HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2187 I. I L :set, - ) ;; J ~ l ~,,_ 4~ ....-~ STATE 01 MISSOURI COUNTY OF JACKSON SSe 1 hereb7 oerut,., that on th1e 12th d87 ot J:,nua1'7 A.. D. 192& betore .e per80m1l7 appeared Joseph J. Helm, a wldower to me known to be the persona desorlbed In and who exeou the ;Ol'egolng oonveyame. and aOknowledged Ute exeouUon thereot to be hie hee 60t and deed tor the uses and purpo 88S therein mentioned. ~ITNESS M7 slgnature and ottloial seal at Kansas C1t7 1n the Count7 ot Jaokson and State ot lUseourl the da1 and year last atol'ua14. d I ~ k I J ,1 i ~ J Fll ed a Adolph J. Heyer (Seal) Hotar7 Publio within and tor aaid State & Count7. K7 ooa~lss10n expires Deo. l6. 1926. this 1st da7 ot De~~'~92~, at 1:~7 P.II. o i.f3 P. C. Eldred, Clerk C1"')';' Oo~r'. /ccp~' p.CJ B7:!~ 'ftLwJ (j 1f4 D.C. ft."."...~".".~.~.".M.".".".".".n.~.".".".".".n.".".".n.n.~.n.M.".".n. ......... ...... ...... .............. . ... .l.o.UJ. >\.Il \i. 0 "to C. l!:. t:A.qOof L CON'fRACT Thie agree~ent, made and dated day ot nOv~~H. ftineteen nundred and Twenty-Five, 3~T'KEER WIL:.IAl( C. BOX!'I.l:'lb (WIDO'R:~R) ot the Brorough of Brooklyn, Count7 ot Kings, Ci ty and State of New York. Reeidlng at NO. 223-63rd Street, Brookl7D. New ~ork, part7 ot the tlrst pal't. AND C. E. CklOW. ot the State ot Florida, Count7 ot St. Luoie part,. ot the esoond part. WITNESS~. that the part7 ot the first part agrees to sell and oonve7, and the part7 or the seoond part agreee to purohase all that lot or paroel ot land, in the State ot Florida in the Count1 ot ST. Luoie. Desorlbed as tollowe:- BEGINWING at the Northea~t oorner ot lot SIX (6) ot seotion One (I) in Township Thll'ty-tlye (3~) South. of Range Fort~ (40) East. and running Sou~ Four Hundre6 and litteen (41~) teet thenoe West Fiye Hundred and Twent7-tlve (~25) teet. thenoe Korth Four Hundred and Fitteen (415) teet, thenoe Ehst Five Hundred and TwentJ-flve (~2~) teet to ~he point ot B~IKNIKG. Containing Five aores more or less. 1HE PRICE IS EIGHT THOUSAl'fD ONE HUNDRED $8.100.00 Dollara, P&7ab1e as tollows: FIVE HURDRED (t600.00) Dollars on the signing of this oontraot the reoelpt ~t whloh i. hereby aoknowl edged. ~ The" balame - ) and.~li vering to the SET.ToRR hie oer ta in ;lurohase J.{one7 BoDd and llortgage that tOI' that ~~bearing intereet at the rate ot EIGHT per oent per annum. PB7able semi-annually. '\..... .. balaJioe: or said llol'\gage to be payt.ble In ONE aDd Two and Three years respeottully. l-' ot Four Thdu8and and 11ft7 (t4,o~O.OO) Dollara. b7 the P:':'RCfIASZR exeoutiD& I i on! i I I I I Thei I , I 'fhree Thousand Five Hundred end Firt7 ($3.~50.00) Dollars, in oash or CERT!?IKD CHECK tJ. the delive?"7 or the deed as hereimtter provided. rl '- Sald gond and _rtgage sha U be dJ'awn b7 the \ BROXZRS) J.TTORlfEY' at tile expenoe ot the fijRCHASZR, who also agrees to pay the tee tor re60rdlng same. and revenue Stanps on BOND. The DEED shall be in ?roper statutory shol't r'b tor reoord, shall o~nta1n the uSU&,l tull oovenants and warrant7. and shall be du11 exeouted and aoknowledged by the seller, at the .ellel's expenoe, so as ~o oonY87 to the purohnser..the tee simple or the .aid premlF.e8. ree oJllll inoumbranoes. the .eller turther agrees to proYide the ?urohaaer with an abstraot or Title to the aboyo land. on or before the VIRS! d., ot JAJUARY, Nlneteen Hundred and rwent7-S1x atter the date .qf this InstrWllent mOWing good .ilerohantable 'fUle in the .eller to t.he aboye desoribed lat. tho Purohaser herein to have Ten \10) days after del ~v er7 ot abltrao\ to him 1n _bloh ~ ;~~";:.i~~,j;.c ,'b~~~ ~ "f t ~ . :,; .-:;..:~;,.' ,~a ~.:~-~. ~ . _ -_~~~. :~_<."-,o2>:.._....: , ~ ~ - -. ~ t .~. Po 'b:.' ~~. :