HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2163 :~G3 -..."" ._.,,_.__..--...._---.--.-...........~~......,.. ..... LILLIE A. SUTTON ~ UX TO NEW SOUTH l'IEVEr.oPllD'l' co.l WARRANTY DIED [ . , tHIS IBDEN'l'URE. MAde this 24th d., ot Ootober, A. D. 1926, BErw~K Ll1l1e 1. Sutton and uaYld V. Sutton her husband. ot the County of ~utDam and State ot ~ew York partiel ot the tiret p&l't, and ~ew South ueyelopment Compan7. a oorporatlon existlng under the laws ot the ~tate ot ~lorida, havlng Its prinolpal plaoe ot business In the Count7 ot Hreyard and ~tate ot ~10r1da. part7 ot the seoond pal't, ~lTB~SS~~H, that the sald parties ot the flrat part. tor and In oonsideration ot the aua ot ~o THOUSAN~ SI~TY Dollars to them In hand paid, the reoelpt whereot. ie hel'eb1 aOknowledged. haye granted, ~argained, sold, all.ned, I'eml.ed, released, enteotted. oonwe7ed and oonrirmed. and b1 these presente do grant, bal'gain, sell. alien, remlse, release, enteott. oonweT and oontirm unto the eaid part7 ot the seoond part and its suooeS80rs and assi~n8 forever, all that oertain paro.l ot land lTing and belng in the Count1 ot ~t. Luole and ~tate ot rlorida more partioular11 desoribed as tollows: Un~Yided one ninth Intel'est in the ~outheast quarter ot north~ant quartftr,~S.otlon 26. ~ownshlp 36 ~outh, Kange 39 ABst. Also undiYided ons ninth in toreet in and t~ land desoribed as, - 3eginnlng at northwest oorner ~t northeast quarter ot 8~utheast quarter ~eotIon 26, ~ownship 35 south, Hange 39 ABst. run thenoe South 110.5 teet. run thenoe turning I!I8ster.1y at an angle 1220 67' to the tor.going Une and run 199.8 teet, -tW't.. yf/ 0 thenoe.... nor\hel'17 at an ,-le ot 140 13' and I'Wl 300 teet. thenoe run norther17 at an an<<le ot 820 42'. I'nD 186 teet to the quartel' seotioD line. thenoe aun westel'17 on aald qual't8l" seotion 11ne 422.8 teet to point ot beglnnln8. (15.00 I.R.Stamps can.) TOOE'fHER with all the tenelllSlts, Ml'edltaments and appurtenanoe., wi th (lvery priYilege, right. title. tnterest and estate, dower and right ot dower, I'eversion, remainder and 8aeeaaent thereto belonging or in alJ1W1se appertaini~. TO ~V~ AlfD TO HO:'D the lame 1D tee Simple toreyer. And the ea14 parties ot the tirst part do oovenant with the aaid pal'ty ot the seoond part that the7 an lawfullT selzed ot the sai d pr8i1liees; that theT are tree or all in- o.ulbrallOe. and that the7 bue ~ood I'lght am lawful antmrlty to sell the same; and that saI1 partles ot the til'st part doth hereb1 ful17 warrant the title to laid land, and will detend the same aaalnst the lawtul olai:na or aU persons lIholUOeyer. IB WITn&S~dEREOP. the said partle8 ot the first part have her.unto set theIr hands and seals the da1 and Tear aoove wri tten. Sign.d. sealed and deliYered in our presenoe: John Jrora.on KaT A. P01'8011 Lillie A. Sulton (S.al) John FOI'.on Duid V. Sut-ton (Seal) 11&7 A. rOl'80n STATE OF nw YORK COUlfTY 01 PU'llWl I ~Y C~TI?Y. That on this 2Altb 4&7 ot Ootober, .1. D. 1926, betore De personal11 appearei Lillie A. 5~~\on afi1 Dav1A T. Sat~n, her husband. to .. kno.n to be the pel'son duoribed ID aDd who ex.outed the toregoiD6" on ve7a nae to '.w South Dnelopment Coa~8.D7 and a..erall1 aoknowledged tb~ a.outton thereot .u be their tre. aot and de.d tOI' the us.a and plU"poaol \hel'ein unUonll1; and the ...i4 Lillie A. 3uUon, the wite ot the "id l)aYld Y. Sutton on a s.parate and prlY&'. exaad.DAUOIl taken aDd made bT and betore .e, and ~:/::::~'fJr. ..;...:]y:ft/.~/. '., ' : ..' ~- /~ i ~ .;, .~~~;:::~.._F~: . ! ~ 4 _. .. -. ~:~ - .. ::~.: _' ~ "'-:: 1;. ._/