HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2171 o r}.....l tl ,. 'f ~ .........-...... Radln.k7 pereonal17 appeared S. S. Porter ~nd Dora L. Port.~ hls wite, '0 me well known and known to .e to be the lndlYldual deaorlbed in and who sxeouted the tore<<olng oosye7anoe 1 \0 v an~ slyeral17 aOknowledged the exeO~tion thereot \0 be \heil' tree aot and deed tor the uses and pUPO'" thereln .enUonedi aDd the laid 'lora L. Porter the.ite ot the lald S. S. Porter on a 8eparate and priyate examdnatl~n taken and made b7 and betol'e .e, and lepara1ie17 and apart tl'om her add hUlband, did aoltnowle4<<e that she .ade herselt a part7 '0 the laid deed ot oonYe1&noe tor the purpo.e ot renouno lng, l'ellllllailh1q and oODyeylQS all her rlght. tltle and Interest. whether ot dower or ot .eparate prop.rty, atatutor,r 01' equiQlble. In and to the lands therein desorlbed, and \hat ehe exeouted eal~ deed tl'eelJ: and yoluntar 117 and wi thout &D7 oon8traint, tear, ap~rehene1on or oOllpuls1on ot or trom her aald huaband. '!fITJrESS fQ signature and ottlo1al seal at 10rt Pieroe in the COUDt7 ot St. L~oie aDd atorelaid. '11 ell aDd I ! i ! . I I I i 28th d&7 ot 10_t 1925, at 2:46 P.Il. I 0. i .: .~~ P. C";~dred, Clerk Cll'')u1 t COUl't. I 1leCl~~\"6- By ':::7't<<-~'---1)l{d-'L ( /J^ """'.( D.C' I,: ~. .".ft.w.".n.".".".".".n...".".".n.~.".".~.".~.~.".~.ft.".~.ft.M.".".".".".~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' awin Rad1nak7 (Seal) lotal'1 P~bllo, State ot Florlda at Large. My oo~i8810n expire. Ootober 6, 1927. , ( \ J. G. PEERY ET AL 'to lfARJWf TY' DEED THIS INDKKTURE. Kade ~his Fltth da7 ot Noyember A. D. 1925, BE~~gH J. G. Peel'7 and ?RED FEE Ethel Pee1'7, hls wite. and S. S. Porter and UOl'a L. Porter. his wite, all of Ashland ot the Count7 ot Bo7d and State ot Kentuok7. partlea ot the first part, and Fl'ed Fe. ot the Co~'-7 ot St. Luol. and ::itate ot Florida, part7 ot the 8eoond ;>art. "ITNSSSETH. thht the 8aid partiee ot the tlr8t part, tOI' and in oODsideratlon ot the sum ot Ten Dollars aDd othel' yaluable oon81del'ation Dollal'8 to them In hand paid. the reoe1pt whereof 1e hereb7 aOZoowledged. have granted, bal'gained. 8~ld and transferred, and by these presents do gl'ant, bargain. 8ell ana tran8tel' unto the sa.id party of the second ;>art and hle heirs and I . aaa1gna tOl'eyer, all that oertaiD paroei of land 17ing and being in the County of St. L\1011 i ! and State ot Florida, 1R01'8 p&l'tloular11 desoribed as tollows: The Southeast Q.ual'ter ot the lIortheas\ Q.ual'ter (SEl) ot(IBt) ot the Southwest ~ual't8r (Sll) of Seotlon Ten. TOWDShip Thlrt7-Six- South Range ~ortJ: East. -------- ($10.00 1.R.3t~p. oan.) TQ-'JETHER with all the tenements, hered1 taraenh !lnd a?purtenanou, with eyer1 priY1lege. 1'1ght, title. Interest and estate. dower and rlght of dower, reverslon, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in a~ise appert&1nlng: TO HAVE AID TO HOLD the .ame In tee 81mple toreyel'. And the aaId parties ot the tir9\ part do oO~8nant with the .aid P&l't7 ot the seoond par' that the7 are l..tully .eized ot the said premlse8. that the7 are tree fl'aD all lnowabranoe. and that they haye <<ood 1'1ght and lawtu.l authorl ty to sell the lame; and the laid pal'Uee ot the tint part do hereb7 tul17 warrant the U tie \0 eaid land. and w111 detend the "'8 againat the lawful olal_ ot all pel'sonl 1II10..08nr. II WITlESS 1IllZREOr, the laid parUe. ot the firet put haYe hereunto se\ thell' hand. . and ..all the 4&7 ud 1ear aboye wrl Uen. Slpri, Male4-aDll "-liYel'H in OQJ' 1'n.eDOe: ..+.....,.,{..:;?~:j~.. [f:":{'.(. ,. .' .' ,:; ~<"';Jtr5\~.<