HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2175 .I}7- t) :> I f. =-- _..__.'4 '- ....,........ 1I~ l . da78 attel' dellyer1 ot abatraot and merohantable title tound and tIye thousand nlne hundred 81x dollar. one 7e(\1' trOlD date ot the Warran\7 Deed and the thousand nlne hl.Uldrtl 81x dollal'S \wo 1eal's trom date ot Warrant7 Deed. with intere8t a\ the rate ot eight per ountum per aDDum, payable seml-annuall7 on the whole sum re.1Dina trom Ume to time unpaid: and to pa7 aU taxes, aeuaemen ts or Il1posi tionl I that 8&7 be 1~a1l7 leYied or Imposed upon said land subs6quent to the 7ear Date ot I tranetel', and to keep the building8 npon said premise. Insured in Bome oompan7 satlstaotor~ i to the parties ot the tirst part. in a sua not less than ~ Dollars durlng the term ot thl. ~ agreement. ADd in O&se ot tall\U"e ot the said partie. ot the seoond part to -.ks either ot I ! the pa~ents or &D1 part thereot, or to pertorm &D1 ot the ooyenan\s on thelr part hereb1 ! made and entered into. thls oontraot shall, at the op\lon ot the parties ot the tirst pal't, be tortei~d and tormlnated. and the par\ies ot the seoand part shall tortelt all p.,..ents made by them on this oontraot; and snoh paJments .bAll be I'etalned bl the laid partie8 ot the tull eatistaotlon and 11quidatlon ot all damages b7 them sustaIned, and said partie. ot the tlrst pal" shall haye the right to re-entel' and take possession ot the premise. atol'esald _1 thout be1ng Hable to an7 BOUon theretol'.. In the eyent that the parties ot the tll'st part oan not deliver a merohantable title, the tiye hundred dollal's earneat mone, shall be returned to the parties or the seoond part. IT IS )(tJTUALLY AGREED, by am. between the parU 88 hereto, that the time ot payment shall; , ,- I be an essenUal part ot this oontraot, and that all ooyenants am. agreements herein oontaine~ I -I I I i ! i I I I ! t .hall extend to and be obligutory upon the heir3. exeoutors. administrators and assigns ot the .~,eo t1 ye parU ea. IN ~lTNESS ~REOF. the partie8 to these presents haYe hereunto set theII' hands and seall the da7 and 7ear tirst aboye written. Signed. sealed and deliyered i~ presenoe ot: Ler01 E. CIooJuoaa Jullan 'W. Shaw (w...) Lel'o1 E. C..A\. , Joee iih B. Braoket t (If. S. ) Leroy r.. C oolal'all Sarah w. Braokett IW. S. ) Ser07 E..Coo~ EmIaa 1'. Shaw (w.s.) STATE OF KAIlJE COUBTY OF YORK On this da7 personal17 appeared betore lie, an ottioer authorized to take aoknowl~ent8' ot deeds. eto.. Julian W. Shaw and Joseph B. Braokett. ~ me well known. and known to be the. persons who exeouted the withln &61'eement, and aoknowledged that they exeouted the same tor v the PUPOHS therein expressed. And the said :;mma F. Shaw and Sarah ". Braokett, wites ot the said Julian W.. Shaw and Joseph B. Braokett upon an exa:':1lM \ion taken by me sepal'a te and apal't tram their lald hnsbands, aoknowledged that the7 exeouted the laid agree~ent free17 and YOlunta1'i17. &ad wlthout aDT oonstraint, oompulsion. apprehension or tear of or fro. thell' lald husbandl. I f this 2d 4&7 o~ Hoyembel', A. D. 19~. Lel'07 E. Coohl'an 10\&1'1 Publio. on thls 30th 4&7 ot loy. 192~, a' 11:39 A.II. _" d'ierU\ea. lIb-eCOf ~ 'f)- 1" G..,.. ~. p. C. /.17~ed~erk ~l't Couto B7~<~{v:: .'{(~tFh,~"(~( D.C. : ": ": .. J " : It : " : " : It :" : .: .: ": " :. : ": ": ": ": It: ": " : . : ": . : . : " : " : " : " : " : . : · : .: .: ": " : · : · : :>', '~'/;, ',:,',::~,}:~i~":("";': '.. "-;. ':,:",.;", L;:'~>~~: