HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - METAL ROOFINGCREEK 3 FncH3'+AA'A.rvA 4aFK�;A-3. icF- , LL Certificate of Authorization No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 (813) 480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, eH EDITION (2017) Manufacturer: DREXEL METALS, INC. Issued April 19, 2018 1234 Gardiner Lane Louisville, KY 40213 SCANNED (502) 716-7143 SCANNED ww,A:.drexmet.corn Manufacturing: Drexel Metals Association of Regional Manufacturers (DM -ARM) Quality Assurance: Architectural Testing, Inc. (QUA1844) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Code Sections: 1504.3 Properties: Wind Resistance REFERENCES Entity Report No. Standard Year Architectural Testing (TST1558) 56840.02-122-18 TAS 100 1995 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 58389.01-122-44 UL 580 2006 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 58459.01-122-44 UL 580 2006 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 58461.01-122-44 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 82776.01-109-44 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 82784.01-109-44 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Architectural Testing (TST1558) 83296.01-109-44 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Architectural Testing (TST1527) H3245.01-450-18 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1527) H9058.02-450-18 TAS 125 2003 Architectural Testing (TST1527) H9058.01-450-18 TAS 125 2003 Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) 178-0054T-12 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Force Engineering & Testing (TST5328) 178-0055T-12 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0209-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0308-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST'l527) 0287-0311-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0313-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0512-07 TAS 125 2003 Hurricane Test Laboratory (TST1527) 0287-0706-07 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) VLS-005-02-01 ASTM B 117 2016 TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) VLS-004-02-01 ASTM G 155 2005a TAS 110 2000 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-004-02-01 T AS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-005-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-006-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-007-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-008-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-009-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-014-02-01 TAS 125 2003 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-016-02-01 TAS 100 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-017-02-01 Rev 1 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 1 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. t CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing 'Y'EC:t- NIC AL SERVICES, L_L,C I Enti Report No. Standard Year PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-018-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-024-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-033-02-01.1 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-037-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-037-02-02 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) DMC-038-02-01 UL 580 2006 UL 1897 2012 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Profile: 1 in. snap lock seam; Max...16 in coverage Description: Non-structural, snap lock standing seam roof panel with integral perorated nail strip _ Material: Min. 24 ga. Fluropon@ coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90; Fq = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507_4.3 DMC 150SL Profile: _ _ '1.5 in. snap lock seam; Max. 16 in. coverage Description: Non-structural, snap lock standing seam roof panel __..._..................._..__._-___ ..._. ____._.._.._...._..._.___._...._..__.._..._._..._..._._._........----..............._._.._..........._......___............._...__._._..__..._..__-_....... _ __........ _. Material: Min. 24 ga. Fluropon® coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90_Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 I DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 2 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKMetal Roofing '1{'1✓4:3•tNICAL SmVICES, L.l_C DMC 15OSS Profile: _1 1.5 in. mechanical seam; Max. 16 in. coverage Description: j Non-structural, mechanical lock standing seam roof panel Material: ; Min. 0.032 in. Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy min. 16 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 _ Min. 24 ga. Fluropon® coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or - - _ ASTM A653 G90; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 , r 9 F1 11' J_ I_T DMC 175S Profile: —; 1.75 in. snap lock seam; Max. 18 in. coverage-- _ Description: _ Non-structural, snap lock standing. seam roof panel _ ...... —---.............................. _.... _......_... Material: � Min. 0.032 in. Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy min. 24 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 Min. 0.040-inch Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum (Fy = min. 20 ksi); Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 .... ...... ..........................................-..._..__._..-_................_.................................................................... .._..-.............................. _......... _.._.... __..__.._............... _..... ...... Min. 24 ga. Fluropon coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90; Ft, = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ---..._._._------- � r:-._-------------------------- 200S Profile: 2 in. mechanical seam; Max. 16 in. coverage Description:_] Non-structural, mechanical lock standing seam roof panel !Material: Min. 0.040 in. Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 20 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section •1507.4.3 ...... ........................... _............ .._............................ _....... _.................. ........ ............................................................ ........ ..._........................ .... ..._..................................... ... _....._..__...._.._-. -. Min. 24 ga. Fluropon@ coated ASTM A792 AZ50, or ASTM A653 G90; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ,. 1 2" 2" ---------------E!" - - - -------------- i DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paoe 3 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. C i J 1 � l CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing TECHNICAL, SERVICES, LLC DMC 450 Profile: _ 1.5 in. snap lock seam_Max. 16 in. coverage _ ...................._ ...................... ---_-_ _Description ---- -.._......._............_. Non-structural, snap lock standing seam roof panel with concealed clip_ - Material: Min. 24 ga. ASTM A792 or ASTM A653; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 Min. 0.032 in. Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 24 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 t - 16" DMC 5V Profile: Min. 21 in., Max. 24 in. coverage _ribs; Description: _ Non -structural, -through fastened roof panel_.......-...._..__-.�__._-_-....-..- _-..__..._...____..-._ Material: Min. 26 ga. Fluropon® coated ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 ; Fy = min. 50 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 Min. 0.032 in. Fluropon® coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 23 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 - 21" up to 24" Coverage DMC Profile: 1/2 in. corrugation; 21 in. coverage Corrugated Description: Non-structural, through fastened roof panel Material: _ Min. 26 ga. Fluropon® coated ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 ; Fy = min. 40 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 ............................_.........._.__..............._._.....-........-.._— _ _ _____..-.............:..._....._....__.__........._--......._._ Min. 0.032 in. Fluropon@ coated ASTM B209 aluminum; Fy = min. 19 ksi; Shall conform with FBC Section 1507.4.3 �F �i 7 r — ETT —j DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 4 of 5 1 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK - 'lf EC:H•€3' [C.okL. SERVICES, LLC LIwAmNs DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing 1. Fire classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 2. This report is not for use in the HVHZ. 3. The roof deck and the roof deck attachment shall be designed by others to meet the minimum design loads established for components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirements. 4. Roof slope shall be in accordance with FBC Section 1507.4.2. 5. Reroofing shall be in accordance with FBC Section 1511. 6. Installation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC and the manufacturer's published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 7. All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6t' Edition (2017) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. kJ111B19j,rij��� ^� No 74021 ..:_.. _ 07:24:23 vor " ° r• M 8 TAT E °veV,slyet�r¢PM.,—Q4'QQ' 37 a �'1 F ° <tt �. 0R ^" �� �% Zachary R. Priest, P.E. - Floridarr��®�.ra�/ON Aq p �'® -" m� Organization No.l on ANE9641 21 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. APPENDICES 1) APPENDIX A -Installation (12 pages) 2) APPENDIX B - Approved Roof Systems (8 pages) 3) APPENDIX C - Design Wind Loads (4 pages) DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 5 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing "T'ECt-tf+ttC AL. SI; RVIC 15S, LL.C: APPENDIX A INSTALLATION Note - Refer to the APPRovE® Roor Sysrgms section of this report for specific installation details of a selected system. Unless otherwise specified in this report the following installation details shall be met for the named products: ------------------- Component Product 'Installation _Detail #9-15 HWH wood screw with sealing washer #10-14 HWH wood screw with sealing washer Shall penetrate through the sheathing a minimum 3/8 in. Must be corrosion #10-15 HWH wood resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.4. Fasteners screws with dual threads and sealing washer #10-13 PH wood screw #10-16 DP3 PH self - drilling screw Shall penetrate through the top rib of the steel deck a minimum 3/4 in. Must be #14-13 DPI PH self- corrosion resistant in accordance with FBC section 1507.4.4. drilling screw 1 le.......................................... 9P ..............�. .............. .. Bearing Plates 18 ga. Bearing Plate r � Vh e� cs --- --- -----_---- =-may I , 24 ga. in -seam clip DMC 150SL Clip4.1 i I Clips 24 ga. SS in -seam clip 24 ga. DMC 15OSS Clip 311 T 1 " 2" DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Pace 1 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKMetal Roofing TE:4: 3•€i`8€CAL SERVICES, LLB APPENDIX A Component Product Installation Detail 24 ga. in -seam clip 24 ga. DMC 15OSS Fixed 33, p E gyp` Clip 8 -15n 21n 22 ga. SS in -seam clip 22 ga. DMC 150SS Clip o j n c7 //• Clips (Cont'd) 22 ga. in -seam clip 22 ga. DMC 150SS Fixed L / 0 1 Clip +, T q 22 ga. base; 24 ga. butterfly in -seam clip DMC 15OSS Butterfly Clip 15181 DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 2 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Rooting TECHNICAL SEROfIC15S, L.L.: APPENDIX A Component Product. Installation Detail 22 ga. base; 24 ga. butterfly in -seam clip DMC 15OSS Continuous / =: Butterfly Clip t7 / r� 18 ga. in -seam clip DMC 175S UL Clip ZZW y Clips (Cont'd) `{•;�' \` �T 22 ga. SS in -seam clip 2q` DMC 200S Clip ' T 18 ga. base; 22,ga. butterfly in -seam clip; 4.5 in. length DMC 200S Butterfly Clip � DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 3 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. MET CREEK DREXEL Metal Roofing INC. (Metal Roofing Component Product Installation Detail 18 ga. base; 22 ga. butterfly in -seam clip; 120 in. length; top slider 12 in. o.c. DMC 200S ContinuousrX�f"1r'.�� Cf Butterfly Clip Clips (Cont'd) 24 ga. in -seam clip D€VIC 450 Clip ram• 24 ga. SS in -seam clip DMC 45OSS Clip Sealants Bostik 70-05A Shall be applied in continuous beads along the seam Bostik Chem -Calk 915 Fastenina Details Nomenclature Attachment DMC 1OONS DMC 900NS Standard w""""' MC I OOHS PANEL STI (2 3116" BADS) DMC 100NS Enhanced ''� 010 1 DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 4 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. "'REEK TF—CHNICAE- SEFRVICES, LL119 Fa6tenina Witalls'-' Nomenclatbre Attachment WO WSL DEL- UNDEPLAYMENT-­­ DMC 150SL Standard .......... ............. ------- ------- Sews ... wowaenom DMC 150SS PANEL DMC 1508S CONTINUOUS BUTTERFLY DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX A UNDERLAYMENT DMC 15OSS Continuous SUBSTRATE Butterfly DMC I UOSS PANEL­--------­-1, DMC I 50$S BUTTERFLY CLIP (2) 410 .. 13 PHW UNDERLAYMENT DMC 15OSS Butterfly SUBSTRATE. .1 I .. ... .......... .... . ....... � '_.. _4 . ............... . . ........ DMC I 508S PAN EL-­ DMG ISQSS ' BUTTERFLYCLIP (Mll 4 - 13 PHDD NbERLAYMENT 18G2'EEARING PLATE. 180 INSULATION M -t 'k E AL DEG DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 5 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKhtsleial Roofing 'TE, CI-INICAL SwRVtCES, L.L C APPENDIX A Fastening Details Nomenclature' Attachment DMC 15OSS PANEL---------- 24 GA DMG 15088 FIXED CLIP ---- - (Z-) #1D -13 PHW------------ I. NDERLAYMENT —, SUBSTRATE DMC 15OSS Fixed - 90 ` WV?F_OO 004-gK CHSPA- AVSi4 �...____._.&4,ucU'to sC'M sz s.UF cop 114' WD U051TIK',HW-CALK s' DMC 15OSS #14 Fixed - 90 3 2 #14-13 DP1, PH Screws per clip; Clip installed over 18 ga. bearing late DIVIC 150E S PANEL. (Z)1#10(-13 PlHity' UN DERL.AYMENI-------1 SR�SS'1'RATfw ----� l DMC 15OSS Standard (Al)Zw 1 l --------------- ---- - 1/4" MEAD 80811K 70-!Fiat n "—_-----_ 1 f)R9C 15t1a4 t�AtdEL.. 22 GA DMC 150SS FIXED CLIP DMC 15OSS Fixed i D #t 0 -13 Pill Y - Enhanced - 90 UNI'-IERLAYMENT SUBSTP.AI'E i yy ---------------- DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 6 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. , CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing TEA:I•{NICAL. SERVICES, >L..LC; APPENDIX A este`riin Details - Nomenclature .. 'Attachment DMC ISOSS PANEL. ---\ 22 GA OW 15OSS FIXED CLIP ---------------- (2) #10-13'PhlW-------- \1 LINDEFRLAYMENT i DMC 15OSS Fixed SUBSTRATE Enhanced - 180 4 -: Mt-- ::.. 1W BEAD BOSTW 70-05.A CIMC 15OSS PMJEL-------- 22 GA DMC 150SS CLIP --.-----_-___ � --- DMC 15OSS Enhanced (Al) 4 NDERLAYMENT_--.-_-i SUBSTfRATF -- E� � E l :f DNIC 1755 Panel ------- 044C 175S UL Clip1 \� MG-13 Pit Saew l2I pe. Clip \ DMC 175S #10 Standard i DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 7 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKMetal Roofing TE4::1-t3*3€i:.AL. SERVICES, L.LC APPENDIX A Fasteninb. Details , Nomenclature Attachment WK,17158 Panel DMG •1755 L'L C,ilp------ ------ #IG 3 PH 84ra"V--- fzl per CDR �4 � tW ekrfi aasiat t.ttstVAke — _ 91' WkLF 11.0 AND r3�30141'WES —F OF Mip ifti.• READ W..S11K aPr.P.1 CAi.K DMC 175S #10 Enhanced 81SON FFA41LSLEG w 13M.178E PANEL— , L1F 017'BS ill. ��.,,,. 414. 13 C±P9 L>flLS['r (2 Fssr dHF) �\ 1x3-iaoABEle iNaPiArE \ `'•. t � DMC 175S #14 Standard F DMC 200S PANEL� DMC 200S BUTTERFLY CLIP --------------•.,\�® (2) #10 -13 PHW-------------- UNDERLAYMENT SUBSTRATE DMC 200S Butterfly 1 ,t DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 8 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEK Metal Roofing "T'Ectita ICAL, SERVICES, 1., LC; APPENDIX A Fastenln ;Dbtaile . Nomenclature Attachment - m�^�ppgg �� rrww p�yypp��,qq��.. �ryg y��-^� i �p�r ,�.g 1. Lr�`F9F8?,�+ 0.S5,dS 3. Q, E 3 ERFL.i �„ B,.,1P..__-_-,,. t1. UNDERLAYMENT METAL DECK DMC Zoos Butterfly (Steel) Use 18 ga. bearing plate over polyisocyanurate insulation C,200S` PANEL,----,,,,, DMC 200S CONTINOUS BUTTLY CLIP #1 :- 16 QP PHA ---, ',,. UNDE,RLAYMENT----%,, METAL DECK DMC 200S Continuous Butterfly (Steel) Use 18 ga. bearing late over pof isoc anurate insulation DMC 200S PANEL DMC 200S CLIP` , (2) M - '13 PHW-__-..-_-_-_-_- LINDEWAYME� IN , SUBSTRATE DMC 200S Fixed I L ----------- DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 9 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKMetal DREXEL METALS, INC. Roofing TEci-iNIC AL SO:ZVICES, i..,LC APPENDIX A Fastening Details Nomenclature Attachment = 114" B AD BOSTIK 70-Q5A --- " DMC 200S PANEL ----•------- � ITC 200S CLIP 1 DMC 200S Fixed Enhanced t UPdL?I'rf�LA�°Mfrk�'i' SUBSTRATE t . - --v...._. ---------------------------- DMC 450 l=9ANEL - WC 450 CUP 410 -13 ICI' W (2 Per Clip) DMC 450 Standard MIC 460 PANEL — .............__.� DII<ID 450 SS 910 a 13 Ply (2 Per Clip) DMC 45OSS Standard --------------------------- :ems= --------- FL17678-R5 Page 10 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing "Tci:l-•tt'+iECAL SERVIC:IES, LL.t. C APPENDIX A -. Fastening Details Nomenclature'- a -Attachment " •---- IK$45 Wlq WOOD SCfiwW VCTH DMC 5V Standard *03 . p - 1#10. 14 DRE-XiV1f T WOCDSCREW ----, D PC 5V PANEL � DMC 5V #10 Standard PLYWOOD .A10 -14 i)Wxtullr r ift°45ODSCRE•W ,..------- DMC 5V Pan Fastening s, ONLY REQUI t37tit'._1.1-,PANEL ENDS ti i DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Paae 11 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX A DMC Corrugated DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 12 of 12 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX B APPROVED ROOF SYSTEMS The following notes shall be observed when using the assembly tables below. 1. Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) was calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. 2. Refer to LIMITATIONS and sections of this evaluation when using the table(s) below. 3. Refer to INSTALLATION section of this report for installation detail when the information is not explicitly stated for the selected assembly. 4. The on -center (o.c.) spacing given is the maximum allowable attachment spacing for the rated system. 5. Steel Deck shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements and shall be minimum 22 ga (Fy = min.33 ksi) Wide Rib Deck (Type WR) conforming to ANSI/SDI-RD1.0 & FBC. 6. Wood Deck shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements and shall be minimum 15/32-inch thick APA Span -Rated plywood sheathing at maximum 24-inch span. R®®ff f stern'Niainbeti.and'Deffinl4ions 104NSAN# DMC 100NS over Wood Deck New or Existing) 150SL-W# DMC 150SL over Wood Deck (New or Existing) 150SS-S# DMC 150SS over Steel Deck New or Existing) 150SS-W# DMC 15OSS over Wood Deck New or Existing) 175S-S# DMC 175S over Steel Deck New or Existing) 175S-W# DMC 175S over Wood Deck new or Existing) 200S-S# DMC 200S over Steel Deck New or Existing) 200S-W# DMC 200S over Wood Deck New or Existing) 450-W# DMC 450 over Wood Deck New or Existing) 5V-W# DMC 5V over Wood Deck New or Existing) COR-W# DMC Corruqated over Wood Deck New or Existing) Approved Systemiffoi,DMC iOONS'over `Wood,Deck (IN of Existing) . System Deck,;.. -.FlreBmrner•., l7nderlayment'- Roof Panel ' PanelAttachment' (pSD 100NS-WI Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 100NS DMC 100NS Standard attachment -37.5 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with fastener spaced 10.5 in. o.c. 10ONS-W2 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 100NS DMC 100NS Standard attachment -120 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with fasteners spaced 5.25 in. o.c. 100NS-W3 Min. 15132 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 100NS DMC 10ONS Enhanced attachment -135 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with fasteners spaced 5.25 in. o.c. DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 1 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other - - ----product-attributes-that=are:not-speafIcally=ad red ssedherein.. - - - -- - ---- -- -- - - - - - TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC " Approved Systems for'DMC 150SL over WoodDedk (NeW or Existing DREXEL METALS, INC. -meta 00firig — - - - APPENDIX B System No. Deck Fire Barrier Underlayment' ' Roof Panel Panel Attachment (Psi Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 24 ga. DMC 150SL DMC 150SL Standard attachment 150SL-W1 CDX plywood Versashield Solo As required per FBC Max., 16-inch wide _ with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. -52.5 Annrove'd Svsterns for DI IC 150SS ovar St60I Derck INaW or Eyktinn) S No. Deck" Fire Barrier- Insulation Underlayment Roof Panel 'Panel Attachment P� „ 150SS-S1 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 150SS As required per FBC DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly attachment -41.7 Grade 80 Steel insulation board Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 36 in. o.c. 15OSS-S2 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate Approved ASTM D 24 ga. DMC 15OSS DMC 15OSS 914 Fixed - 90 attachment -71 Grade 80 Steel insulation board 1970 underlayment Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 15OSS-S3 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 15OSS As required per FBC DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly attachment -92.4 Grade 80 Steel insulation board Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. 15OSS-S4 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 15OSS As required per FBC DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly attachment -117.8 Grade 80 Steel insulation board Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 18 in. o.c. 150SS-S5 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 15OSS As required per FBC DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly attachment -143.1 Grade 80 Steel insulation board Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. 15OSS-S6 Min. 22 ga. Type B, As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 150SS As required per FBC DMC 15OSS #14 Butterfly attachment -168.5 Grade 80 Steel insulation board Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 6 in. o.c. DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 2 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. CREEKMetal Roofing TECHNICAL SERVICF-S, LL APPENDIX B -Approved'Sysiams".for'DMC'ISOSS�over Wood -Deck (N6Voe'Exiiting) System No: -. Decl.- . �. Fire Barrier Underlayment Roof Panel„ " Panel Attachment' . MDP� ps . . s. Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 0.032" Al DMC 150SS DMC 950SS Standard (Al) attachment 150SS-W1 CDX plywood Versashield Solo As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. -90 180° seam 150SS-W2 Min. OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 150SS Max. 16-inch wide DMC 150SS Fixed - 90 attachment -S0 CDX plywood Versashield Salo 90° seam with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 150SS-W3 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 150SS Max. 16-inch wide DMC 150SS Butterfly attachment -99.25 CDX plywood- Versashield Solo 180°seam with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 150SS-W4 Min. OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 150SS Max. 16-inch wide DMC 150SContinuous Butterfly -114.25 CDX plywood Versashield Solo 180° seam fasteners attachment with fasteners spaced 12 in. o.c. 150SS-W5 Min. 15l32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 150SS Max. 16-inch wide DMC 150SS Fixed Enhanced - 90 attachment -150 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Min. 90° seam with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. Min15/32 OPTIONAL 24 ga. DMC 150SS DMC 150SS Fixed Enhanced - 180 150SS-W6 . CDX plywood Versashield Solo As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide attachment -165 Min. 180° seam with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. 150SS W7 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC 150SS Max. 16-inch wide DMC 150SS Enhanced (Al) attachment -1$® CDX plywood Versashield Solo 180° seam with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. Approved S" stems f60.D1511C 175S.®ver.Steel Deok (149vii.br Ex sting) System - MDPw ". No. Deck,.. „Fire farrier Insulation " , Underlayment Roof Panel` Panel Attachment Min. 1 in. Approved 175S-S1 Min. 22 ga. As required polyisocyanurate As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 1 wide DMC 1 h clips ps s#14 Standard attachment -60 Type B Steel insulation board Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 36 in. o.c. DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 3 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other =- - ----=—product-attributes-that=are-notapea'ficallyadaressed-herein.--= - - - - ---- - - TECHNICAL LAICAL SERVICES, 'a -.LC ADDroved Svsteans for CBMC 1.75E over Steel Deck (New or Existinsli . DREXEL METALS, INC. APPENDIX B System No. Deck Fire Barrier Insulation Underlayment Roof Panel Panel' Attachment I�1DP (psf) 175S-S2 Min.Min. 22 ga. As required 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate AI DMC DMC 175S Standard attachment As required per FBC -88 Type B Steel Type insulation board wide175S s#14 clips Max. 17.5-inch vide with clips spaced 18 in. o.c. Max. 175S-S3 Min. 22 ga. As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 175S DMC 175S 914 Standard attachment As required per FBC I -105 Type B Steel insulation board Max. 18-inch wide , with clips spaced 6 in. o.c. 175S-S4 Min. 22 ga. As required Min. 1 in. Approved pp polyisocyanurate 0.040" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S #14 Standard attachment As required per FBC -129.25 Type B Steel insulation board Max. 17.5-inch wide I with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. Approved Systems for DMG 175S over Wood Deck (New or Existing) System Deck Fire Barrier . -ttem Undeo.rlayment Roof Panel Panel Attachment I I D �' 175S-W1 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 0.032" Al DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -52.5 COX plywood' Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. 175S-W2 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 0.032" Al DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -59.4 CDX plywood Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 18 in. o.c. 175S-W3 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC 175S DMC 1755 #10 Standard attachment -66.4 CDX plywood Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. 175S-W4 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment i -71 CDX plywood Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. Min. 15132 OPTIONAL 0.032" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Enhanced attachment 175S-W5 CDX I plywood Versashield Approved ASTM D 1970 underlayment Max. 18-inch Aide with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. -71 Solo ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt attached per 175S-W6 Min. 15/32 1518.2.1 with nails and tin caps per 1517.5 0.032" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -74.75 CDX plywood followed by Metshield High -Temp Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. Underlayment self -adhered to felt DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 4 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX B Approved Systems for DIVIC -176S over Food Deck (Neer or Ex'istinal ' System No. Deck', Fire Barrier. Underlayment Roof Panel PanefAttachment MDP " (Psi 175S-W7 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield ------------------- As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -82.5 CDX I plywood Solo Max. 14-inch wide with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. 175S-W8 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -84.25 CDX plywood Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 175S-W9 Min. 19/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -97.5 CDX plywood Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 25 in. o.c. 175S-W10 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 0.040" AI DMC 175S DMC 175S 910 Standard attachment -106.75 CDX plywood Solo Max. 17.5-inch wide with clips spaced 18 in. o.c. 175S-WI 1 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment -121.75 CDX I plywood Solo Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt attached per 175S-W12 Min. 15/32 1518.2.1 with nails and tin caps per 1517.5 0.032" Al DMC 175S DMC 175S #10 Standard attachment .131 CDX plywood followed by Metshield High -Temp Max. 18-inch wide with clips spaced 6 in. o.c. Underlayment self -adhered to felt 175S-W13 Min. 19/32 OPTIONAL Versashield As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 1 DMC Standard attachment -135 CDX plywood Solo Max. 16-inch wide wide with c ips with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. I9 ADoroved Svastems for DRSIC 200S over Steel Deck (New 6r Exi0innY System No. Deck Fire Barrier Insulation Underlayment Roof Panel .. , Panel Attachment MDP 200S-S1 Min. 22 ga. As required Min. 1 in. Approved polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 200S DMC 200S Butterfly (Steel) attachment As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide -88 Type B Steel insulation board 180° seam with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. 200S S2 Min. 22 ga. Type B Steel As required None 24 ga. DMC 200S DMC 200S Butterfly (Steel) attachment As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide -91.76 with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. 180" seam . DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 5 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other - - product-attributes-thatare_not-specificallyaddressed-herein.-__ DREXEL METALS, INC. APPENDIX B Aooroved Systems for DMC 200S over Steel Deck (New or Existina4 SyNo.sttem Deck Fire Barrier Insulation - Underlayment Roof Panel Panel Attachment PDP 200S-S3 Min. 22 ga. Min. 1 in. Approved As required polyisocyanurate 24 ga. DMC 200S DMC 200S Continuous Butterfly (Steel) As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide -121.75 Type B Steel insulation board 180° seam attachment with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. e 200S-S4 Min. 22 ga. As required None 24 ga. DMC 200S DMC 200S Continuous Butterfly (Steel) As required per FBC Max. 16-inch wide -161.76 Type B Steel attachment with clips spaced 12 in. o.c. 180' seam Approved Systems for DMC 200S over Wood Deck (Neva or Existing) S NoDeck Fire Barrier Underlayment Roof Panel Panel Attachment . Psi 200S-W1 Min. OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 2005 Max. 16-inch wide DMC 200 Butterfly attachment -67 5 CDX plywood Versashield Solo 180° seam with clipss spaced 24 in. o.c. 200S-W2 Min. OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.040" Al DMC 2005 Max. 16-inch wide DMC 200S Butterfly attachment -75 lywo CDX plywood Versashield Solo 180' seam with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. Min. OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.040" AI DMC 200S Max. 16-inch wide Fixed attachment DMC200S-W3 -105 CDX plywood plywood Versashield Solo 180' seam with lips with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 200S-W4 Min. 19/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.040" Al DMC 200S Max. 16-inch wide DMC 200S Fixed Enhanced attachment -180 CDX plywood Versashield Solo 180' seam with clips spaced 8 in. o.c. DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 6 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEKDREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing T ECHf IC;j8%L. SE..'-Di''t iCES, LL, APPEF<i®13C [3 Approved Systems for DMC 450 over, ood Deck (New or Existing) System:=MDP No. Deck ° Fire Barrier ;, lJnderlaymenY , , Roof Panel ; 'Panel Attachment (psi Min. 19132 450-W7 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 450 DMC 450 Standard attachment -30 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 24 in. o.c. Min. 15/32 450-W2 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC 450 DMC 450SS Standard attachment -45 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 16 in. o.c. 450-W3 Min. 19/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 450 DMC 450 Standard attachment -67 5 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 15.5 in. o.c. 450-W4 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 0.032" Al DMC 450 DMC 450SS Standard attachment -75 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 6 in. o.c. 450-W5 Min. 19/32 OPTIONAL As required per FBC 24 ga. DMC 450 DMC 450 Standard attachment -82 5 CDX plywood Versashield Solo Max. 16-inch wide with clips spaced 6 in. o.c. ----------------------- Approved Systems for 17IVIC 5V over Wood Deck (New or Existina System No. DeckFire Barrier/ Insulation Underlayment Roof Panel Panel Attachment MDP (pso OPTIONAL ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt attached per 0.032" Al DMC 5V DMC 5V #10 Standard attachment 5V-W1 Min. 15/32 CDX plywood Approved fire barrier 1518.2.1 with nails and tin caps per 1517.5 followed by Metshield High -Temp Min. 21-inch to Max. 24-inch with #10-14 HWH wood screws with -56 or insulation Underlayment self -adhered to felt coverage sealing washers spaced 18 in. o.c. Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC 5V Min. 21-inch to DiV1C 5V Standard attachment 5V-W2 CDX plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 24-inch with #9-15 HWH wood screws with -64 or insulation sealing washers spaced 16 in. o.c. coverage OPTIONAL ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt attached per 26 ga. DMC 5V DMC 5V #10 Standard attachment 5V-W3 Min. 15/32 Approved fire barrier 1518.2.1 with nails and tin caps per 1517.5 Min. 21-inch to with HWH wood screws with -71 CDX plywood or insulation followed by Metshield High -Temp Max. 24-inch ling washers sealing washers spaced 24 in. o.c. Underlayment self -adhered to felt coverage DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 7 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product-attributes-that-are_notspecifically_ addressed -herein.--- DREXEL METALS, INC. TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC APPENDIX yy B I� Approved Systems for DISC 5V over Wood Deck (New or Existing) ' system, Deck Fire. Barrier/ Underlayment Roof.Panel Panel Attachment- MDP (psf) Min. 7/16 OSB OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC 5V Min. 21-inch to DMC 5V Pan Fastening attachment 5V-W4 plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 24-inch with #10-14 HWH wood screws with -75 or insulation sealing washers spaced 16 in. o.c. coverage Min. 7/16 OSB OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC 5V Min. 21-inch to DMC 5V Pan Fastening attachment 5V-W5 plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 24-inch with *10-14 HWH wood screws with -112.5 or insulation sealing washers spaced 8 in. o.c. coverage Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC 5V Min. 21-inch to DMC 5V Standard attachment 5V-W6 CDX plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 24-inch with #9-15 HWH wood screws with -121.75 or insulation sealing washers spaced 8 in. o.c. coverage OPTIONAL ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt attached per 26 ga. DMC 5V or 0.032" AI DMC 5V DMC 5V #10 Standard attachment 5V-W7 Min. 15/32 Approved fire barrier 1518.2.1 with nails and tin caps per 1517.5 Min. 21-inch to with #10-14 HWH wood screws with -206 CDX plywood or insulation followed by Metshield High -Temp Max. 24-inch sealing washers spaced 6 in. o.c. Underlayment self -adhered to felt coverage Approved Systems for DBAC Corrugated over Mood Deck (Now or Existing) System No. Deck Fire Barrier/ Insulation Underlayment Roof Panel Panel Attachment MDP (psi COR-W1 Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL Approved fire barrier As required per FBC 0.032" AI DMC Corrugated DMC 5V Corrugated attachment with #10-15 HWH wood screws with dual threads -60 CDX plywood or insulation Max. 21-inch coverage and sealing washer spaced 36 in. o.c. Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC Corrugated DMC 5V Corrugated attachment COR-W2 CDX plywood Approvedfire barrier As required per FBC Max. 21-inch coverage with #10-15 HWH wood screws with dual threads -60 or insulation and sealing washer spaced 36 in. o.c. Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 0.032" AI DMC Corrugated DMC 5V Corrugated attachment COR-W3 CDX plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 21-inch coverage with #10-15 HWH wood screws with dual threads -135 or insulation and sealing washer spaced 12 in. o.c. Min. 15/32 OPTIONAL 26 ga. DMC Corrugated DMC 5V Corrugated attachment COR-W4 CDX plywood Approved fire barrier As required per FBC Max. 21-inch coverage with #10-15 HWH wood screws with dual threads -150 or insulation and sealing washer spaced 12 in. o.c. DRX15001.5 FL17678-R5 Page 8 of 8 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. CREEK TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC DESIGN WIND WADS DREXEL METALS, INC. Metal Roofing APPENDIX C The following tables provide design wind loads for components and cladding in accordance with Section 1609 of the FBC and ASCE 7-10 under the following provisions: 1. For Hip roofs between 2:12 and 5.6:12, Zone 3 shall be treated as Zone 2. 2. Wind speeds for risk category I, II, III, and IV buildings shall be as defined in Section 1609 of the FBC. 3. Exposure B, C, and D shall be as defined in section 1609 of the FBC. 4. Design wind load provided only for gable/hip roofs with roof slopes between 2:12 and 6.1:12 5. All calculations are based on an effective wind area of 10-ft2 or less. 6. Topographic factors such as escarpments or hills have been excluded from the analysis 7. Overhangs have been excluded from the analysis. 8. Wind directionality factor, Kd = 0.85 9. Vuit is shown in the tables below. Design wind loads are calculated using Vasd = Vult40.6 per 1609.3.1. 10. Projects with mean roof heights greater than 60-ft shall be evaluated by a licensed design professional 11. -Zones 1, 2, and 3 shall be defined as shown below. Dimension "a" shall be 10% of the least horizontal dimension or (0.4 x Mean Roof Height), whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of the least horizontal dimension or 3ft Gable DRX15001.5 In FL17678-R5 a� I M �Lh'W�EE V v — 1 3 2 3 a 1 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other prod uctattributes-that.are.not-specifically a ddressed_herein. a z LU m CL u w u Q: ..3 u 2 x u tt3�--3 C" o�3 WE o � O � La) U U7 U 3 '30 N O 'O d C fV TE m E O U U P J 0 U1 w CD m U N a) C 0 c C C � L h 3 w E W U� c Z" fn = fn O a� c n = u m � y O c 0 3 a) U O fa w N E (D C L O N C) O > N a) � U) L a) 3 6 Q) > 'O Ul C •- 3 'C .0 O > f1 O d Cp LU) � U L 30 C_ O '� O 0. N f0 w L � @ N O •30 'C a) a) Co � 7 U O O 7C w L = N -O Q) O w CL > .L O O` , C a N 2 `ncCU m a s U r V N C C +' 12.6 � N � � f0 .0 3 O` a' a u u w r w U) oy U z x lu�� !'Y f M O M Un n tl; M N T O O n 1p M O M N N N 00 U) CO W UO N N T ao T CD N T M W ..:a C LO M LO to Lo w to T co M 00 w w N M N �? 1- a T O 0 CC M CV T "� c0 a0 06 P �' M N Co to 6'o O to `- N w N w m n Uri ao (�a m c) i � l l n 1 1 i CO W O q Uq UD M C7 a0 N (D T O N CM M T �) N O T Un N er I., Cn M (O M CO CO UC) V; c0 cq CU. M j n¢ j W} 7 N '9 to �'9 n Cn n M 0D CO °? N o i0 O I- O T T CM N a0 N T CO M T CV et P 00 `7 T o V o n o n '7 n n n Uo o) Cn Cr1 M O T O T T Oo T r OM r M P T CA M to eP lt) CO n O Cn CD Un cq CO CO c0 q n n O 00 to M M N q N r T w Cn M n Un M O W CO q M CO CO N OO .mot tnnnno(>uoT n N (D to W O O T 0N T N M N N M to �totococococoaoaornrnT n O M CD Cn to W M D) M O n Cn O T OCj N O (2 T.-� ao M Cn et O b I` M (n et et T CO n Un DD M N et: co M °- (h M N ey O O) CD W et Ib N M to O) O n Un Cp W M fD =k-- M CO M M M fV (O M er O M O M O M n N n Q et• oo m 00 CV C, at 00 M T tt) M l6) M W to O M n (A n M c0 ao 0 CV (n to n Cn O r T CO r co N T s1' M he i tornv,toV:omTcov,u�ocgMPcD(`?ocpmar, O omnnnNoo(ooNU?oo (n 7 V: N sY7 M M M LO M n M m M O CO I On 0) M CD to CO M CD M CO 1- c0 Cn CO 9 � M O 1 6 er n I O OO N tO v CCU n CO O n C7 n CO n CV c0 1 6 et CO to 1 000 Cn 1 O P O (n 1 Aj +a .:119 i Ci) (O W T O fD Cn n D) T et N b M O g O M q O t` M P T Op n O 1-0 O n N ill >. M •, N m N M M M CO to M M er to eh Un Ih 9 CO CD RI M CO n M n (7 00 et CO m CD N CO 9 MI O �' CD er c0 lu� w Cn N M v (D c0 9 Cd n Cl) n ap t` CO O 9 CO (n O O O O !tl w ' O C) O n T N M N N O V:O q n O In et O C (O In (n 00 r er qo T CO W O cqO T O' N N n000rC'n N N M M tonOCV I? lD �'v lD CO CO CD (A CO n n n OM aD M er M 0 MC? 00O et VT' Up er t() M0N t0 UD CO U.) cm O n to n Mmn n ap o0 D' x k '.Off. 'V' •t; CO O O CM O n T N O N n P M qM Cq T ";t M 0) N n n 1": (q r r CD CM P M (n UC) N N CV of N (O N CO I. -CA NC? CM o IT M er Uri IT CO u-) 19 I` Un O 9 M 99 CO CA 00 O NC? O M Cl) CM et M (O MIT CO IT 00 It Un et 19 CO N Un 9 Uri CO CO CO N n U ) n 00 n r 9` 4 f, Cl) T Cn T T Cn oD N CO M do (n O P N O P Un CO n et n W T M nn O r 1'b M n C. CO CD Cn (�B - CO (n Cn N N M et CD 00 O n O et n 6 Uri O cD 6 o CO 0) r � CO n M 0 W - et CO T N N N M M M M M M '? Uq O Un 9N N N NIT M M M et si• 7 l0 O In CO CO CD fir• t>_= m a. O U) 0 0 0 0 0 UD 0 0 0 0 0 UD 0 0 0 0 0 UO 0 0 Co 0 0 Un 0 0 0 0 0 LO O O O O N Cll Cl) et W) (O N N Cl) of LO CO N N Cl) v M (O CV N M %- to co N N M V U) CO N N CM V O CD N r N M T N M T 0 U W IL W 0` 0) L c � O O U 0 7 7 '0 O •00 IL 0 T E m E O 4 U J 0 H «' f6 _U Z y a) c m L` U � C L � W E � E U O c c co L «0 rn o 2 c U O m O C Q E 0 L O CM W N 0) U1 w � L 0 ~ 7 M N > � y 7 0 > 22 C1 y CL CC7 w V L O CL ,—o C O O LL E O v 0 0 ca « 0 ro- � � 0 0 O O $4) C 0 m 0 � U .2 C6 y 7 > f0 N � . F- CJ o c CL 0 < d O 60 N CD @ s0 o mm 0 mC5 cn (D N -0 a o o �< N O O. aoa C07 � -� O p� O N a C M y T O N O CD 7 O. CL := O N fD $ � O a � C Ev N "O (D O p<j O C _. a N O. < N N Q• C N sC� rn G) (D N N < OCa C . � O a a CD (D � O N O n. fD C N � a "+ O Cl) g O D) X — fD O N N a n O � �m �m a� obi o �=r v 2. a O CD 0. N y a � co n O O O CD ao c. C c N O D =r O cn O CD N O I � .J