HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2218 41S ~_ __'v.,a ---w- part7 or partles ao'ually aaklns the lale. IT IS F"JRTHER A3RKED ABD UlIDIRSTOOD that the parU.. ~ 'he.. preeenh 11&7 malee a Ilew agreemeni l'edl101ng ihe ainll1W11 sale prloe ot .aid pre.i MI. ADd the P&l't1 ot the tire' 1 part agrees ~ exeou te a Warrant7 Dee' oonn71ng the pl'elllees to aDT purohaS81' or purohaeert \ seoUl"ed b7 a~ part7 upon the tel"lD8 hereinaboye .et out. And the parties hereto shall shut . I In the oa.h payments and the balanoe ot the payments on the purohase prioe as thell' re.peot!ye I I the use and p08.esslon wlihout aD7 8Epense whatsosyer. that part ot the hereinbetore desorlbed I , premlse. upon whioh the the dwelling house now belng oooupled by the part7 ot the seoond pa~t Is sltuated, whioh inolude. the said &.elllng house, sarage, and al~ther out houses, same ! , being enolosed b1 a tenoe al'ound aald pl'ell1ses, and being on the noJ'th side ot the Oleeeohob.e. I Interep.ts are hel'elnbetore .ei tOl'th. IT tq TURTHER AGREED and UlDERSTOOD thai the party ot the seoond part shall retain road, until a sale ot aaid pl'opertl i8 made. , III WITHESS WHEREOF. the laid parties to these presen ta haye hereunto sei their hands i . and seale the 48.y and .1 tal' tll'si aboy. written. Slgned, sealed and deliYel'ed in the presenoe ot: Wal'er II. Roser. F1e& C. Dame (Seal) (Seal) Wilbur J. Brand Fl'ed B. Smith State ot Florida, St. Lucie ':00'1. I hereb7 oerUty thht on this 4&7 per90nall1 appeared betore lie, an ottlotr dul,. authol'ized \0 a4l1inister oath8 and take aolenowledgme~'s , Wilbur J. Brand and Fred B. Smi \h.' to me well known. to be the p8I"80nS desol'lbe' in aDd who 8Ee~uted the toregoing trus' agreement and ~e7 acknowledged betore me that they exeouted 'he same tor the purp08e. herein expressed. III ''UTBESS 1tRERKOF. I have hereunto 8e t Ja7 hand and atflxed my ottio tal 6eal at Fort! Pieroe. 7 and Stat.. thh 3rd day ot Deoembel', A.D. 192~. Flea C. Dame Ifo_~a,y Publ1o, state ot llor ida, lI1Pommission ex .;lire. lIotal'1 Publio tor the State ot Florida at large. My commission expire. 1I0Y. 4, 1929. Piled and rSO()rtie-d~h1s 3d 4&7 ot D~oo.192:>, at 11:08 A.II. _\\'C . : ~e~. P. C. EWd. Clerk Cll'outtjourt. . 0 ~ C/u.- '- /d/ .. . . . . . . . . . .. ) ~~: ~~: ~~~ . . J: :'i~. ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :~. . . :'::::?!!: :1:. . . . .~L ~:~: . . .. . " . " . . . . . . . ~~rI: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIICHAEL SZIRKO to CHARLES W. RIB!HART. now ALL U! BY THESE PRESElITS That I, lliohael Szhko. ot th.e County ot St. Luoh, ?lorlda, tor and in ooneideration ot the 811m ot Two Thouaand ('8,000.00) Dollal's in hand . i paid, the I'eoeipt ot whioh 18 hveb7 aoknowledged, do glye, grant. releaae, and aseign" all I ffJ&7 I'lght, title, interest and equit,y whioh I ~ no. haye or whioh I .., hereatter aoquire in aDd to a oerta1D oontraot enhrea into the 224 da7 ot Janu&1'7. A. D. 192~, between , Charlu W. Rlnebart ar the one part, and 1I10bael 5a11'ko ot the other part. whioh aaid oontra.bt I 18 hereto attaohed and made a part ot this inatl'llaent. It 18 hereb,. undnltood and Co~ee4 that t~ and in ,0nsldel'at1on ot the &boye pa1Men~~ I the ..14 Charles 11. "Rlnehart, hi, helrs and a8Dlgns, a1'e tornsl' relealed ot aD,)" and aU obllsationl under .ald oontl'aot. Ghen un4el' .,. hand anel ....1 thl. 24 4&7 ot >>eo.bl1' A. D. 1926. JUobael lawko (Seal) .' ~.'i.~ ~ ,?;:.~.:"::.; ;". i': .S~ oj- -----.., II l..J ) ) I ..... . ... .~ .~ . _il i,' ~ ,"~ '-:'~-~';~-~-.-~~-:';~.': ..-: j '. .....-,---~"'. . , ." I~. : .... '"./.~ ~.' '. -= ". ~ .. ,_ ~. " f' ~