HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2133 -. "_.__.~"""'~'-,,-~--"-----.'.-- --..... . a3a ~.....-.J J J. ~ L U. 11" n r -A14~J"".. III V ........ I : tOGITIlIR .ith all and .lnguar the hn..ents, heredi ta:nenh and appurttnaDO". the1'tUllt belonging or in aDJWlle appertaining. TO ~V~ AID TO HOLD the .ame, the aboye-de.orlbed and nel'eb7-gl'anted pread"'r with the ~ a~purtenanoe'. unto the laid part7 ot the seoond part, and to ita .~oe8.or~all1gn.. to it. own pl'cptr u.e, benetlt and behoot toreyer. ADd \he .aid part7 ot the 1'l1'8t part doth b.ereb1 oonnant to and w1\h the I&id Pl1't7 ot the lIoond Pal't, Us suooeuors and a881gns. that In all tilingS in and about laid .ale aud thl1 oonyeJanot he bath.oontormed to the o~ers ot the COUl't and the Statutes in luoh oQse made and proYlded. III WITlIESS 'lllHEREOF, the said part1 ot the tll'st part hal hereunto a8\ hie hand and 8eal on thls the dar aDd 7eal' first aboye wrltten. Signe'. aealed and dellYer~ in presence of: Angus Sumner l:Jett7 SWIIIlerl1n STAT! OF ?U>R IDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE. Theresa A. Wl111. (Seal) Guardian ot the estate ot EIther H. 'fiUh Betore me, an oftioer authorized to take ao~nowledgments, personally appeared TH~RESA A. 'WILLIS well known to me. and known to me as the indiYl4ual desorlbed in and who exeouted the toregoing deed ot oonY61&noe. and aoknowledged tbat she neouted th" torNOlng deed, as the purpo 198 therein expl'essed. and oftloial leal th18 28th dq ot Sep' ..ber. A. D. 1925. Angus Swaner Count}' Judge. I (SEAL) ! ~). and reoorded on TH:~RESA A. WILLIS, GUARDIAlI thls 27th d&7 01 loy. 1925. at 10: M A. II. ;.)';}~ P. C. Eldred. Clerk Ciropi t Court. " V}~. /? ....-}, 11.-..' I \)<>C'-G-- B"v:H<.....' )?~"'~( //k'./e D.C. ! ~2\).~.- I .ft...ft.ft....~."."...".".ft..."...".................".".ft.....ft.".".".~... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ': I FU. EAST COAST RY. CO. I I , THIS IRDElITURE. Kade the 24th da7 ot August, 1925 BEl'WEElI THER:-~SA A. WILLIS Guardian ot ! TO Filed GD'AP.DIJJf' S DEED ., the estate ot Esther H. Wl1118, a minor, part7 ot the flrst part. and FLORIDA EAST COAST RAI:'WAY COllPAliY, a cOl'poratlon under Sta te ot P'lorlda, part7 ot the 8eoond part. lJITNE3S~TH, That the aaid Theresa A. .1111s, gual'dian au afol'elaid, hayi~ on the 22nd da7 ot Ja.l7, A.D.1 1926. b1 peU Uon applied to the Judge ot the COUDt7 JucSga' 8 Court in and tor St. Lucie Count7, Flol'lda. tor authorlt7 to aell oerta1n ~eal estate, the pro~rt7 ot sald Xlthel' H. Willi. 17ins and belng in lald Count7 ot ~. Lut18, and ~ol'e partioular11 hereinafter de80rll- edi and the pl'ayer in said petition haYing 89pea1'8d to said Judge to be reasonable aDd Just and to the best In\erest ot laid Zither H' Willis. and the COUl't being sJatistled ot the exped1eno7 ot 8uoh ...le, having made ~ ,,1'4er dated the 24th.da7 ot j,Q&ust A. D. 192G. I dlreotlng the sald Thereaa A..W1111. to 8ell the eald real ..tate ht p1'1ya\e aale; anA theret upon the said Theren A. W11Ue havlng oontraoted to lell the o&ld real ..tate to the .ald part1 ot the eeoon4 part tor tbe SUIa ot Two Hund1'8d Dollars. to be paid u tollo<<l: Calh. (.. SO I. R. Stamp oan.) And the aaldlhere.. A. W11li8 haying I'e pol'ted said oon trao t to the Court. and the Court belDS tul17 ~Yiled in the pl'8S1aes and satlstled that the p1'1oe ottered tor aald real estat .al tall' and reasonable. and that the OJD1itlons at 8uoh sale ..re auoh as the Intereat ot r ..id .lnor reql1in4. &Ylng '" order dated the 2Uh cla7 ot Au&U8t. A. D. 1926. raUfle4 .' .- .... :-.--,..".'. ""';'.'~ . . ~ '~-,' . ~ ..,. ... 0-_ ,.- ," '. ." ,'"'" . \ . ~ O. '~I':' .'. . ~ .::.::.: .~;., ,,:.~.~';~~ .,~.~. , _.~.: ;.~~., ~- ..~,,"1:1-_~~ ~ " " . : ' :', ,,'.: ~-:.,}i~ . ,':/'::~j~