HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2215 .-", ""'..-.. T II ! ( r - I , 1 - '* ~) ....... ~_.......... _____-..-.r...._-_ __.._..'" .~_....... A. H. DAlfPORrH If UX '0 DEED FT. PIERCE B.\JlC & TRUST 00. THIS IlfDKlf!lJRE lrITlIESSE'rlI that the gran'ore, J.. H. DAllP'ORTH and lEAl DAJI'F'ORrH, hie wlte. I of the Clt7 ot 'or' Pleroe. Count1 ot St. Luole, RD4 state ot Florida. tor and in oonsldel'at\on I I ot ten dollars (110.00) aDd other good and yaluable oon81deratlons in hand pald. 00nYe7 and I . I warrant unto FORT PIERCE BAlIK AJl'D 'l'RUST OOllPAlfY. a oorporation at Florida, a8 Trustee, UDder i the pl'Oy1eion8 ot a trust agl'eement cSahd the 1st da1 ot Deoember, A. D. 19~, and known a. I the tollowlng deso1'1bltd real estat. In tile COUDt,y ot St. Luo1e ed StCt te of I I I Trust lIW1bel' 16, Florida, to-wi t: I ~ing in the Southeast Q.u.a rtel' (SEt) ot 8eo t 10n &1 gb t (8), I TOWDShlp thtrt,y-tour (34) Sou.th, Range Forty (40) East and I I , I I I I t I r be<<lDDin<< - same oon'ainlng 3.339 aorel. I SubJeot to aOl'tgagea 'otalliDg Four !houaand Eight Hundl'.d Dollars (14.800,00). I , ! I 1 i : the U"I and purpolea tiE herein set tOI'\h: I i I ; i i and subdiYide 1&14 pr.mia ea or an7 part th.reot, to dedioat. parks, street.. highwa)'a and ! i alleys and to yaoate aD7 sUJdiyision or pal't thereot. and to l'esubdiYid. said pl'opert7 as . more partioular 17 d.soribsd as tollows, to-wi tl Beginning at a point on the South 11n. ot Seotion 8, said p~int belns 1678.13 teet Wes\ ot the 51 oOI'Der ot sald S.otlon 8, th.noe B. 68 degl'ees 53' E. 869.~ t.e' to a pain', th.noe S. 20 degl'e.s 33' I. -'.67 teet w a point on \he SOl,th lin. ot Seotion 8, th.noe West along said Seotlon line 928.62 teet to the point ot 'fO un AlID 'f0 HOW the aaid premises. with the appurtenanoes, upon the trusts, and tor. Pull pow.1' aDd ao.thorlty 18 h.reb1 grant.d to aid Tl'ustee to imprO'n. manage, Pl'Ot.ot otten as desll'ed. to oont1'aot to s.ll, to s.ll on an,y terms, to oonv'7 .ither wi th 01' w1th- ' ou\ oonsid'1'atlon, to donate. to dedioate, to mortgBKe. pl.dge 01' otherwlse enoamber; to lesse .aid pr opert1, or aD7 part \her eot. trom time to tim. by 1 eases to .olDlDenoe In praesenti or in ta.tQJ'o. and upon aD1' t el'ma and tor aD7 p..iol or pel'iods ot tim.. not exoeeding nlnet1-nine 7ears. and to I'enew or .xt.nd leases upon aDT terma and tOI' aD7 p.rlod or p.l'iods ot time and to amend, ohange 01' aao41t,y leases and te1'lU a'Ild II" oy1sionl thereot at aD7 time 01' times hereatter; to partition or to exobang. sai4 propert7. 01' &D1 , I part thereat, tor other I'eal 01' personal propel't7, to grant easementa 01' ohargee ot an,y I i ! ! I 1 I i I . I I ! I I i 1 I , ~ i I I I I I I i j kind. to rel_se. OOnY'1 or assign aD1 right, t1 tle or interest In or about ..ld II" emiaes and w deal with .1d Pl'Opert7 and eYfIrT p&1't thereat in all other WQ8 and tor 8uoh other ooosideJ'& tions as 1 t would b. lawful tor ~ p.rson o1G1Ing the lame to deal wi th the aalDe. wheth.r .iml1al' to or ditt.rent tl'OIR the wa7s aboye Ipeoitled, at aD7 time 01' tl... hel'eatter. In no oase shall an,y part,y w whom said prems.. or anr pal't thereot, shall be oonY8f'e4,' , oontraoted to be sold, l_sed or mor~ed b1 sald Tl'ustee. and 10 no oase shall ~1 part7 - . . dealing with laid Truetee, In I'el..tlon to said premises. be obltg.d to see to \b. applioati~ ot an1 puroha8. mODe7, rent 01' mon'7 borrow.d 01' adYaDoed on said pl'SDlaes. or be obliged to I" U1a~ the tel':n.. ot this t1'ust haY, been oOlllpl1e4 with, or be obliged to Inqu1l'c into the neoees1 \7 or a:ped1eno7 of aD1 aot ot said Tl'ustee, 01' b. pr'lYl1es.d 01' obliged to Inquil'e Into' aDl1 ot the tel'm. ot laid truet agr....nt. The interl. ot eaohand eyer7 benetioi&1'7 h.r.undel' and at all pel'.on8 ola~lD<< undel' thea. 11 h.reb7 d.olared to be personal propert,y and to b. In Ule earniD<<8, ayaU. aM j I pr'ooeell ar,cll1ng tl'Oa Ul. dlapolUon of the pr_lt1e8; the IntenUon her.ot b.iM to ..., I i in the 8&14 FORt PIERCE BAJII( .t.1ID 1'RUST CCIlPJJlT. tbe enUre lepl aDd eqa.labl. UUe In tee,; i In and to aU ot the pr_l.e. aboye de 101'1 bed. -:..'. :;::'~.(> ,:~:;.,.:/:"'.:~:. \: ". ~..~.._'~ ", ~ e~~;. ....-:.~~~r:_~~.."a. ::_...~ .' ~~ - --....-- ~ . - " . " '. _ ;:'. .!J~,<" I:~" -~'~_,:.::__~ ,t-J .~. .....'.; ~ ~ ;t ~.:$ .- ~ J- -; ~.:-;' ; -...