Certificate of Authorization #9503
I. Christian
353 Chrs an Street Unit 13
�STRKINR.Y. ERD' Oxford, Cr 06478
(203) 262-9245
Hunter Panels Evaluation Report C32980.10.11-RS
15:Franklin Street, FL5968-.R9
Portland, ME 04101 Date of Issuance: 10/18/2011
(717) 245-7000 Revision 5: 08/30/2017
This Evaluation Report is issued'under Rule' 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in. the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has: been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P.E. for use of the product'under the Florida Building Code.. The product described herein has been evaluated for
compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein.
DESCRIPTION: H-Shield Roof Insulations
LABELING:. Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such: time as the named product(s), changes, the referericed
Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the: Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of
this Evaluation- Report by: the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product
changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Tr'inityl ERD requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TRINITYI ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature., If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon request; a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
its distributors and shall be available.for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This, Eva I uation'Report consists of pages 1 through 4.
Prepared by:. Q)t-AI
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The facimille seal appearing was authorized ,
�ry�`syi%:%^..:.••. �` by Robert Nieminen, P.E. on 08/30/2017
Robertl.M. Nieminen, P.E. 5�lvlayLsria`,' This does not serve as an electronically signed Signed,
:..:J/irm rirrri g g
Florida Registration No. 59166,: Florida DCA ANE1983 sealed hardcoples have been transmitted to the Product Approval
.. .. Administrator and to the named client
1. Exterior Research & Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity I ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in
any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.
2. Exterior Research '& Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity.] ERD is: not .owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or
..... .....
distributing products it'evaluates.
3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
Which the evaluation reports'are being issued.
4. . Robert Niem_ inen, P.E. does not have,, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. This is a. building code evaluation. Neither Trinity ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any
project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
specifically for that purpose.
Product Category: Roofing
Sub -Category: Insulation
Compliance Statement: H-Shield Roof Insulations, as produced by Hunter Panel's, have demonstrated compliance
with the. folIowing. sections of the. 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building. Code through testing in accordance with the
following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set
forth herein.
Section Property Standard
2603.3 Flame Spread ASTM E841
T1508.2 Physical Properties ASTM C1289
1520.1 Physical Properties TAS 110
Enti Examination Reference
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 & TAS 110 • C31640.04.10
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1285 & TAS 110 C34020.04.11
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 & TAS 110 C35990.05.11
ERD (TST6049) ASTM'C1289 & TAS 110 C42950.09.13-1A-R1
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 & TAS 110 C42950.03.14
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 & TAS 110 C42950.02.14-1A-R2
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 C46470.10.14-1A-1
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 C46470.10.14-1A-2
ERD (TST6049) TAS 110 C46470.10.14-1A-3A
ERD (TST6049) ASTM C1289 C46470.01.15-1
ERD(TST6049) ASTM C1289 C46470.01.15-2
FM Approvals(TST1867). ASTM E84 3018331
ITS(TST1585) ASTM E84 100114954SAT-001 B
[CC -ES (EVL2396) 2015 IBC/IRC Compliance ESR-3174
Miami -Dade (CER 1592) HVHZ Compliance 14-0505.08
UL, LLC (CER 9626) UL1256 TJ13X.R18846
UL; LLC (QUA9625). Quality Control Inspection Report, R18846
The following insulations are mechanically attached or adhered to Approved substrates using fasteners, stress plates
and adhesives, as outlined in the Roof System Product Approval.
4.1 H-Shield is an ASTM C1289, Type II,. Class 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3 board stock roof insulation comprised of a
polyisocyanurate core faced on both'sides with organic felt, glass reinforced facers. Thickness ranges from 1"
to 4" and available boards sizes are 4x4 ft and 48 ft.
4.2 H-Shield (Tapered) is an ASTM C1289, Type II; Class 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3 tapered board stock roof insulation
comprised of a polyisocya n u rate core faced on both sides with organic felt, glass reinforced facers. Thickness
ranges from 0.5" to 4" and available boards sizes are 4x4 ft.
4.3 H-Shield F is an. ASTM C1289, Type I, Class 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3 board stock roof insulation comprised of a
polyisocyanurate core faced on both sides with a tri-laminate foil facer. Thickness ranges from 1" to 4" and
available boards sizes are 4x4 ft and 4x8 ft.
1 Numerical ratings as determined by ASTM E84 are not intended to reflect hazards presented by these materials under actual fire
Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report C32980.10.11-115
Certificate ofAuthorization #9503 C" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ & HVHZ EVALUATION FL5968-119
H-Shield Roof Insulation Revision 5: 08/30/2017
Page 2 of 4
4.4 H-Shield-NB is an ASTM C1289, Type V board stock roof insulation comprised of a polyisocyan u rate core faced
on one side with a organic felt, glass reinforced facer and the other side with 7/16" or 5/8" thick oriented
strand board (OSB), or 5/8" or W thick CDX plywood. Thickness ranges from 1.5" to 4.5": and available_ boards
sizes are 47.5 x 95.5 inch or and 4 x 8 ft. H-Shield-NB with OBS top surface is not for use in HVHZ.
4.5 H-Shield-WF is an ASTM C1289, Type IV board stock roof insulation comprised of a polyisocya n u rate core
faced on one side with an organic felt, glass reinforced facer and the other side with''/:" thick asphalt -coated
high density wood fiberboard. Thickness ranges from 1.5" to 4.5" and available boards sizes are 47.5 x 95.5
inch or and 47.5 inch x 8 ft.
4:.6 H-Shield-WF (Tapered) is an ASTM C1289, Type IV tapered board. stock roof• insulation comprised of a
polyisocyan u rate core faced on one side with an organic felt, glass .reinforced facer and the. other side with %"
thick asphalt -coated high density wood fiberboard. Thickness ranges from 1.0" to 4.0" and available boards
sizes are 4 x 4 ft
4.7 H-Shield CG is an ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2 or Grade 3 board stock roof insulation comprised of a
polyisocyanurate -core faced on both sides with a coated polymer -bonded glass fiber mat. Thickness ranges
from 1" to 4" and available boards sizes are 4 x 4 ft and 4 x 8 ft.
4.8 H-Shield CIS (Tapered). is an ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2 or Grade 3 tapered board stock. roof
insulation comprised of a polyisocyanu rate core faced on both sides with a coated polymer -bonded glass fiber
mat. Thickness ranges from I" to 4" and available boards sizes are 4 x 4 ft and 4 x 8 ft.
4.9 H-Shield Premier is an ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2 or Grade 3 board stock roof insulation comprised
of a polyisocyanurate core faced on both sides with a heavy duty coated glass facer. Thickness. is 1" and
available boards size is 4 x 8 ft.
4.10 H-Shield HD and H-Shield HD90 are ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 4, Grade 1 board stock roof insulations
comprised of a high density polyisocyanurate core faced on both sides with a'coated polymer -bonded glass
fiber mat. Thickness is %" and available board'size is 48 ft.
4.11 Cool -Vent is a venting composite insulation board consisting of H-Shield (ASTM.C1289, Type II, Class 1, Grade
2 board stock roof insulation) with a middle layer of solid wood spacers and a top layer of APA/TECO rated
7/16" or 5/8" thick oriented strand board (0513) or 5/8" or W thick CDX plywood. Thickness ranges from 2.5"
to 6 and available board size is 48 ft. Cool -Vent with OBS top surface is not for use in HVHZ.
4.12 Cool -Vent II is a venting composite insulation board consisting of H-Shield-NB (ASTM C1289, Type V board
stock roof insulation). with a middle layer of wood spacers and a top layer of APA/TECO rated 7/16" or 5/8"
thick oriented strand board (058) or 5/8" or %" thick CDX plywood. Thickness ranges from 3" to 6" and
available boards size, is'4x8 ft. - Cool -Vent 11 with OBS top surface is not for use in.HVHZ.
4.13 H-Shield HD Composite is a rigid; closed cell, 'polyisocyanurate foam board composite comprising H-Shield HD
used as the top side facer, a foam core -identical to H-Shield, and a glass reinforced organic felt bottom facer.
Thickness ranges from 2.0" to 4.5" and available boards size is 44 or 48 ft.
5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity) ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in anyway, the Designer
of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for
permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 H-Shield NB, Cool -Vent and Cool -Vent II with OSB as the top surface are not for use in FBC HVHZ
5.3 Refer to roof system Product Approval (for uplift resistance) and an approved Roofing Materials Directory (for
fire: ratings; e.g., UL TJBX R18846) for use and. installation of H-Shield Roof Insulation. If H-Shield Roof
Insulation. is not listed in the roof system. Product Approval, a request may be made to the. Authority Having
Jurisdiction -for local -approval -provided that NFPA 276 or UL1256 internal fire; ASTM E108, UL790 or Testing
Application Standard TAS 114, Appendix A external fire and/or FM 4474, UL1897 or Testing Application
Standard TAS 114 wind uplift data, as applicable, is provided specifically with the subject roof cover.
Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report C32980.10.11-115
Certificate ofAuthorization #9503 C" EDITION (2017) MC NON-HVHZ & HVHZ EVALUATION FL5968-R9
H-Shield Roof Insulation Revision 5: 08/30/2017
Page 3 of 4
5.4 All products in the: roof`assembly shall have quality assurance in accordance with the F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3.
6A H-Shield - Roof Insulation shall be installed in accordance with 'Hunter Panels' published installation
instructions,. coupled with' attachment requirements set forth in the roof system Product Approval
documentation and approved Roofing Materials Directory (for'fire ratings).
6.2 The maximum board size for bonded applications is 4 x 4 ft.
As. required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of
Contact the named QA' entity fo'r manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 611320-3 QA requirements. he
following plants have qualified under ASTM C1289-13.
Product Us
Franklin Park, IL
H-Shield, H-Shield CG, H-Shield F, H-Shield HD Composite, H-Shield NB
Kingston, NY
H-Shield, H-Shield CG, H-Shield F, H-Shield HD, H-Shield NB, H-Shield WF
Lake City, FL
H-Shield, H-Shield CG, H-Shield F, H-Shield HD
Smithfield, PA
H-Shield, H-Shield CG, H-Shield F, H-Shield HD, H-Shield HD90
Tooele, UT
H-Shield, H-Shield CG, H-Shield F, H-Shield HD, H-Shield HD Composite, H-Shield Premier
UL, LLC—QUA962;5; (847) 6643281
Exterior Research and Design, LLC.
Certificate ofAuthoriration #9503 C" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ & HVHZ EVALUATION
H-Shield Roof Insulation
Evaluation Report C32980.10.11-RS
Revision 5: 08/30/2017
Page 4 of 4'