HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - ASPHALT SHINGLES 10-11-18ms Corning Owens Corning -Parkway 10, OR 436.59 1404-7829, EXTERIOR. RESEARCHLA.DESIGN,: LLC. Certffledte of Aqtftqrftq6009503 153 CHRISTIAN',S­TFttMNIT #13V SCANNED OXFORD, CT 06478 (2013) Z6�_-9245 ' FL10674-R13 Date of Issuance:02/06/2012 RevisiOnSt 16109/2017 its Evaluation Report is4 s.ued.un Is der Rule 61G20=3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of instruction materials in the State of, Florida: The documentation submitted has been reviewed. by. Robert Niernilhen. E. for use of the product under the :Florida BuildingCode, aBuildi" Code; Re sidential Volume. The oducts di5scribpd, herein have been .evaluated'for .jia0ce with I Ith the �6 th . Edition (2017) Florida 'Bultding. -Code coons noted herein.. twons'Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles' ' l:es' BE11 - NG: Labeling shall be in accordance with therequirements the Accredited) Quality - ited: uality Assurance Agency noted rein: and FBC'I507.2.7.1 This Evaluation 2.' 6.1. NTINUED COMPLIANCE:;This Report: h _41,ua Won R oft� is' valid until such time as the T(afne'd product(s),,' changes;, the '6.rf!nce,d'ttu6l'!.t.V'Atsurancedocumentation , changes; or provisions of the Cqdq that,relat e. to the product change. ceptance ofth1s. Eviluaiti6n Report -by the, named client 6 onst ' itute�s:agredrnentfo,ncitify Robert N orn ihe 'n, P , E: if :the: ),duct changes; or the., referenced Quality, Atsurance documentation changes. Trinity I ERD requires, a, complete. e16W of this,EVMUation Report relative to updated CodLi,tiequirements with each Codet - yclei' VERTISEMENT: the Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinityl FRDEv ated"Tndy be displayed In. 6tertisling.4itgrapore, if, ar'i0y portion of I the, Evaluation Report is displafyed, then, it shall be done,iriits entirety: Ptcfiom Upon 7 reqqe#;. a copy of this eheire'Eva'luation: Reports.hall.be provided to the user by the manufactqrgr or distributors and shall be available forinsPoLA10W0 at the _Jo " b site at the request; of, the. BtAding officiaL EValjAt1oh Report consists of pages,'! thr.01Ugh -8. Niemineo, P.E. Won No: 59166. FlorldaDCAME1.983 'The facsiftille seal'appearing via&authorlzed byRobert NfdrnfneO, .,Qn 10�09/2017, Thiis.does n t.sery latan electroijically.sianed do-ent. - . 9'. w..,e '. .. iFicATioN OF 11N01EP.1WDtNcE;_ TrinitylERD.; dots not. haftbar does it intend- to acquire -or will it. acquire, a financial interest-. in any company manuf4ctu, ring or distributing products ifevaluaffes. Trinity[ERD is hot -owned, operated or controlled byiInVt6firipany manufacturing or, distributing products it evaluates. Robert Nierninen does no 01. do t had eificir will acquire; a -financial interest in aFfVc rri0ahyrnanufacturing or distributing products for which d ' hith the evaluation reports are being issue Robert Nle.-Mj*h, P.E does, not have, norWilladqUlt6,, a fib4nd6l: interest in any other entity Involve' On the approval process of the ,product. This is a building node evaluation. _Neither' Trinkty,[ERD, nor Robert Nierninen, P.E. are, in. any.. way; the Designer of Record for any project -4!j.which this Evaluation Report, orpreviout V&tiohs thereof, is/was usedJorpermitting or design guidance unless retained` spec0ficallIV'for that out, . p9se. <= TRti'�TY ERD EVALUATION'.. SCOPE.. Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category Asp , haftShingles, CdrnphlandaStdtement: Owens:'Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, -as produced by'0,wen&Cdrning,, hav6 d6"ritfrAted compliance with the follow ing'sections of the 6' Edition (.20,17) Florida Building., Code and Florida Building Code, Res ' idequil Volume '.thr6ugh,,testingl:in,,accordance with the following Standards: Compliance i&.subject to the :Installation Requirements and Limitations./`Condit' ns of ^,We,set forth her6in. STANDARDS' Section, Pro Standards Year. 15,072.53905.14 Physical Properties AS 'TM D3462- 2010: 1507.23.1, R905.2.6.1. Wind ;Resistance ASTM D3161 20 . 16, .1507.2.7.1, 1196S.16.1 Wind ResMance ASTM W1S8 2011 RRFERENas, Entity Examination ;Reference Date UL LLC (CEI19626) Physicals & WindAesistanc6 -File R2453 ` Vol; 3 02/1:5/2067 UL LLC (CEM626) Physicals & Wind11sistance , .9 20120516rR2453 05/102012 UL LLC (TST9628) PhVilcal Properties .06CA20263 04/18/W06 UL LLC (TST9628) Resistance Wind Resist' ' OwWofi UL LM(TST9,619,) Physicals & Wjnd'Resistincel� 4,786d"9'31_A7 '6/01/2014• VL LLC (TST9628) Wind k6lstarpe 478_6126532 0v10/2014 UL LLC (TST9018) Physitail Properties ClassificAian letter u/3:312014 UL LLC. (TST9628j Physical Properti6s las�Mflc - C dtiOn letter 1Q/02/2615 Miami-Dade'.(dR1592 . ) FBC . H.VHZCompliance Various NOAs. WrIous UL LLC (iaUA9625) Qoality. Control Service Co6firmation Exp. 05 /16[2020 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION- 41.1. Asphalt Shingles: 4JA d'as ie and Supreme' are fiberglass relnf6rcgd,_3-tab asphalt roof shingles. 444 ROkshiteo are Aberglass rei'nforced,4,shingles: 4113 DeVorvshltem are fiberglass I reiiiforced,.'S-falyasphalt,t -shffigles, 4.1;4 Duration*,' Trpoofinitidin' Dura r tion Duration`Premium ,C661 Trub4oitloh* . I '0rakrfdgE7 Duration* Designer Color Collection,I TruDefinition,* Cfakef10 dge and WO athier GUard*'P P are fiberg!qss,rei.0forte.d',:I.aminated' asphalt roof shingles, 4.2 HWA-RidgeShiriales: 4.2.1 Berkshirew Hip: & Ridge ShInglesi, High. Ridge, we-atherGuard.7 HP -Hip,'& llidge Shingles,, PrbEdge, Hi &, R Shin lesa d Our Rid P . .9 a WgeTm�Hlp& Rid'geShingles,are,fibergio�4rL-iihfp-rc d, hip,'and,dd' 9 geiasp.halt roof 'shin les. 4.3 Accessory Starter -Strips, 4411 Starter,St'rip-Shingle,Sia-rter'S'tr'io,PIU8 and*St;kter1Shlngle Roll are starter . strip sf6r asphift:roof shingle& LlivirrATIOW .5.1 This isa'building, code evalua !on 'N rf n .evaluation, either'TrinJity, 11ERD nor R'db.ert:,Niemi ?.E, are, in an-V way,, the Designerof Record f0tany prd project on which this Evaluation Report,. or versions thereof; is/was use j t - 6d. tot, per-mitrihg2or. design n guidance unless retained "specifidtillyf6f'that purpose. 9 .5.2 This Evalpai� wn,Report is not fovuse in FBCHVf4Zjuris'dt - jurisdictions iris fas . ­ ­ I . " 5.8 Fire s1fi a !on is hot paft.of'this Evaluation:RepOft refer, �t. to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory Directo for, fire ratings of this product. Research and .Design �.-LLC; Eval0eitton'R.epact,0310.46.6i.il;R8 a-ofAuthorkdffbn#9S03 EDITION' (gp;, I I ) FBC N014 HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674R13 Owens Coming Asphalt Roof shingles- Aevislojii�ib/00/ 17 Page2jotil T -[ERE) -y 5.4 Wind Classification: 5-4:1 All Owens Corning asphalt shingles noted herein are -Classified in accordance, with FBC 16WOs,15072,74 03IL61i:Closs:F:and/or MTM6-1"150,.Clast,w,i.ndi'C ng:ihe;s'hinglesare,�acceptable- t - fbit'Uselb, all. wind zones- up. to VId '150 mph IV�jf 194 mph}. Refer 0 Section 6 for in stallation stal Ratio; requirements to meet this wind rating, 14-2, ;AI ' I QyVqns- Corning hi & ridge shingles Starter St Shingle Starter Strjp�*Plus noted, herein are. p rip 5411 W Ahd�, classified in accordance with FB.0 Tables 15.00'21�A and 119052.601 to ASTM D3161 Ctass:f, indicating .shingle are acceptable.11. A, 1the fo.ru��0,i�-611wind..zones..upto.-V.,&#1150,tnph,(V�i,=i 4'rhob). Ref6r'to=Section6.for InstO I lat I0n-(04U1e6rh0hts:to meet1his:witld rating. 5.43 •Classification„ by ASTIVI 011p8i600(fes.to,'exposure : category, S or C, qsAef1hed in FBC1609X3j: and a mean, roof height of. 00'feot or' less. Calculations by a qualified'.desigri professional are; required' for conditions outside -these. Jimitati'ons. Contact -the shingle manUfattUrerfor data specific to each sh ingle: 4.4.4 Aeferto,QWens Corning published information On wind I [resistance and 'installation HirnitatibrIS. All products in the, roof -assembly sh4ll:have;,,qoaVity, assurance audit in accordancewithl F.A.C. ROle.,016704, INSTALLATION'; derlaVment: 6.1.1 U, irfayffiorit shall be acceptable to Oweps� Cpr '0g;,'ah shall; hold Me- n! ,d:sh I!: Current: Florida .$t4t4W.1de Prodbtt Approval, or be"LocaJ1.,yApproved. per Rule 61GM3, per FBC,1507.23 r 11905,23., 6.2 AsphailtShinales., Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning "current,' published instbjbtiorvs; -using minimum f0u.r (4) nails 00e shingle in :accordance with rBC 1501.2.1 or -1905-2.0, with the following exceptions: .Berkshire' shingles require: rnin(tnurnfirvo (S) rtall§ pdrtshingle. >1 Weather.04prd'Oshingles teouk6minimurnsix (0) nails pershingle:, )w beVonshire?m shingles require minimum Mxnails , Is poe'shirig!iL, jol Starter Strip Shingle:. and Starteettelb Plos, req'uire�nifnimurn five (5) nailsper "strip, Refer to, Owens .Corning published 'information on Ind res!St nce;and I'n-si lI atiop ftitaticins, 6.1.2` FdsOners shall be in accordance, 'With the Mandfacturees,:published requirerrfents, but not less than 1507.-2.,6 or 9 n %05�.2�56 StAoli?s�ar6, ot permitted.. 6.24, Where the roof slope eXteeds. 21 units',vertical In 121 qq(ts: 4 nl, special inethod prizon., , � methods of fastening are r,equir..ed, See figures below for details. 6.2.5 Minirnarn. Nading — Starter Strip Shffigle.anc!.Starter Sirip0l's E%Ouektiori Report,037946.02.il4a, 6T"'EDIT1041 (9Q171 F8C 0(jN-14V4i9VALUkTjijN FU0041113 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Sfilingles 10/09/2017- Page lof 8 6.2 6 MinimumNalUng l - ClOsAtO & SuOreme. � 62.7- [VtinitnumNail,l'pg—�'i3e,r44f.r.om- Sfa'hdkro FaAerfing Pattern. and M41gn,.kVp- E-R-D Tfu' :6-Nail Fat.tehing-Pattern Mansard'OrSteep.:Slope Fastening Pattern 67" EDITiON12017fFBC NJON' !HVHZ'EVAWAT.lO,m -Owensrorning Asphalt Roof Shingles .Evalua#omRepott;031940:02.12=R8 FLIG674413 Revh1cilvS. 1010912017. Pagd4W'S 6.18 M.I.W.Mum Nailing —,Devonshire % Th-l" it Ste T � YAp ,iE 6.2.9. Mini, . 0 F Cool A TruDef1hiltiori7 DurationO TrubefiniflonO Duration DdraitionO Premium C Duration. Designert-olaIr Collection: 17 RSF st anda a OT stening P6tterm Si'00e Fast6nine Pattern 6-NaOlIFAstening Pattern r(or Research and beglip, LLC. Evaluation Report oj7ko.OzAj.M Mdf Adtharkadan 0503 6-EDMON (260) F8C,7NGN-AVkZ-EVALUATION TL . 106 74-R13 Owens Coming, Asphalt RdofSfilfiglies Revision evislon 8- i0/0013017. -Page 5 of 6.2.1 k4ldimuin Nailing —TruDefinition*OakridgeO'.Clakridge*-, Standard Faste aern Pattern 6.2.1 Minimum 4ailing—Weatheroue(rd.11 HP-. 5-N I On "All -0; N [ERD ming'Pattern and.Oesign,-LLC-. Evaluation Reooit'03794047-12=118 kQtidrf,#9503 GPlEDrr[ON (2017) F4C.,,N0N.HV — I REVALUATION FLID674-RI3 0Wens.Corning,4sphalfRoof. shingles Revision 8. Iqj69/2017 Page i,of a -ERD -PTY, Ti IN 6.3 Hip & Ridge Shingles:. 63.1 installation of geiksfih r,,O Hip and RidgOr Shingles,.High, Rlclge�.WeatherGuard* NO Hip and 'Ridge Shingles and: ProEdge. 'Hip & Ridge Shingles shall ,comply with; th,6,0Webs Cderiffigzurrent published instructions, using. four (4) hails: per shingle: Installati6h of DuraffidgeTm HiO& Ridge' Shingles -- shall comply with tbe Owens Corning; -current published instructions,, using ,two (1) nails,' pee,shiftle,4 Refer to, Owens .Corning published information on wind resistance and installation; I[Mitations, including the use: of harld=sealing for wild Wa-fr4rities. 0.31. - Fasteners shall 'be in accordance. with the, maoufqqqrqr's publishedreqOiremen4, but.,not less; than FOC 1507.2iti or W5.2.9. Staples arenot permitted,, 6.31.13 Minimum Nailing- RerkshiregP Hip & Ridge and High; Ridg e; 6.3.4 Minimum.Nailin.g—•WeatherGuard.® 14P Hip and Ridge: Design, 4C� (PIDIT16M 2017) FBC NON '-HVH'4-IW4kUAjION Owens'Carning Asphaft,11oof Shingles, Pvaluatlbn Report OA7040.62.127118: F1.10674413. ReWsiar'$- S0/99/20 - i7' Page 7 of 8, I F^rRD TTY, O.a.S. Minimum Nailing,- ProEdge Hip& kicloWngletz P00111029, - VVIndPirtedon O.L. 643,6 Midirrig m Nailing - Pqrakidie'Rip & Wifte Shiingles:, Note: The drawings below low Ortain,2W minimum -tested Aftochm f0to'Owens Corning as ent require Re u P b.11shod, installation instructions for their min-imu'm e -"'t" requiremems., 7.1 Labeling shall be in :accordance with: e ther -cipireffiehits the Accredited, Quality Assuran­­A' 6d C9.11 Agency not-._ herejn,, 72 Asphalt' shingle wfappers.shall indicate compliance with one of the:rqqWrecletailed'In F9C. Table 1507.2.741 [R905.2.6.1. 'BUILOI!4r4i,PkRMrr.ftEQUIREME"- A r -y the -H -, properly evaluate I - . risiallation-Of s, reqqi00 b , ' e Building Official.or Authority, qvipg Jurisdiction in order to .this product:. 'MANUFACTURING -PLANTS:, Contact the named QA, entity for ,'information: on, which plants produce products, covered by Florida Rules 9N-a QA requirements. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: ULTLC— ,Q 9625-fo UA 31) 546-2458, garichi,,Agr4wiila-Ookania@ul.com ENID-OFIVAI:POON REPORT - Evaluation Report 0379 , 40.02.12=Rg tP kOMO4-,(201'7YF'6C kdN-HVHZEVALUATION FLI0674R11 IDWemCorrWkg,AsOhaIr,R6of kevisloti1: Sh1hgles 10/09/2017 Page-O.of