HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONCRETE TICKETSNOV/Oi1/2018/THU 10:15 AM FAX No, P. 001/002 TITAN Materials for Life- g crete � Load Gallons of Customer,, Tested date >13(>/2' 0.1w,9 r no. )004'92 roldct no. "Thank you - We appreciate your business" VERO DEAGR RM 21i�4 INDUSTRIAL P QER€} BEACH , EC 329L0 Ticket no. -942470 Plant Truck Driver i-{�R� Truck size #�34 14-38 Tt P1PeJoh f3_ A€� Customer name GRDZone 'P&M MARINE CONSTRUCTION TAX CD Customer PO. no. Order no. Terms coder'IAII:�4 t-Charge delivered 3-C.O.D. Time due -- 0634 12-Charee RO.B. 4-CAA •F.0.8. lame and address !012 MARTIN COUNTY Lot clock County .24 WEEN ISABE.LLA CT IuTC~iI M IR ,$ >CRass MERRILL PARPER BRIDGE, TRAi.A fio 109 I MILES, TR RECAP. slump Rid, CONTINUE 110FENS W TL SRVEREIGNWAY, n- QUEEN ISABELLA L. 00 CT D.001 .00 1, .00 . Product U/M Unit price �A ount Ordered i eodp I Description r " 4000 #R PM ENVIRON SURCHG M)9—oic)4 RECEIVED NOV .0 12018 ST. Lucie County, Pttrmitting Arrive job site 5tart discharge Finish discharge Leave job site Arrive plant subtotal f I ;� ; �� sales tax TOTAL I water d d to this concrete will reduce its strength. Ariy water added is at customer's risk, Ater added. Cbllons of water added; _ Gallons of water add d; I Amt of CY Retained:� proval�_,_,;,,,,� Customer Approval;_ Customer Approvaf: I Customer Approval:_,., Tested properly No, Authorized and received by No ❑Yes No C7x a Safety is a constant state of mind, with every employee 'feeling responsible and e I powered to act to cause him and others to work safely, on the belief that a accidents are preventable and that z �ro incidents is the only goal. Lot: Block: Address: Correct Not Correct HOMe O �FICEi NOV/'1/2018/THU 10:15 AM ,J FAX No, P.002/002 r YNTAN "Thank you - We appreciate your business Materials for Life' Ticket no, i m '.� Crete {VERB BEACH AN 34047-1 2724 INDUSTRIAL F VERO BEACH , FL 372960 �- Load ate Plant Truck 17(iVer Truck size Type Job E 3flf ��? $ 34. L3�� DILLARD, R 10 AR GRO no customer name Lone Tag CA 4(}492 -- CuSI +1pMARINE CONSTRUCTIONno Terms [ode t-Chergetle+ivere�-c.o.o. I Time due 4 z•Gharge W.B. 4•C.O.D-F.O.B. 9.- 03 AM Lot Block County ame and address OiR MARTIN COUNTY 24 QUEEN ISAPEI_LA Cif UTCHISON ISLAND Slump is CROSS MERRILL' BAWRER BRIDGE, TRAIG1�WAY10T7 MILES, TA QUEEN ITAl9REGAL b.00 W Ct3t5il' INUE QUEENS RD, CT D. 00 .00 .00 20. 2. 2. Product Lym I Unit priceI Amount Code P0001 Description 130 4000 413 P1M > FUEL_ SERCHG a ENVIFI;ON SURC;HG RECEIVED NOV 01 2018 ST, !�clg 12PHnty, Permitting Arrive job site Start discharge Flnlsh discharge La vi �. 9--Y3 )N,� dial water a ded to this concrete will duce its strength. Any )f water added: Gallon3 of water added: _ Gallons of water added: . n......,..��• / r`-+.mor Annroval: % customer Approval: Tested J,- Tested properly No. 802152 El yes No ❑ Yes ONO _ Safety is -a constant state of mind, with ev '•y employee feeling responsible an empowered to act to cause him an others to work safely, on the belief th all accidents are preventable and tha zero incidents is the only goal. job site Ardve plant Subtotal Sales tax TOTAL em�aclded is at Customer's risk. of CY Retained: Lot: Block-, Address_ HOME OFFICE and recelved by Not Correct