HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2228 I 42H tlre~ par' ~h~1r helrs, exeo~tors and adminlstratora. eaoh and 8Yery. shall make. exeoute an aoknowledg. 8uoh turther and other deeds and assurances a8 by oounsel learned In the law ma1 be oonsldered reasonably proper to etteot~te the tull intent and ~an1ng ot this In'trument I I I dllorlbsd pre.wes. and wer1 part and paroll thereot, unto the said part1 ot the .eoond parl' 11ta S~OOeI80r8 heirs and aS8igns. against the said parties or the tirst part and their heire' I and aghln'st aU and eyery person or persons whomsoever lawtully olaiming or to olaill the lalllJ. shall and w111 warrent and by theee preSfU tR torever detend. I , i I , ! hands! 1 i ! I I I I ! I i I ADd the lald parties ot the tlrst oar' tor themselves and thelr heirs. the above This alienatlon ls with the Joint oonsent ot h~sband and wite, wher~that relation exists. . . I I ! and t I Signed, i I I Beulah Flelds ISTATK OF FLORIDA . ! COUNTY OF ST. mCIE I i , I p~blio personally app_red Fred Fee and Emma K. Fee his wite. to me well known and kno~n to ! !me to be the Individuals desoribed in and who exeouted the toregoing oonveyanoe to Colonial i land Compan,y and severally aoknowled6ed the exeou tion thereot to be thelr tree 80t and deed i !tor the ~Sts and purposes therein lIlentioned; and the IFred Fe. on a se9~~ate and private examlr.ation taken I ; j and apart tro:ll ht?r I14U bt,-"band. d Id aaknO'iledge the. t she made herselt a I& rty to the lal d , ---..-..... IB WITlESS WHEREOF, the .aid partles ot the tirst part have here~to set their seals eaoh in the presenoe ot two subsoribing witne8ses. seaned and delivered In presenoe ot us: Ethel F. Taylor Fred Fee (Seal) bDa K. Fee (Seal) ss I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on th1a 30th day ot November A. D. 1926, betore me a no tary 1 , 1 and :!l8de by am betore me, and separatel, said Rmma K. Fee the wi~e ot the aaid ~deed ot oonyeyanoe tor the pUt'pose ot renounoing, rel1nq~sh1ng and oonyeying all her right. I !Utle and interest. whether I.'f dower or ot separate propert". stat~tory or equitable, in and Ito the lands therein desoribed, and that she exeo~ted said deed freely and voluntarily and I I !w1tho~t Bn1 oonstraint. tear. apprehension or oOllpulsion ot or trom her said hllsban4. ! i , , S ta te i i i I WI'rlfESS IIl1 signature and offiolal seal at Fort .Pieroe in the County ot St. Luale and the dBy and year last aforesaid. ~thel F. Taylor (Seal) Notar~ P~blio. State at Large. Y7 oommi ssion expires Oat. 9 - 1927. ! STJ..TE i I ;COUllTY OF ST. mCIE . ! 'Fred Fee and Emma K. Fee personallJ known to me to be the indlvi~~ls desoribed In and who SSe I. an ottioer autnorized to take aoknowledgment8 ot deeds, HEREBY CERTIFY. that .......... ............~ f J -<. J ) ) ] . ;.xeo~ted the foregoing Instrusent and that laid 1ndlvld~18 th18 day aoknowledge4 betore me jthat they &Xeo~~d sald Instrument. ( ! WITNESS fIS haDd and ottlolal seal. this 30th by ot ~ovember. J... D. 192~. at For' I iP1eroe ln~~\y and State. I (Seal) \ Ethel F. Taylor i. Jtotar1 PU1110, State at Larg.. 14 I JI.P.S_1. ;' oo_ieaion explree Oot. 9 - 1927. ! ) , ~ i ~Fll.d an}" d on thie 3d~.'t ot Doo. 1925. at 2: "1 P.II. ~ ] I ( : c/>~~Y' P. C'H~r.d. Clerk Clr~ui7'our'. i I ~t.at.seali ~~,~~ B1~ ~/:J~ D.C. 1 I.. . II . " . " .. It ~" . .. . " ..n . .. . .. . .. . " . " . " . " . " . " . II . " . II . II . .. .... " . II . II . .. . II . .. . " ." ." . .. . .. ." ." ... . II. ". ". ". "_ " . II. ". " I . . . . ., . --. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I ','; ..~ ' '"~:: ':':,~ '., ~",. ;~~:. t.;;?~.'.c:). , . " ':'::.iY;::.:;~;';