HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2227 l ')'.' '1 t....1 , .....~-~- ~_.--..-.........-..._-.-..... .... c,.... ~... . I 1ear )t o~' FRED FO KT UX !O URRA!f'l'!' DUD THIS WARlWlrf DEED OF COllVEYAlCE. Exeouted th18 30th da1 ot Bovnber. in the COWBIAL UJfD 00. Lord one tho~and nlne hundred and twent,-t1ye BY AID BITWSEB 'red Fee end Emma M. Fee, hi. wlte, ot 'he tlret part, and Oolonlal Land CooplD7 ot the seoond par'. WITBESS!TR. That the 18.1d par'1 ot the tlrlt part, tor and In oona1deratlon at the 8WD or 1 TEl (.10.00 and other val~ble oonsideration) Dollars. lawful mone1 ot the Unl\ed state. ot I I Aaerloa. to them in hand pald by the .ald part, ot the 8830nd part. at or betore the enseall~ and dellyery ot these presents. the reoeipt whereot ls hereb7 aoknowledged, by these prelen~. I do giye. grant, barpln. sell, alien, enteott. .ellllse, release, oonvey and oo~lrm unto the I I said party ot the 8eoond part. and ita 8UOoessors and heirs. that oertain property in \he Cown'1 ot St. Luole and Stkte ot Florlda desoribed as rollows: Allot Blook 7 ot Pin.wood as per map reoorded PIa' Book & page 24 St. Luole Count7 reoorda. KIC3PTIKG.-Frolll the Interseotion ot the oenter linea ot H1blso~ Road and Sunrise HYd., measured Borth easterly alo~ the oen ~r line ot said Sunrlse Bvd, 90 teet to polnt beglnningi thenoe oontln~e n~rtheasterly along said oenter line 360 teeti thenoe to tho rigbt with an angle ot 900 a distanoe ot 143. &&. i thenoe to \he eo~'herly w1 th an .r interior angle ot lOao 01' a distanoe ot 22'.78 teeti thenoe ... . ! I I I , j ~ i i i TOGBTHIR with all and singular the tenements. heredltaments and appurt~nanoea, thereunto . I I ! , i I . I I i i westerly wUh an interior angle or 1040 2~' a distanoe of 50.7. teeti thenoe so~thwesterly with an exterlor angle ot 1220 26' a diatanoe ot 120 teeti thenoe northwed,rl, with an interior angle ot 900 a distaaoe ot 170 teet to polnt ot beglnning oonta1nlng 1.7111 aore. belonging or In anywise appert~ing. and the l'eversion and reversions, rema1Dler and re- mainders. rents, iss~es. and protits \hereot; AND ALSO all the estate. right. title Interes' hOlllestead, dower and right ot dower. separate estate, property. possession. olaim and de~and whatBoeyer. a' law and In equiV. either and both ot the 18.1d parties ot the first part. ot. iD/-. aDd to the same. and every part and paroel thereo ti TO HAVE AIm TO HOLD the above ; I i j desorlbed premise.. eaoh and eyery, unto the sald party ot the seoond part, Its .oooessors helrs and asslgDs, in tee simple. ab.ol~te. indeteaslb11. torever. And the .ald parties ot the tirs' part. tor them and their heirs. exeoutors and administrator Jolntl1 and s.yeraln. 0 oyeDaDt. promise and agree to and wi th the said par ty of the seoond; j part, lte aaDoessors heflr., exeo~tors, admlnietrators and &sslgns, that the .aid parties of . I the tirat part, at the tlme ot the eealing and deli.ery ot these presents, are lawfully sei~d I In tee sl.ple ot a good, absolute and indeteaslble estate ot Inheritanoe ot and In all and eingular \he above do.oribed premises. eabh and ever1, and have good right. tull power and lawful authorU, to oonve1 ~he 88.Ile in II&Dner and torlll atOl'eeaidi that the _1dIPu~y ot ~he .ooond part, U. 8UOO.88ora DKt he1ra and assigns. shall and my. at all \llu. here- I ~ ! l alter, peaoea?l, and q~et11 haY8, hold, ~ae. 00oQp7, po...ss and enJ01 the above desorlbed! pread8... aDd ey.r7 part and paroel thoreot. w1tho~t 8111 let. .~'. tr..)~ble, aolest&Uon. ~ ....i'loa or dlstr~bano. ot the aald parties of the tlrs' ~t. their heirs or &811Sn8, or (It aD7 other ,.rlon or porIOns lawfl11ly olailllng or to 0)&111 the SUWi that the .ame. all i t j 1 o th.r I of \h1 and .inguar. are tr.e. oleu. dhoharged and anlnoambertd ot and tro. all tOl'ller and U U... 010114. and inoa:abranoes of wba' nature aD4 kind soever; bt the .aid par's.. : r~~ "!~ (, :~:t~:~;;~'.':."'Ha" ,. ~ . ..... ~ ; ,~~~:};.:; e:.~.~::'