OF :AlIA WHA. 1 H-::REBY C~RTI?Y, That on this 4&7 persona1l7 !';ppeared betore me, an otfioer dul7 authorized to administer oaths and take aoknowleclgments, M.ason Criokarcl and Kabel G. CriOkard. hie wite to .e well known to be two ot the persons desorlbed 1n and who eXGouted the f'oregoing instl'\1:!len t and tbeT aOknowledged betore me that theT exeou tad the 89.lIle freel1 and voluntari11 tor the p~poseB therein expressed. ! : AID I ?tJRTH>>( CERTIY'l. That the eaid Kabel G. Crlokard kno'Cl to me to be the wite ot th'I' ISaid llason Cl'lolcard on a separate and private exa:n1naU:>n. taken and _d. b7 and betore lIle. separatel.1 and apart from her said busband, dld aomowledge that 8M exeouted the tOl'egolng I Deed tor the purpo88 ot I'I11nqta.1ablng. alienating and oome,ylng aU her right, title and I intereet. whether ot dower. h~mestead or ot separa~e propertT. statutory or equitable. in ! i t 11925. I ~. ....:.. R. H. MoKinne7 Notar,y Publlo, State ot West Vil'ginla 117 o~ssion f-xpll'e. lIoY~ber 8tb.1928. i I I I i i I J I t I I I ! i and ehl aOknotledg.d b.- I PlUPo.e. thel'eln .xPr....d.; and to the landl desoribed therein. and ,bat ahe exeouted said ueed treely and YOluntari17 and wlthou' aD,7 oOlllpulsion. 00n8traint. apPl'ehension or real' of or trom her .aid husband. III 1fITlfESS 1IIEP.EOF. I here \I1to set rq hand and ortio tal seal this Uth da7 ot AQ8ust. A I :-IEREBY C~TIFY, That on thls 48.7 p81'aooa1l7 appeared betore lIle. an ottio;'tl' authorized to adalnistel' oa\h. and take aokDowl~eDt.. Clara L. ~atea. widow, to .e well known to be the penon 4elOl'ibed In and who ueoutad the tOrl<<olng In.t:umtnt tore .e ,hat .h. .xeouted the I8IIle tl'ee17 and Toluntari17 tor the hereunto set rq band lIl1d ottioial 1.1 thl. 12 day ot Agg. 1926. w. H. Truslow lIo\ar,y Publ1o. Ks O~1Ie10~~~Pl\~11930. . . ,'.. . -..-'.:' :'.f~.~~t~')5' :i~1~~:}.: